英汉两种语言文字中有大量的词汇,可以表达任何有截然相反感情色彩的意思,词的这种作用就是褒贬作用。比如汉语中的喜欢与厌恶,热爱与憎恨,同情与鄙弃,组织与拼凑,面孔与嘴脸,不遗余力与费尽心机,绞尽脑汁与挖空心思等等。这些词组所表达的是两种相反的感情色彩。当我们对某种事物表示肯定、赞许、崇拜、支持时就使用褒义词,反之则用贬义词。在商业性文章、信函中,使用褒贬词汇的情况也并不少见。 词的褒贬意思一般有两种表达方式:
第一节 感情色彩由词义的本身表达
a.He is a young man interested in public affairs. 他是一个热心公务的小伙子。 (褒义)
b.Don't be interested in such meaningless things! 不要热中于这种无聊的事。 (贬义)
c. He reminded me that Mr. Thomas was our friend, and instead of taking advantage of his misfortune, we ought to help his family turn the comer.
d. Be that as it may, the Bank of Canada did not take advantage of the re-emergence of free-trade trading in October 1950 to impose upon the market a Bank of Canada \"clearing house\"; in fact, they offered every assistance to the banks in arranging for establishment of a private brokerage system.
- -Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade in Canada, Sidney A. Shepherd, 4th Ed. p. 7 尽管这样,加拿大银行并没有利用(褒义,如加上“乘机”二字即成贬义)1950年10月再
度出现的自由贸易,把一个加拿大银行“清算所”强加给金融市场。事实上,他们尽一切努力协助过这些银行去创立一种私营经纪制度。 下面这句话可用褒贬手段译成两句截然不同的汉语: Mr. Robert is an ambitious and aggressive young man. 罗伯特先生是一位雄心勃勃,富于进取的小伙子。(褒义)
第二节 感情色彩由上下文来表达
a. An advancing rate tempts potential sellers to hold their foreign funds off the market in the hope of securing a better rate, while potential buyers may rush to cover requirements before the rate goes higher.
--Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade in Canada, Sidney A. Shepherd, 4th Ed. Notes p. 53
b. When the grain price was to be adjusted upward for the first time in 1988, a great many urban residents in various cities rushed to buy wheat flour and other foodstuffs. Such thing was not seen, however, in 1991 when the grain price was readjusted upward the second time.
c. The underwriter realizes this and certainly does not set out to make life difficult for his agency colleagues. However, he has a job to do. Part of that job is to ensure that people who attempt to buy policies because they expect to \"die\" soon do not succeed in fooling him and his company.
--Field Financial Underwriting Guidelines,
South East Asia, Swiss Re, p. 5 核保人意识到这一点,当然不会给他的代理同事出难题,但是他又有工作要做,其中