the following is the translated version of the full text of his speech:
dear guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,
很高兴在春和日丽的季节,和来自52个国家的朋友们会聚在中国美丽的海南岛,一起出席博鳌亚洲论坛年会。在此, 我代表中国政府,对年会的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对远道而来的嘉宾表示诚挚的欢迎!
in the lovely spring, i am delighted to meet with friends from 52 countries and regions at the boao forum for asia annual conference XX in the beautiful island of hainan. on behalf of the chinese government, i wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the annual conference and a hearty welcome to all forum participants.
博鳌亚洲论坛已举办十二届,成为聚焦 亚洲、放眼世界的一个重要平台。水美鱼丰,这是博鳌的特征,也是论坛硕果累累的象征。出席本届论坛的有亚洲和非洲 多位政府首脑,也有众多的商界领袖和智库、传媒界的杰出人士,老友新朋汇聚一堂,大家都为亚洲与世界的发展大计而来。思想越辩越新,朋友也就会越交越真。 希望各位畅所欲言,发表真知灼见。
the boao forum for asia has entered its 12th year, and it has become an important platform with an asian focus and a global vision. boao, the site of the forum, means enchanting water and abundant fish in chinese, and i think it is a symbol of the forums fruitful achievements. attending this years annual conference are many heads of government from asia and africa, and a great number of business leaders, and think tank and media representatives. friends, both old and new, are meeting here to discuss ways to boost development of both asia and the world. exchange of views will create new vision, and more interactions bring friends closer. i hope that you will be fully engaged in forum discussions, and i look forward to benefiting from your insights.
当今世界正处于深刻变化之中。国际格 局面临新的调整,影响全球与地区局势的不确定不稳定因素增多,热点问题此起彼伏,多极化进程在曲折中发展。世界经济深 度调整,发达经济体有好转趋势,新兴经济体又遇到新的挑战,不同国家经济走势分化,全球复苏进程缓慢艰难,增长动力依然不足,实现经济强劲、可持续、平衡 增长任重道远。
our world today is undergoing profound changes. the international architecture faces new adjustment. uncertainties and destabilizing factors affecting the global and regional environment are increasing. hotspot issues emerge from time to time. the world is moving towards multi-polarity amidst twists and turns. the global economy is in profound adjustment. developed economies have seen new changes, while emerging economies have encountered new challenges, and many countries are on different economic trajectories. the global recovery has been a slow and difficult process and growth remains lackluster. to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth is still a daunting
challenge facing all of us.