2.你能否让自己的梦想成真取决于你的努力而不是运气。 3.你怎么想以及你怎么做会影响到的你人生。
4.Where our language is stored in the brain and how the form and meaning are stored and whether the form and meaning are stored in the same place or in a different place are still major problems for psychologists to probe into. 5.这一计划是否可行还有待证实。
6.Why we need to love and hate and why we need to set a clear line between our love and hate are commonplace questions, but these questions, though commonplace, defy easy answers. 7.任何一个人想达到一个长远目标,必须走好每一小步。 8.在这个世界上,你所爱的任何东西都会回馈给你爱。 9.很明显他已经尽力而为了。