

2023-04-04 来源:客趣旅游网




  进了正殿,可以看到主神-观世音菩萨。在第二次界大战中,龙山寺正殿曾被炮火击中,殿堂全毁,但此神像却丝毫无损,所以让信徒更加敬拜。来到后殿和左、右翼殿,会看到很多的神佛,有人说 “龙山寺是众神的聚会所”,就是说庙内可供奉的神佛非常多,号称主、附神约有一百多尊。在这里可注意后殿殿前的一对人物石柱,造形生动,和一般寺庙以 “龙”为题材石柱不同。此外,左、右翼殿入口外侧的壁面,有“红毛番吹法螺”的石雕,也和香炉上“憨番抬庙角”有相同的趣味性。每日来龙山寺参拜的善男信女络绎不绝,每年的元宵节灯会,更是人潮汹涌,热闹非常。












  After the September 18th Incident in 1931, the Japanese aggressors pushedforward step by step, and the treasures stored in Beiping Palace Museum moved tothe south. Under the chairmanship of Ma Heng, the president of the PalaceMuseum, about 200000 pieces of antiquities were removed from the palace museumafter selection, cataloguing, numbering and packing, including the travel map ofXi Shan.

  The antiquities were stored in Shanghai, transported to Sichuan on the eveof the Anti Japanese War, moved back to Nanjing after the victory of the AntiJapanese War, and moved from Nanjing to Chinese Taiwan in 1948. Fortunately, althoughthe war was in chaos and the war was raging, the cultural relics weretransported for a long time and the roads were dangerous, but there was nodamage or loss. It was a miracle indeed.

  The Palace Museum, located in waishuangxi, covers an area of 20 squaremeters. It was built in 1962 and completed in 1965 in commemoration of Sun YatSen's birthday. The whole building imitates the form of the Palace Museum inBeijing and adopts the Chinese palace style design. It has a magnificentappearance and carries green mountains. It is where the elite art of Chinesecultural relics collection lies.

  Before entering the Palace Museum Square, you can see a memorial archwaycomposed of six stone pillars. On the archway, you can see a bronze tripodengraved with the word "fraternity".

  The collection of the Imperial Palace Museum in Chinese Taiwan includes the essenceof old Beijing, the Imperial Palace, Shenyang the Imperial Palace and theoriginal river and so on. There are about 700 thousand pieces of cultural relicsdonated by people from all walks of life at home and abroad. They are dividedinto 14 categories: calligraphy, ancient paintings, inscriptions, bronzes, jadearticles, ceramics, stationery, carved lacquers, enamels, sculptures,miscellaneous items, embroidery and silk, books, and literature. The museumoften maintains about 5000 pieces of calligraphy, painting and cultural relicson display, and holds various special exhibitions regularly or irregularly. Theexhibits in the museum are replaced every three months.

  According to the calculation of 5000 exhibits every three months and 20000exhibits every year, there are 700000 pieces in the collection here, which canonly be seen in 35 years without falling down at a time. This is not comparableto the general Museum collection.
