This article is from TIMES , written by Bryan Walsh. Dec.1,2007
Team Activity: I.
background information 1. IPCC 2. UNFCCC 3. Kyoto Protocol
4. Bali Climate change conference ( Bali Action Plan) 5. President George Bush’s policy on climate change 6. Natural Resource Defense Council 7. General Electric 8. Johnson &Johnson 9. Shell II.
organization analysis
III. translate the following sentences:
1. This year the UN's Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a series of reports that laid to rest any doubts that global warming is real — and outlined the frightening consequences of continued inaction. (para1 line 2)今年政府间气
2. Unfortunately, the global political community is a long way from
speaking with one voice on anything, and climate change is no exception.(Para.2) 遗憾的是,全球政治界对任何事情都无法
3. It was at the 1997 conference, held in Japan, that the Kyoto Protocol was passed, but since then, there’s been little progress, thanks in no small part to President George W. Bush’s determined foot dragging on climate change.(Para. 2)
4. Given how long international treaties take to be developed and ratified, the world needs to begin immediately at Bali the process of preparing a successor to Kyoto to be ready by the end of 2012 — otherwise, we’ll be faced with a global vacuum at the very moment when greenhouse emissions must begin falling in order to avoid dangerous climate change. (Para.3)鉴于国际条约的制定和批准
5. The good news is that the White House is seemingly the only place green hasn't gone mainstream. (para4 line 1)好消息是说,白宫
6. Just last week, 150 top global corporations — including General Electric, Johnson & Johnson and Shell — endorsed a petition calling for mandatory cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, a business position unthinkable just a year ago. (para4 line 2) 就在上周, 全球前
7. The U.S. has long maintained that it won’t sign onto a new deal unless the developing countries are included in a more substantive way — a position unlikely to change even when the occupant of the White House does. (Para.5)美国长久以来一直认为,它不会签
8. Despite the fact that we are rapidly running out of time to cap carbon emissions(para6 line 1)尽管事实上我们正迅速流逝碳排放
9. With the Bush Administration nearing lame duck status, a 2010 deadline would give a new U.S. Administration time — though not much time — to enter the process and hopefully take a leading
position. (Para.6)随着布什即将离任, 2010年的最后期限
10. That extra time might also allow China or India to soften their negotiating tactics, and perhaps accept lesser limitations, such as mandatory targets in energy efficiency or renewable power use. (para6 line 7)这一额外的时间也可能让中国或印度去软化
11. The whole process can seem frustratingly slow, considering how dire the threat of climate change is — as if we were convening a town hall meeting to decide to put out a fire that is already raging. (para7 line 1)在整个过程中似乎缓慢的令人沮丧,考虑如此可怕的