
Low insertion force receptacle terminal

2021-05-13 来源:客趣旅游网

专利名称:Low insertion force receptacle terminal发明人:Op ten Berg, Roy Henricus申请号:EP94308513.4申请日:19941117公开号:EP0656673A3公开日:19960410


摘要:An electrical receptacle terminal (2) comprises a wire connection section (4), arectangular body section (6) and a pair of cantilever beam contacts (30) extendingtherefrom. Insertion of a male tab between the cantilever beam contacts (30) initiallyprises them resiliently apart whilst passing first protrusions (34) at a forward end (32) of

the terminal, and then further biases apart the cantilever beam contacts (30) wheninserted between second contact dimples (38) axially rearwards of the first protrusions(34). Electrical contact is finally made between the contact dimples (38) and the male tab,which due to the short lever arm and the point contact, has a high contact pressurethereby ensuring good electrical conductivity between the dimples (38) and the tab.Certain applications may require lower currents, and the insertion force can be furtherreduced by providing cutouts (22,26) in the terminal body section (6) to make the resilientcantilever beam contacts (30) more supple. The latter can be done without designing newconnector housings or a new terminal, and requires only a small change in the stampingprocess, which provides for a cost-effective solution.


地址:4550 New Linden Hill Road, Suite 450 Wilmington, Delaware 19808 US


代理机构:Warren, Keith Stanley

