造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Objective: To study the effect of long-term administration of CBZ on the structure and function of rats' cerebellum.(目的:研究长期服用卡马西平对大鼠小脑结构及功能的影响。)
2、The pons the cerebellum and the medulla oblong ata composed the hindbrain.(脑桥、小脑和延髓组成了后脑。)
3、The cerebellum contains about three million neurons, which also allows you to once again experience the complexity of these systems.(小脑包含大约三百万个神经元,这也能够让你再次体会到这些系统的复杂性。)
4、Damage to the cerebellum can disrupt motor activity in other ways.(小脑损伤可能连带影响运动机能。)
5、Sickness newspaper spot many middle the skin pitfall face body, pons, cerebellum stem, skull circle suddenly.(病报部位多在肤阱脸体、脑桥、小脑茎中部、颅骨圈突部。)
6、A rise in non-verbal IQ saw more grey matter develop in theanterior cerebellum – associated with hand movements.(非言语智力提升时,我们则可以清楚地看到在小脑前部产生了更多的灰质——这一部位与手部运动相关。)
7、The enzyme was negative in the regions of cartilage martrix, molecular layer and granular layer of cerebellum.(软骨基质,小脑皮质分子层和颗粒层等部位酶呈阴性。)
8、There's also research suggesting damage to the cerebellum might affect FAS, too.(研究还表明,小脑的损伤可能对外国语音综合症也有影响。)
9、Of the cerebellum: the nucleus medialis and lateralis.(小脑:小脑内侧核和小脑外侧核。)
10、cerebellum - controls muscle function.(小脑——控制肌肉功能。)
11、MRI shows a cystic mass located in the vermis of the cerebellum that has a solid component on the right.(MRI显示囊性部分位于小脑蚓部,在右侧具有实性部分。)
12、We can have the greatest understanding of how the cerebellum lights up in response to stimuli.(我们能够对小脑如何在刺激条件下做出反应给予最出色的解释。)
13、Putamen, thalamus and cerebellum were found to involve in the cognitive process of Chinese characters.(还发现在汉字的认知加工过程中有豆状核、丘脑及小脑的参与。)
14、The part of the brain that is associated with tickling is the cerebellum.(脑部与怕痒有关的部位是小脑。)
15、Here we see the endings of axons in the cerebellum, called rosettes because of their flowerlike appearance.(我们可以看到小脑轴突末端被称为花结的部分,之所以取这样的名字是因为它们的外形就如同花朵一般。)
16、Their cerebellum seems to be smaller than normal, and their limbic system is impaired.(他们的小脑似乎小于正常,他们的边缘系统受损。)
17、Role of the cerebellum in timing.(小脑在时间测定的角色。)
18、The objective is to observe the crossed cerebellum diaschisis after focal cerebral ischemia and the interventional effects of ligustrazine.(目的是观察大鼠局灶性脑缺血后小脑失联络现象及中药川芎嗪的干预作用。)
19、But the reduced cerebellum size was seen even in babies given very small doses of the glucocorticoids.(但是他们也发现,即使给婴儿注射很少量的糖皮质激素也会导致其小脑的尺寸偏小。)
20、Pontine nucleus ( PN ) is the most important relayed nucleus between cerebrum and cerebellum.(桥核是大、小脑之间最重要的中继核团。)
21、Active play may provide necessary stimulation to the growth of synaptic connections in the brain, especially the cerebellum, which is responsible for motor functioning and movements.(积极游戏行为可能为大脑突触连接的生长提供必要的刺激,尤其是在负责运动功能和运动的小脑。)
22、They ended up with eight carrying the gene in the cortex and cerebellum of their brains.(最后,他们得到了八只大脑皮层和小脑中带有该基因的猴子。)
23、The cerebellum is responsible for body balance and muscular coordination.(小脑负责维持身体平衡,与协调动作。)
24、They have connections with cerebellum, cuneate nucleus, superior olivary nucleus and abducent nucleus.(它们与小脑,楔形核,上橄榄核和外展核有联系。)
25、A little extra Vasoactive Peptide in the cerebellum?(抑或是小脑中的一些额外的血管活性肽作用了?)
26、Objective To improve MRI diagnostic accuracy of tumors in cerebellum.(目的:提高小脑肿瘤的MRI诊断准确率。)
27、The second largest part of the brain is the cerebellum, which sits beneath the back of the cerebrum.(大脑中第二大部位是小脑,位于大脑半球的后方。)
28、the hindbrain sits underneath the back end of the cerebrum, and it consists of the cerebellum, pons, and medulla.(后脑位于大脑后端的下方,由小脑、脑桥和延髓构成。)
29、To avoid the occurrence of incomplete development of the cerebellum after walking long fall, etc.(避免以后出现小脑发育不完全走路长摔倒等情况。)
30、To cerebellum, no matter what raids is one of its characteristics.(对小脑的任袭是其特点之一。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。