走着走着,忽然听见一个声音:“小妹妹,你放学啦?”“我”抬头一看,一位陌生的中年男子出现在“我”的面前。“嗯,放学了。”“我”随口回了一句。“我是你爸爸的同事,你不认识我了吗?”陌生人笑眯眯地对“我”说。“我”抬头看了看他,心里在回忆那些我见过的爸爸的同事,“我这有几粒好吃的糖给你吃。”说完他拉住“我”的手,拿出几粒糖给我。“我”心里在想,这个人“我”没见过呀,他是认错人还是……。“我”灵机一动问道:“你也是开卡车的吗?我爸爸今天开车去哪了?”“对!对!你爸爸开车出去了,叫我来接你”。说完陌生人剥了一粒糖,想往“我”嘴里塞。“是坏人,我爸爸根本不是开车的。”“我”心里一下子紧张起来,怎么办?平时在电视中和报刊杂志上看到过不少坏人骗小孩的案件,今天被“我”遇见了,怎么办?他手里的糖肯定有问题,“我”决不能吃。“我是不吃糖的,难道我爸爸没和你说过吗?”“我”急中生智地说,“噢,我忘了。”陌生人无奈地把糖放进袋里,“我带你去见你爸爸。”他拉着我的手说道。“我”慢吞吞地走着,大脑却在高速运转着,平时爸 爸妈妈教过我很多自救自护的方法,杂志上也有好多这方面的文章。对了,我有办法了。“每次去爸爸那里,我都会帮爸爸买包烟的,我们去小店买好烟就去爸爸那儿。”“我”笑嘻嘻地对陌生人说,“那好吧,要快点,你爸爸在等你。”看着他那自以为是的样子,“我”不禁暗暗在笑:你上当了。陌生人拉着我的手来到小店,这时,“我”指着远处迎面而来的男子说道:“爸爸,你怎么回来了。”一旁的陌生人脸一下子紧张起来,紧紧拉着我的手也突然松开了。“我”对陌生人说:“爸爸回来了,我们过去吧!”“不、 不,我有事先走了。”只见他惊慌失措地说道,然后往后面跑去,一眨眼就不见了踪影。
Sometimes I think it is funny how folks forget that the Earth is in constant motion, slow motion yes, but it is constantly moving. We call it such things as; Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics and those occasional Earthquakes, lave flows, extreme weather and constant ocean waves. The Earth is moving, it has always been moving and it will continue to move long after you and your family and your family's families walk upon it's surface and expire. Although Earthquakes are not so common, they are known events, they are part of the Earth's movement. To deny the fact that there will be another Earthquake in your future is to deny yourself and your family the much needed preparation and protection that is paramount for survival and insurance that your property will remain unharmed. There are so many things folks can do, common sense things that they needlessly look over. For instance; having a tool to turn off their gas, water and water heater nearby perhaps attached by chain next to the valves, if a quick hand switch does not exist. Common sense should be exercised, and you must consider the breakables and where you place them in your home, if there are things you cannot afford to lose, consider special placement. Watch for things above your bed that might hit you or your children in the head. Keep flammables in the garage on the ground, and in the kitchen consider things that will fall from shelves. You would be amazed at the simple things you can do in advance to protect yourself and family. Perhaps you might take a couple of minutes this week to search for tips on the Internet, from a reliable government approved website. Just 15 minutes of your time and then think about it for a bit, do the simple things first, just be aware. This post is not meant to scare you, it is meant to help you, preparation will give you strength and safety, think on it.