专利名称:Method and Computer Program Product for
Processing Chromatograms Obtained by aProcess Gas Chromatograph
发明人:Aosheng WANG,Ray Dean Shepherd申请号:US13072036申请日:20110325
摘要:The invention relates to a method for processing chromatograms obtained by aprocess gas chromatograph in a plurality of subsequent measurements of a process
stream. To reduce the computational effort and time while maintaining high accuracy, themethod comprises collecting a set of chromatograms from a predefined number ofsubsequent measurements, selecting one of the chromatograms of the set as a
reference chromatogram, aligning solely by cross-correlation and shifting each other ofthe collected chromatograms to the selected chromatogram, performing a multivariateanalysis on the aligned chromatograms to extract systematic information, performing,based on the information, a peak analysis on the latest chromatogram of the set andoutputting the result of the peak analysis, and for a new measurement, excluding thechromatogram of the oldest measurement from the set of chromatograms, including thechromatogram from the new measurement and continuing with the step of selecting oneof the chromatograms of the set as a reference chromatogram
申请人:Aosheng WANG,Ray Dean Shepherd
地址:Eden Prairies MN US,Tulsa OK US