
AATCC 35-2006 防水:防止雨水测试

2024-09-02 来源:客趣旅游网
AATCC Test Method 35-2006

Water Resistance: Rain Test

Developed in 1947 by AATCC Commit-tee RA63; reaffirmed 1952, 1963, 1964,1967, 1969, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980,1985, 1989, 2006; editorially revised1983, 1987, 1998, 2004; editorially re-vised and reaffirmed 1994; revised2000.

1. Purpose and Scope

tion resistance of asingle fabric or acombination of fabrics.

1.2 The results obtained with this testmethod depend on the water repellencyof the fibers and yarns, and on the con-struction of the fabric.

2. Principle

4. Safety Precautions

1.1 This test method is applicable toany textile fabric, which may or maynot have been given a water-resistant orwater-repellent finish. It measures theresistance to the penetration of water byimpact, and thus can be used to predictthe probable rain penetration resistanceof fabrics. It is especially suitable formeasuring the penetration resistance ofgarment fabrics. With the instrument,tests may be made at different intensi-ties (see 11.1) of water impact to give acomplete overall picture of the penetra-

2.1 A test specimen, backed by aweighed blotter, is sprayed with water for5 min under controlled conditions. Theblotter is then reweighed to determine theamount of water which has leakedthrough the specimen during the test.

3. Terminology

NOTE: These safety precautions arefor information purposes only. The pre-cautions are ancillary to the testing proce-dures and are not intended to be all inclu-sive. It is the user’s responsibility to usesafe and proper techniques in handlingmaterials in this test method. Manufac-turers MUST be consulted for specificdetails such as material safety data sheetsand other manufacturer’s recommenda-tions. All OSHA standards and rulesmust also be consulted and followed.4.1 Good laboratory practices shouldbe followed. Wear safety glasses in alllaboratory areas.

5. Apparatus and Materials

3.1 water resistance, n.—of fabric, thecharacteristic to resist wetting and pene-tration by water. (See also water repel-lency.)5.1 AATCC Rain Tester (see Figs. 1, 2and 3 and 11.3).

5.2 White AATCC Textile BlottingPaper (see 11.4).

标准分享网 www.bzfxw.com 免费下载Fig. 1—Rain tester, complete assembly.Fig. 2—Rain tester, structural details.80TM 35-2006Not for ResaleAATCC Technical Manual/2007Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Provided by IHS under license with AATCC No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSFig. 3—Rain tester, nozzle.

6. Test Specimens

6.1 A minimum of three specimens of20 × 20 cm is cut from the test fabric. Thefabric samples and the blotting papershould be conditioned in an atmosphereof 65 ± 2% RH and 21 ± 1ºC for at least4h before testing.

7. Procedure

7.1 The test specimen (see 11.5),backed by a 15.2 × 15.2 cm standard pa-per blotter weighed to the nearest 0.1 g isclamped in the specimen holder and theassembly is mounted in a vertical rigidsupport frame. The specimen assembly ispositioned into the central portion of thespray at a distance of 30.5 cm from theface of the spray nozzle (see 11.6). A hor-izontal water spray at 27 ± 1°C (see 11.2)is directed against the specimen and is al-lowed to continue for a period of 5 min.At the end of the spray period the blotteris carefully removed and quickly re-weighed to the nearest 0.1 g.

8. Evaluation

on the nozzle should be obtained. Thepressure head should be varied by 300mm increments in order to determine (a)the maximum head at which no penetra-tion occurs, (b) the change in penetrationwith increasing head and (c) the mini-mum head required to cause “break-down” or the penetration of more than 5 gof water. At each pressure head a mini-mum of three specimens should be testedin order to obtain the average penetrationfor that head.

9. Report

9.1 Report the individual determina-tions. For values of over 5.0 g simply re-port as 5 + g or > 5 g.

10. Precision and Bias

8.1 Water penetration as indicated bythe increase in mass of the blotting paperduring the 5 min test period is calculated,and the average for the three test speci-mens is reported. Individual determina-tions or average values of over 5.0 g maybe simply reported to 5 + g or > 5 g.8.2 In order to obtain a complete over-all picture of the penetration resistance ofa fabric or fabric combination the averagepenetration with different pressure heads10.1 Precision. Precision for this testmethod has not been established. Until aprecision statement is generated for thistest method, use standard statistical tech-niques in making any comparisons of testresults for either within-laboratory orbetween-laboratory averages.

10.2 Bias. The bias derived by this pro-cedure can be defined only in terms of atest method. There is no independent, ref-eree test method by which bias may bedetermined. This test method has noknown bias.11. Notes11.1 The intensities are produced and con-trolled by means of a column of water whichmay be adjusted to 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.1and 2.4 m above the nozzle. This is done bymeans of a glass pressure column to which anozzle is connected. The adjustment is madeby a simple setting of a valve at the lower endof the drain or overflow pipe which extends upthrough the center of the glass column. A fil-tering device between the pressure gauge andthe glass column may be used to prevent clog-ging of the nozzle openings. It may be elimi-nated in localities where the water supply isrelatively free from iron rust or other sus-pended matter. A pressure gauge on the supplyline also is an accessory which usually can beeliminated in the interest of economy.

11.2 The temperature of the supply watermay be measured by means of a thermometer,but recent work has shown that it is more con-veniently and accurately measured with a ther-mometer suspended in the glass pressurecolumn or immersed in a beaker placed tocatch water from the overflow.

11.3 The AATCC Rain Tester is availablefrom AATCC, P.O. Box 12215, Research Trian-gle Park NC 27709; tel: 919/549-8141; fax: 919/549-8933; e-mail: orders@aatcc.org. Informa-tion relative to the principle of the instrumentmay be obtained by reference to the originalarticle by Slowinske, G.A. and Pope, A.G.,American Dyestuff Reporter 36, 108 (1947).11.4 Blotters suitable for this test can beobtained from AATCC, P.O. Box 12215,Research Triangle Park NC 27709; tel: 919/549-8141; fax: 919/549-8933; e-mail: orders@aatcc.org.

11.5 The test specimen may comprise (a) asingle layer of the test fabric, (b) two layers ofthe test fabric, or (c) a combination of two dif-ferent fabrics such as the outer fabric of a rain-coat and the lining fabric.11.6 A loose-fitting cap may be placed overthe end of the spray nozzle to shut off thespray during the mounting or the removal ofthe specimen holder in the support frame.AATCC Technical Manual/2007Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Provided by IHS under license with AATCC No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSNot for ResaleTM 35-200681
