首字母是由几个单词的首字母组成的(例如UN就是United Nations)。在短信中,首字母是常用的短语。此外,单独的字母也可能取代听起来类似的单词。看看这些例子:
OIC -Oh I see。
BRB -Be right back…
BFN -Bye for now
LOL -Laughing out loud
ASAP -As soon as possible
BTW -By the way…
FYI -For your information…
JK -Just kidding
TTYL -Talk to you later
SMS的缩写和一般的\"don't\"或者\"they're\"的缩写不一样,但是意图是一样的:去掉不必要的部分同时保持意思明确。元音常被去除,但仍能辨别出单词一般发音。数字8有时代表eight的音,因此later 变成了l8r。数字4也常用于替代for 就象2取代to。看这些SMS的缩写:
Plz - Please
Thx - Thanks
Cya - See you
L8r - Later
K - OK
U - You
R - Are
B4 - Before
2morro - Tomorrow
* & - and
* 0 - nothing
* 2 - two, to, too
* 2DAY - today
* A - a / an
* B - be
* B4 - before
* BC - because
* BF - boyfriend
* BK - back
* BRO - brother
* BT - but
* C - see
* D8 - date
* DNR - dinner
* EZ - easy
* F8 - fate
* GF - girlfriend
* GR8 - great
* HOLS - holidays
* HV - have
* I - I, it
* Its - it is
* KDS - kids
* L8 - late
* L8R - later
* M8 - mate
* NE1 - anyone
* PLS - please
* PS - parents
* QT - cutie
* R - are
* SIS - sister
* SKOOL - school
* SMMR - summer
* U - you
* WR - were
* A3 - anyplace, anytime, anywhere
* ASAP - as soon as possible
* B4N - Bye for now
* BAU - business as usual
* BRB - I’ll be right back.
* BTW - by the way
* CUL - see you later
* CWOT - complete waste of time
* FTF - face to face
* FYI - for your information
* GMTA - great minds think alike
* HAND - have a nice day
* HRU - how are you
* ICBW - it could be worse
* IDTS - I don’t think so
* IMHO - in my humble opinion
* IYKWIM - if you know what I mean
* JK - just kidding
* KOTC - kiss on the cheek
* LOL - laughing out loud
* LSKOL - long slow kiss on the lips
* LTNS - long time no see
* Luv U - I love you.
* Luv U2 - I love you too.
* MON - the middle of nowhere
* MTE - my thoughts exactly
* MU - I miss you.
* MUSM - I miss you so much.
* NP - no problem
* OIC - oh, I see
* PC&QT - peace and quiet
* PCM - please call me
* ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing
* RUOK - are you ok?
* THNQ - thank you
* U4E - you forever
* UROK - you are okay
* WUCIWUG - what you see is what you get
* WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get
* XLNT - exellent