专利名称:Hand-held electronic device发明人:Jason T. Griffin,John A. Holmes,Mihal
Lazaridis,Herb A. Little,Harry R. Major,CraigDunk,Michael Brown,Jérôme Lang
摘要:A hand-held electronic device with a keyboard, thumbwheel, display andassociated software is optimized for use of the device with the thumbs. The associated
software has a plurality of features to optimize efficient use of the limited keyboardspace and encourage the use of the device by thumb-based data entry through thethumbwheel and/or through a combination of minimal number of keystrokes. Softwarefeatures include international character scrolling, and auto-capitalization. The keys on thedevice keyboard are optimally shaped and configured for thumb-based input. In addition,the thumbwheel is inclined between the front and a side edge of the device so as to bereachable by either the thumb or index finger of the user's hand at the side edge of thedevice.
申请人:Jason T. Griffin,John A. Holmes,Mihal Lazaridis,Herb A. Little,Harry R.Major,Craig Dunk,Michael Brown,Jérôme Lang
地址:Waterloo CA,Waterloo CA,Waterloo CA,Waterloo CA,Waterloo CA,GuelphCA,Heidelberg CA,Toronto CA
代理机构:Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP