专利名称:Process for the production of chemical
compounds from carbon dioxide
发明人:Niels Christian Schjødt,John Bøgild
Hansen,Claus Friis Pedersen
摘要:Process for the production of a chemical compound from a carbon dioxidestarting material, comprising the steps of a) providing a feed stream consisting mainly ofcarbon dioxide; b) electrolyzing in an electrolysis stage the carbon dioxide in the feedstream to a first gas stream containing carbon monoxide and a second gas streamcontaining oxygen, wherein the molar ratio between carbon monoxide and oxygen isabout 1:0.5 in an electrolysis stage; c) adjusting the composition of the first gas stream orthe second gas stream or both gas streams to include carbon dioxide, either by
operating at less than full conversion of COor by sweeping one or both gas streams witha gas containing COor by at some stage between the electrolysis cell and the oxidativecarbonylation reactor diluting one or both gas streams with a gas containing CO; all whilemaintaining an overall molar ratio of carbon monoxide to oxygen of about 1:0.5; and d)introducing the first and second process stream into a reaction stage and reacting thefirst and second process stream combined or in succession with a substrate to thechemical compound by means of an oxidative carbonylation reaction with the carbonmonoxide and oxygen contained in the process feed stream.
申请人:Haldor Topsøe A/S
地址:Kgs. Lyngby DK
代理机构:Dickstein Shapiro LLP