专利名称:Display device for vehicle
发明人:Isamu Nagasawa,Toshiya Furukawa,Tsukasa
Mikuni,Takahiro Sakaguchi,Shun Ichikawa
摘要:Provided is a display device for a vehicle. The display device includes a displaymember and a collision predictor. The collision predictor detects one or more movingbodies on and around a course of the vehicle, and predicts collision of the vehicle with the
one or more moving bodies detected, and a position of the collision. The display memberdisplays a collision-position mark at a display position in a visual field of a driver, on acondition that the collision of the vehicle with any one of the one or more moving bodiesis predictable. The display position is superimposed on the predicted position of thecollision. The display member displays a delineator mark that associates the collision-position mark with the relevant one of the one or more moving bodies detected.
地址:Tokyo JP
代理机构:McGinn I. P. Law Group, PLLC.