
Stochastic modeling of tar molecular weight distribution during coal pyrolysis

2023-02-12 来源:客趣旅游网
95102903 Some critical combustion aspects of reformulated heating fuels Win Lee, S. and Fung, D. P. Fuel, Feb. 1995, 74, (2), 147-152. The combustion characteristics of six middle distillate oil blends were examined using the controlled combustion testing facilities at the Energy Research Laboratories of the Canada Centre for Minerals and Energy Technologies (UNMET). Test fuels were specifically prepared for a research project to study the impact of changes in commercial heating fuel composition on the combustion performance of a residential heating appli- ance. Compositional formulation was modified in such a way that the fuel properties still met Canadian national heating flue specifications. The experimental combustion conditions were set to reflect possible poor oper- ating situations found in the field and to accelerate the emissions data acquistion process. 95102904 Soot formation In weakly buoyant acetylene-fueled lamlnar Jet dlffuslon flames burnlng In air S$$rtd, P. B. et al., Combustion & Flame, Jan. 1995, 100, (l), The structure and soot properties of weakly buoyant, acetylene-fueled, laminar jet diffusion flames were studied experimentally for combustion in air at pressures of 0.125-0.250 atm. Properties along the axis, where soot processes are similar to behaviour within nonbuoyant diffusion flames, were emphasized. 95102905 Staged combustion effects of coal-water slurry In hlgh-Intensity combustion Hirai, T. and Nagai, N. Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B-hen, 1994, 60, (573), 1815-1821. (In Japanese) Describes a study of staged combustion of coal-water mixture fuel under relatively high-intensity conditions. A slit-type atomizer was used to study the effect of spray and air flow on flame stability. NO, reduction was also studied. 95lO2906 Stochastic modellng of tar molecular welght dlstrl- butlon durlng coal pyrolysis Chen, W. Y. et al., Chem. Eng. Sci, 1994, 49, (22), 3687-3698. A stochastic population balance of the coal pyrolysis system was adopted to derive a master equation for predicting the statistics of the molecular weight distribution of tar as a function of time. The tar produced during pyrolysis was assumed to undergo decomposition to low molecular weight compounds. The system containing all tar molecules was lumped into a limited number of states, each representing a particular molecular weight range. The model was compared with experimental data obtained with both a heated-grid reactor and an entrained-flow reactor to recover the major parameters of the model. 95102907 Strained dlssl atlon and reactlon la er analyses of nonequlllbrlum chemistry P n turbulent reacting Y lows Bish, E. S. and Dahm, W. J. Combustion & Flame, Feb. 1995, 100, (3), 457-464. A physically based formulation relating the chemical state of none- quilibrium combustion in turbulent flows to the mixing state of a conserved scalar is presented. The present strained dissipation and reaction layer approach is motivated by results from detailed imaging studies of scalar mixing in turbulent flows, which show that essentially all the instantaneous scalar energy dissipation rate field is confined to locally one-dimensional layer-like structures. 95fO2900 A study of carbon monoxlde In a series of lamlnar ethylene/air diffusion flames using tunable diode laser absorp tlon spectroscopy Skaggs, R. R. and Miller, J. H. Combustion & Flame, Feb. 1995, 100, (3), 430-439. Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy has been used to map carbon monoxide concentrations and temperatures in a series of laminar ethy- lene/air, axisymmetric diffusion flames. As the quantity of soot increased, temperatures near the tip of the flames were observed to decrease. Carbon monoxide concentration profiles were found to depend on soot levels with the most dramatic differences apparent along the centreline beyond the stoichiometric surface. These measurements were combined with literature data to calculate oxidation rates for both soot and carbon monoxide. It was found that the oxidation rate for CO low in the flames was larger than that near the visible flame tip, which is attributable to both lower hydroxyl radical concentrations and temperatures at the tip. 09 Combustion (burners, combustion systems) 95102909 Sulfur trsnsformatlons durlng pyrolysis of a hlgh sulfur Pollsh coking coal Gryglewicz, G. Fuel, Mar. 1995, 74, (3), 356-361. A coking coal containing 4.9 wt%, db, of sulphur was subjected to pyroly- sis at 330-1700°C in an atmosphere of evolved gases. The changes in the forms of sulphur were determined by wet chemical analysis. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with X-ray microanalysis were used to monitor the reduction of pyrite during coal pyrolysis and the retention of sulphur by the alkali constituents of the coal mineral matter. It was found that between 360 and 700°C the conversion of pyrite to ferrous sulphide occurred. This was accompanied by a high accumulation of organic sulphur in the char. Calcite and siderite present in the mineral matter of the coal were responsible for a further increase in sulphide sulphur. Spherical agglomerates composed of calcium and iron sulphides were detected. 95/02910 Superadlabatlc combustion of methane alr mlx- tures under flltratlon In a packed bed Zhdanok, S. et al., Combustion & Flame, Jan. 1995, 100, (l), 221-231. Filtration combustion in porous media differs substantially from combus- tion in a homogeneous media. The difference is the heat transfer between the filtrated gas and the porous medium under conditions of active heat transfer over a highly developed internal solid surface. The reactive trans- fer is characterized by a thermal wave velocity that determines the velocity of heat accumulation in a porous medium due to the filtrated flow and by a reaction wave velocity. A resonance condition can occur when both veloci- ties nearly coincide and the heat of reaction becomes localized in a moving thermal wave. A temperature can be reached much in excess of the adia- batic reaction temperature and thus self-propagating reactions are possible even in a weakly exothermic medium. 95/02911 A theoretlcal study of the mechanism of Intrapar- tlcle mass transport of volatile8 during pyrolysis of nonsoften- Ing coal. Application to secondary tar reactlons Gilot, P. and Stanmore, B. R. Energy & Fuels, Jan.-Feb. 1995, 9, (l), 126-135. The nature of the mass-transfer processes of volatile components released inside pulverized coal particles during pyrolysis is examined by means of a mathematical model. 95102912 Thermal decomposltlon of RDX and mixtures Hussain, G. and Rees, G. J. Thermal decomposition of pure Fuel, cJclotrimethylene Feb. 1995, 74, (2), 273-277. trimtramine (RDX) shows an endothermic .peak at .205 C attnbuted to meltme, followed by exothermic decomposrtron leadmg to a strong peak at 240 C, and a very strong thermogravrmetric peak at 260°C with a mass loss of 95%. How- ever, the mixture of RDX, nitrocelhrlose and carbon (FX 300) shows a melting peak at 202°C with reduced intensity, and a decomposition peak at 255°C. A strong exothermic shoulder at 218”C, from the decomposition of nitrocellulose and other materials in the mixture is also seen. QSlQ2913 Three-dlmenslonal numerclal slmulatlons of unsteady reactive square jets Grin&n, F. F. and Kailasanath, K. Combustion & Flame, Jan. 1995, 100, (l), 2-10. Results of finite-difference, time-dependent numerical studies of the near field of subsonic, reactive square jets are discussed. 95102914 Turbulent velocity and temperature measurements from a gas-fueled technology combustor wlth a practical fuel Injector Hedman, P. 0. and Warren, D. L. Combustion & Flame, Jan. 1995, 100, (1) 185-192. Discusses the combustion characteristics of a propane-fueled, practical injector operating in a burner that closely reproduces the flow patterns of a gas turbine combustor. QSlO2915 Unsteady combustion of homogeneous energetic sollds using the laser-recall method %;I~ilF. and Brewster, M. Q. Combustion &Flame, Jan. 1995, 100, (l), The laser-recoil technique was used to study the unsteady burning of a fife oxidizer AP-HTPB composite propellant (APF series) and a catalyzed double-base propellant (N5) at one atmosphere. Steady burning rate and temperature measurements were performed and quasi-steady, homogene- ous, one-dimensional theory implemented in order to interpret the unsteady results. 95102916 Vlscoslt of ash articles In combustion systems for prediction of part cle stick ng r P Senior, ,I\\ C. L. and Srinivasachar, S. Energy & Fuels, Mar.-Apr. 1995, 9, (L), ,.__ en- L I I-LOJ. Describes a new model which has been developed for predicting the vis- cosity of individual coal ash particles in the range of 104-10s Pas. Previous experimental work has demonstrated that there is a critical viscosity for adhesion of ash particles. Fuel and Energy Abstracts May 1995 209
