专利名称:MOTOR AND MOTOR CONTROL DEVICE发明人:Hirofumi Atarashi,Keiichi Yamamoto,Shoei
Abe,Shigeru Tajima
摘要:A rotor () is provided with: a main permanent magnet mounting layer () having aplurality of main permanent magnets () mounted thereon; a first sub permanent magnetmounting layer () having a plurality of first sub permanent magnets () mounted thereon; a
second sub permanent magnet mounting layer () having a plurality of second subpermanent magnets () mounted thereon; and a phase change mechanism capable, byturning at least either one of the first sub permanent magnet mounting layer () and thesecond permanent magnet mounting layer (), and the main permanent magnet mountinglayer () about the rotational axis, of changing the relative phase between the first subpermanent magnet mounting layer () and the second permanent magnet mounting layer(), and the main permanent magnet mounting layer ().
申请人:Hirofumi Atarashi,Keiichi Yamamoto,Shoei Abe,Shigeru Tajima
地址:Shioya-gun JP,Haga-Gun JP,Kawachi-Gun JP,Tokorozawa-Shi JP