

2020-12-08 来源:客趣旅游网

English: Procrastination is a habit that many people struggle with, myself included. In order to break this habit, it is important to first understand the underlying reasons behind the procrastination. One common reason for procrastination is a fear of failure or

perfectionism. By recognizing these thoughts and challenging them, we can start to change our mindset. Another reason for

procrastination is a lack of motivation or interest in the task at hand. In this case, breaking down the task into smaller, manageable steps can help make it feel less daunting. Setting realistic goals and deadlines can also provide a sense of accountability and motivation. It is also important to identify and eliminate distractions that contribute to procrastination, such as social media or excessive screen time. Creating a designated workspace free from distractions can help improve focus and productivity. Developing a routine or schedule can also be beneficial in staying on track and avoiding procrastination. Remember, breaking a habit takes time and effort, but with self-awareness and determination, it is possible to overcome procrastination and achieve our goals.

中文翻译: 拖延是许多人都在努力应对的习惯,包括我在内。要打破这个习惯,首先要了解拖延背后的原因是至关重要的。拖延的一个常见原因是害怕失败或完美主义。通过认识这些想法并挑战它们,我们可以开始改变我们的心态。拖延的另一个原因是缺乏动力或对手头任务的兴趣。在这种情况下,将任务拆分成更小、可管理的步骤可以帮助让它变得不那么可怕。设定实际的目标和截止日期也可以提供一种问责和动力感。同样重要的是要识别和消除导致拖延的干扰因素,比如社交媒体或过多的屏幕时间。建立一个没有干扰的指定工作空间可以帮助提高专注力和生产力。制定一个常规或日程表也有助于保持正轨,避免拖延。请记住,改变一个习惯需要时间和努力,但通过自我意识和决心,克服拖延并实现我们的目标是可能的。
