专利名称:Food product steamer
发明人:Terry Tae-Il Chung,Loren Veltrop,Wieslaw
Tomczyk,Donald Van Erden,Jack Guasta
摘要:A food product steamer includes rotatable platforms that can be covered anduncovered by one or more rotatable, concave hoods. In a first position for theplatform(s), the platform(s) supports a food product over a steam-emitting opening
above a steam generator. In a first position for the hood, the hood covers the foodproduct such that steam from the steam generator is trapped within the hood to steamthe food product. In a second, open position, the hood is rotated where it can receive thefood product when the food product slides or falls off the platform as the platform isrotated from its first position to a second, elevated position. At least one embodimentenables food products to be removed from either side of the steam generating base byusing a double-acting hinge.
申请人:Terry Tae-Il Chung,Loren Veltrop,Wieslaw Tomczyk,Donald Van Erden,JackGuasta
地址:Bartlett IL US,Chicago IL US,Wheeling IL US,Grayslake IL US,Glendale Heights ILUS
代理机构:Ryndak & Suri LLP