专利名称:Method for controlling an electric motor by
using the PWM technique
发明人:Sciuto, Marcello,Vigna, Sergio,Carbonaro,
Piero,Del Mese, Francesco
摘要:A method for controlling an electric motor (3) by using the PWM technique; thecontrol method includes the steps of: applying to the clamps (38) of the electric motor(3) an electric voltage (Vm(t)) varying in time, which displays a square waveform andconsists of a sequence of pulses having a uniform wave period and a variable amplitude;adjusting the average value of the electric voltage (Vm(t)) applied to the clamps (38) ofthe electric motor (3) by varying the amplitude of the pulses of the electric voltage(Vm(t)); determining, in the case of a variation of the amplitude of the pulses, the overallrequired amplitude variation; subdividing the overall required amplitude variation in adetermined number of partial variations, the overall sum of which is equivalent to theoverall required amplitude variation; and gradually varying the amplitude of the pulses ofthe electric voltage (Vm(t)) by applying in a sequence a corresponding partial variation toeach pulse, so that the difference between the amplitude of a pulse and the amplitude ofa following pulse is equivalent to the corresponding partial variation.
代理机构:Jorio, Paolo