
Method and apparatus for consolidated buffer handl

2021-01-29 来源:客趣旅游网

专利名称:Method and apparatus for consolidated

buffer handling for computer deviceinput/output

发明人:David F. Harrison,Russell T. Williams,Thomas

E. Saulpaugh


摘要:A computer has a device driver and an operating system that call a consolidatedbuffer service routine to coordinate the transfer of data between a main memory and anexternal device. The consolidated buffer service routine includes a memory preparationservice routine and a memory checking service routine. The memory preparation serviceroutine coordinates data transfers between the external device and the memory with theoperating system and a data cache, and with other data transfers. The memorypreparation service routine ensures that the buffer remains assigned to the memoryranges until the memory checking service routine relinquishes the buffer. Before callingthe memory preparation service routine, an I/O preparation table is set which defines theaddresses and the type of addresses of the buffer, the size of the data to be transferred,the page size of the buffer, and flags defining data flow and type.


代理机构:Fenwick & West, LLP

