专利名称:Apparatus and method for automatically
producing tissue slides
发明人:John Voneiff,Jay Frederick Gibson申请号:US10091173申请日:20020306
摘要:An apparatus and method for producing tissue slides is disclosed. Theapparatus includes a holding assembly for manipulating the sample block, a bladeassembly for preparing a thin section from the sample block, and a transfer rollermechanism for transferring the thin section to a receiving medium. The apparatus furtherincludes a controller that may track the sample block and thin section. The methodincludes the steps of first locating a sample embedded within a support medium, whichmay be paraffin or a similar medium. Next, the embedded sample is oriented in such away that its working surface is presented. This orientation may entail determining theorientation of the embedded sample with respect to the blade that will produce thelargest cross-sectional area. Next, a slice of the sample from said embedded sample isremoved and subsequently transferred to a suitable receiving medium, which may includea microscope slide.