杨 刘
Libpcap分析文档 .................................................................................................................................. 1 1、Libpcap介绍 .................................................................................................................................... 3 2、Libpcap的安装................................................................................................................................. 4 3、Libpcap工作原理............................................................................................................................. 4 4、函数功能介绍 ................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1查找网络设备 ........................................................................................................................... 8 4.2打开网络设备 ......................................................................................................................... 13 4.3获取数据包 ............................................................................................................................. 80 总结 ...................................................................................................................................................... 83
Libpcap是Packet Capture Library的英文缩写,即数据包捕获函数库。该库提供的C函数接口用于捕获及格过指定网络接口的数据包,该接口是被设为混杂模式。大多数网络监控软件都以它为基础,其提供的接口函数实现和封装了与数据包截获相关的过程。Libpcap提供了用户级别的网络数据包捕获接口,并充分考虑到引用程序的可移植性,可以在绝大多数类unix平台下工作。主要功能:
数据包捕获:捕获流经网卡的原始数据包 自定义数据包发送:构造任何格式的原始数据包 流量采集与统计:采集网络中的流量信息
规则过滤:提供自带规则过滤功能,按需要选择过滤规则 绝大多数的现代操作系统都提供了对底层网络数据包捕获的机制,在捕获机制之上可以建立网络监控(Network Monitoring)应用软件。网络监控也常简称为sniffer,其最初的目的在于对网络通信情况进行监控,以对网络的一些异常情况进行调试处理。但随着互连网的快速普及和网络攻击行为的频繁出现,保护网络的运行安全也成为监控软件的另一个重要目的。例如,网络监控在路由器,防火墙、入侵检查等方面使用也很广泛。本文分析了Libpcap在linux下的源代码实现,其中重点是linux的底层包捕获机制。
Libpcap的下载地址: 然后切换到下载的目录,解压压缩文件,配置,编译,安装。其命令如下:
cd **** tar zxvf **** ./configure Make Make install
查找网络设备发现可用的网卡,实现的函数为pcap_lookupdev(),如果当前有多个网卡,函数就会返回一个网络设备名的指针列表。打开网络设备利用上一步中的返回值,可以决定使用哪个网卡,通过函数pcap_open_live()打开网卡,返回用于捕捉网络数据包的描述字获取网络参数利用函数pcap_lookupnet(),可以获得指定网络设备的IP地址和子网掩码编译过滤规则Lipcap的主要功能就是提供数据包的过滤,函数pcap_compile()来实现设置过滤器在上一步的基础上利用pcap_setfilter()函数来设置抓取数据函数pcap_loop()和pcap_dispatch()来抓去数据包,也可以利用函数pcap_next()和pcap_next_ex()来完成同样的工作关闭网络设备pcap_close()函数关系设备,释放资源 图2、程序框架
Libpcap中检查网络设备中主要使用到的函数如下: char * pcap_lookupdev(char * errbuf)
char *
pcap_lookupdev(errbuf) register char *errbuf; {
pcap_if_t *alldevs;
/* for old BSD systems, including bsdi3 */ #ifndef IF_NAMESIZE
static char device[IF_NAMESIZE + 1]; char *ret;
if (pcap_findalldevs(&alldevs, errbuf) == -1)
if (alldevs == NULL || (alldevs->flags & PCAP_IF_LOOPBACK)) {
return (NULL);
* There are no devices on the list, or the first
* on the list is a loopback device, which means
* are no non-loopback devices on the list. This
* we can't return any device. *
* XXX - why not return a loopback device? If we
* capture on it, it won't be on the list, and if
* on the list, there aren't any non-loopback
* so why not just supply it as the default device? */
(void)strlcpy(errbuf, \"no suitable device found\ PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE); ret = NULL;
} else {
* Return the name of the first device on the list. */
(void)strlcpy(device, alldevs->name,
pcap_freealldevs(alldevs); return (ret); }
pcap_findalldevs_interfaces(alldevsp, errbuf) //获取常规的网络接口
ret = device;
* Create a socket from which to fetch the list of interfaces,
* and from which to fetch IPv4 information. */
fd4 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (fd4 < 0) { }
(void)snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"socket: %s\return (-1);
* How many entries will SIOCGLIFCONF return? */
ifn.lifn_family = AF_UNSPEC; ifn.lifn_flags = 0; ifn.lifn_count = 0;
if (ioctl(fd4, SIOCGLIFNUM, (char *)&ifn) < 0) {
(void)snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"SIOCGLIFNUM: %s\
(void)close(fd6); (void)close(fd4); return (-1);
* Get the entries. */
ifc.lifc_len = buf_size; ifc.lifc_buf = buf;
ifc.lifc_family = AF_UNSPEC; ifc.lifc_flags = 0; memset(buf, 0, buf_size);
if (ioctl(fd4, SIOCGLIFCONF, (char *)&ifc) < 0) { }
(void)snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"SIOCGLIFCONF: %s\(void)close(fd6); (void)close(fd4); free(buf); return (-1);
strlcpy(device, alldevs->name, sizeof(device))将上面找到的设备名复制给device。最后返回给调用程序。
/* libpcap 自定义的接口信息链表 [pcap.h] */ struct pcap_if {
struct pcap_if *next; char *name; /* 接口设备名 */ char *description; /* 接口描述 */
/*接口的 IP 地址, 地址掩码, 广播地址,目的地址 */ struct pcap_addr addresses; bpf_u_int32 flags; /* 接口的参数 */ };
2.0 及以前的内核版本使用一个特殊的socket类型SOCK_PACKET,调用形式是socket(PF_INET, SOCK_PACKET, int protocol),但 Linux 内核开发者明确指出这种方式已过时。Linux 在 2.2及以后的版本中提
供了一种新的协议簇 PF_PACKET 来实现捕获机制。PF_PACKET 的调用形式为 socket(PF_PACKET, int socket_type, int protocol),其中socket类型可以是 SOCK_RAW和SOCK_DGRAM。SOCK_RAW 类型使得数据包从数据链路层取得后,不做任何修改直接传递给用户程序,而 SOCK_DRRAM 则要对数据包进行加工(cooked),把数据包的数据链路层头部去掉,而使用一个通用结构 sockaddr_ll 来保存链路信息。 使 用 2.0 版本内核捕获数据包存在多个问题:首先,SOCK_PACKET 方式使用结构 sockaddr_pkt来保存数据链路层信息,但该结构缺乏包类型信息;其次,如果参数 MSG_TRUNC 传递给读包函数 recvmsg()、recv()、recvfrom() 等,则函数返回的数据包长度是实际读到的包数据长度,而不是数据包真正的长度。Libpcap 的开发者在源代码中明确建议不使用 2.0 版本进行捕获。
相对2.0版本SOCK_PACKET方式,2.2版本的PF_PACKET方式则不存在上述两个问题。在实际应用中,用 户程序显然希望直接得到\"原始\"的数据包,因此使用 SOCK_RAW 类型最好。但在下面两种情况下,libpcap 不得不使用SOCK_DGRAM类型,从而也必须为数据包合成一个\"伪\"链路层头部(sockaddr_ll)。
* We put all the stuff used in the read code path at the beginning,
* to try to keep it together in the same cache line or lines. */
struct pcap { /*
* Method to call to read packets on a live capture. */
read_op_t read_op; //回调函数,用户获取数据包。 /*
* Method to call to read to read packets from a savefile. */
int (*next_packet_op)(pcap_t *, struct pcap_pkthdr *, u_char **);
#ifdef WIN32 ADAPTER *adapter; LPPACKET Packet; int nonblock; #else
int fd; //文件描述符。实际就是socket int selectable_fd; #endif /* WIN32 */
* Read buffer. */
int bufsize; u_char *buffer; u_char *bp; int cc;
int break_loop;
/* flag set to force break from
packet-reading loop */强制从读数据包循环中跳出的标志
void *priv;
int swapped; FILE *rfile; savefile */
int fddipad;
struct pcap *next; /* list of open pcaps that need stuff cleared on close */
* File version number; meaningful only for a savefile, but we
/* private data for methods */
/* null if live capture, non-null if
* keep it here so that apps that (mistakenly) ask for the * version numbers will get the same zero values that they * always did. */
int version_major; int version_minor;
int snapshot; //用户期望捕获数据包的最大长度,自定义的 int linktype;
/* Network linktype */设备类型
int linktype_ext; /* Extended information stored in the linktype field of a file */
int tzoff;
/* timezone offset */时区位置 偏移 /* offset for proper alignment */边
int offset; 界对齐偏移量
int activated; started */
int oldstyle; pcap_open_live() */
/* true if the capture is really
/* if we're opening with
struct pcap_opt opt; /*
* Place holder for pcap_next(). */
u_char *pkt;
/* We're accepting only packets in this direction/these directions. */
pcap_direction_t direction; /*
* Placeholder for filter code if bpf not in kernel. */
struct bpf_program fcode;
//相关的函数指针,最终指向特定操作系统的处理函数。 char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE + 1]; int dlt_count; u_int *dlt_list; int tstamp_type_count; u_int *tstamp_type_list; int tstamp_precision_count; u_int *tstamp_precision_list;
struct pcap_pkthdr pcap_header; /* This is needed for the pcap_next_ex() to work */
* More methods. */
activate_op_t activate_op;
can_set_rfmon_op_t can_set_rfmon_op; inject_op_t inject_op; setfilter_op_t setfilter_op; setdirection_op_t setdirection_op; set_datalink_op_t set_datalink_op; getnonblock_op_t getnonblock_op; setnonblock_op_t setnonblock_op; stats_op_t stats_op; /*
* Routine to use as callback for pcap_next()/pcap_next_ex().
pcap_handler oneshot_callback;
#ifdef WIN32 /*
* These are, at least currently, specific to the Win32 NPF * driver. */
setbuff_op_t setbuff_op; setmode_op_t setmode_op;
setmintocopy_op_t setmintocopy_op; getadapter_op_t getadapter_op; #endif
cleanup_op_t cleanup_op; };
pcap_t *
pcap_open_live(const char *source, int snaplen, int promisc, int to_ms, char *errbuf)
pcap_t *p; int status;
p = pcap_create(source, errbuf); if (p == NULL)
return (NULL);
status = pcap_set_snaplen(p, snaplen); if (status < 0)
goto fail;
status = pcap_set_promisc(p, promisc); if (status < 0)
goto fail;
status = pcap_set_timeout(p, to_ms); if (status < 0) /*
* Mark this as opened with pcap_open_live(), so that, for * example, we show the full list of DLT_ values, rather * than just the ones that are compatible with capturing * when not in monitor mode. That allows existing applications
* to work the way they used to work, but allows new applications
* that know about the new open API to, for example, find out the
* DLT_ values that they can select without changing whether
* the adapter is in monitor mode or not. */
p->oldstyle = 1;
status = pcap_activate(p); if (status < 0)
goto fail;
goto fail;
return (p); fail:
if (status == PCAP_ERROR) source,
snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"%s: %s\
else if (status == PCAP_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE || status == PCAP_ERROR_PERM_DENIED || status == PCAP_ERROR_PROMISC_PERM_DENIED) source,
else source,
snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"%s: %s\ pcap_statustostr(status), p->errbuf); snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"%s: %s (%s)\
pcap_close(p); return (NULL); }
pcap_create函数,这个函数里面的内容待会儿在下面进行分析,然后就是调用pcap_set_snaplen(p, snaplen)函数设置最大捕获包的长度,对于以太网数据包,最大长度为1518bytes,默认的可以设置成65535可以捕获所有的数据包。然后就是调用pcap_set_promisc(p, promisc)
函数设置数据包的捕获模式,1为混杂模式(只有混杂模式才能接收所有经过该网卡设备的数据包)。pcap_set_timeout(p, to_ms)的作用是设置超时的时间,当应用程序在这个时间内没读到数据就返回。接着就是pcap_activate(p)函数了,这个也将在后面进行讲解。
在Libpcap源码为了支持多个操作系统,代码错综复杂。对于pcap_create函数,在很多地方都定义了该函数,下面是在source insight软件中的列表。
其源码如下: pcap_t *
pcap_create(const char *source, char *errbuf) {
size_t i;
int is_theirs; pcap_t *p;
* A null source name is equivalent to the \"any\" device
* which might not be supported on this platform, but * this means that you'll get a \"not supported\" error * rather than, say, a crash when we try to dereference * the null pointer. */
if (source == NULL)
source = \"any\";
* Try each of the non-local-network-interface capture * source types until we find one that works for this * device or run out of types. */
for (i = 0; capture_source_types[i].create_op != NULL; i++) {
is_theirs = 0;
p = capture_source_types[i].create_op(source, errbuf,
if (is_theirs) { }
* The device name refers to a device of the * type in question; either it succeeded, * in which case p refers to a pcap_t to * later activate for the device, or it * failed, in which case p is null and we * should return that to report the failure * to create. */ return (p);
* OK, try it as a regular network interface. */
return (pcap_create_interface(source, errbuf));
首先,当传入的设备名为空就这是该source = “any”,any 表示所有的设备都能够获取数据包。接着就是用一个for循环来尝试用每个non-local-network-interface捕捉源类型,直到我们发现一种适合该设备或耗尽类型。如果没有找到,则调用pcap_create_interface(source, errbuf))函数的返回结果作为返回
下面为pcap_create_interface(source, errbuf)函数的源代码: #endif /* SO_ATTACH_FILTER */ pcap_t *
pcap_create_interface(const char *device, char *ebuf) {
handle = pcap_create_common(device, ebuf, sizeof (struct pcap_t *handle;
// pcap_create_common为初始化的函数,通过网卡设备的名字获得pcap_t*的句柄,然后再设定handle的回调函数。
handle->activate_op = pcap_activate_linux;
handle->can_set_rfmon_op = pcap_can_set_rfmon_linux;
if (handle == NULL)
return NULL;
* We claim that we support: *
* software time stamps, with no details about their
* hardware time stamps, synced to the host time; * hardware time stamps, not synced to the host time. *
* XXX - we can't ask a device whether it supports * hardware time stamps, so we just claim all devices do. */
handle->tstamp_type_count = 3;
handle->tstamp_type_list = malloc(3 * sizeof(u_int)); if (handle->tstamp_type_list == NULL) { }
handle->tstamp_type_list[0] = PCAP_TSTAMP_HOST; handle->tstamp_type_list[1] = PCAP_TSTAMP_ADAPTER; handle->tstamp_type_list[2]
snprintf(ebuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"malloc: %s\ pcap_strerror(errno)); free(handle); return NULL;
#if defined(SIOCGSTAMPNS) && defined(SO_TIMESTAMPNS)
* We claim that we support microsecond and nanosecond time
* stamps. *
* XXX - with adapter-supplied time stamps, can we choose * microsecond or nanosecond time stamps on arbitrary * adapters? */
handle->tstamp_precision_count = 2; handle->tstamp_precision_list
if (handle->tstamp_precision_list == NULL) { }
snprintf(ebuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"malloc: %s\ pcap_strerror(errno));
if (handle->tstamp_type_list != NULL)
free(handle); return NULL;
#endif /* defined(SIOCGSTAMPNS) && defined(SO_TIMESTAMPNS) */
return handle;
pcap_t *
pcap_create_common(const char *source, char *ebuf, size_t size)
pcap_t *p;
p = pcap_alloc_pcap_t(ebuf, size); if (p == NULL)
return (NULL);
p->opt.source = strdup(source); if (p->opt.source == NULL) { }
snprintf(ebuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"malloc: %s\ pcap_strerror(errno)); free(p); return (NULL);
* Default to \"can't set rfmon mode\"; if it's supported
* a platform, the create routine that called us can set * the op to its routine to check whether a particular * device supports it. */
p->can_set_rfmon_op = pcap_cant_set_rfmon;
/* put in some defaults*/
pcap_set_snaplen(p, MAXIMUM_SNAPLEN); /* max packet size */
p->opt.timeout = 0; /* no timeout specified */
/* use the platform's
p->opt.buffer_size = 0;
default */
p->opt.promisc = 0; p->opt.rfmon = 0; p->opt.immediate = 0;
p->opt.tstamp_type = -1; /* default to not setting time
stamp type */
首先调用pcap_alloc_pcap_t函数给p分配内存。然后调用strdup函数。它的作用是复制字符串。返回指向被复制的字符串的指针。需要加头文件#include 在p->can_set_rfmon_op = pcap_cant_set_rfmon这句代码中,默认不设置rfmon 模式。而initialize_ops(p)函数的作用就是设置初始化的一系列回调函数。其中initialize_ops(p)函数的源代码如下: static void initialize_ops(pcap_t *p) { on 31 p->opt.tstamp_precision = PCAP_TSTAMP_PRECISION_MICRO; return (p); /* * Set operation pointers for operations that only work * an activated pcap_t to point to a routine that returns * a \"this isn't activated\" error. */ p->read_op = (read_op_t)pcap_not_initialized; p->inject_op = (inject_op_t)pcap_not_initialized; p->setfilter_op = (setfilter_op_t)pcap_not_initialized; p->setdirection_op = (setdirection_op_t)pcap_not_initialized; p->set_datalink_op = (set_datalink_op_t)pcap_not_initialized; p->getnonblock_op = (getnonblock_op_t)pcap_not_initialized; p->setnonblock_op = (setnonblock_op_t)pcap_not_initialized; p->stats_op = (stats_op_t)pcap_not_initialized; #ifdef WIN32 p->setbuff_op = (setbuff_op_t)pcap_not_initialized; p->setmode_op = (setmode_op_t)pcap_not_initialized; p->setmintocopy_op = (setmintocopy_op_t)pcap_not_initialized; p->getadapter_op = pcap_no_adapter; #endif /* 32 * Default cleanup operation - implementations can override } pcap_create_common讲解完了,接着讲解pcap_create函数中的另外一个回调函数,pcap_activate_linux。通过搜索。发现在pcap_linux.c这个文件中。在整个pcap的架构中,把linux要用到的函数都集成到pcap_linux.c中,把多个操作系统共用的函数都放到了pcap.c 中,例如前面分析的 pcap_create_common、 /* * In most cases, the standard one-shot callback can * be used for pcap_next()/pcap_next_ex(). */ p->oneshot_callback = pcap_oneshot; * this, but should call pcap_cleanup_live_common() after * doing their own additional cleanup. */ p->cleanup_op = pcap_cleanup_live_common; pcap_create_interface函数。下面讲解pcap_activate_linux这个源码。从 pcap_activate_linux 的源码可以看到,通过 pcap_create_common对pcap_t * p设定初始值,其实就像c++的初始化函数一样,比如c++的构造函数,MFC的OninitDialog函数一样。初始化就是初始化,对于不同的系统,就要进行不同的设置了,在linux函数中pcap_activate_linux中可以看到又对pcap_create_common中 33 初始化的回调函数又重新进行了设置,看到这里我就佩服libpcap的作者了,把pcap_create_common函数放到了pcap.c文件中。 /* * Get a handle for a live capture from the given device. You can * pass NULL as device to get all packages (without link level * information of course). If you pass 1 as promisc the interface * will be set to promiscous mode (XXX: I think this usage should * be deprecated and functions be added to select that later allow * modification of that values -- Torsten). */ static int pcap_activate_linux(pcap_t *handle) { struct pcap_linux *handlep = handle->priv; const char *device; struct ifreq ifr; int int status = 0; ret; 34 /* * Make sure the name we were handed will fit into the device = handle->opt.source; //网卡的名字 ioctls we * might perform on the device; if not, return a \"No such device\" * indication, as the Linux kernel shouldn't support creating * a device whose name won't fit into those ioctls. * * \"Will fit\" means \"will fit, complete with a null terminator\ * so if the length, which does *not* include the null terminator, which * is greater than *or equal to* the size of the field into * we'll be copying it, that won't fit. */ if (strlen(device) >= sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)) { } 35 status = PCAP_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; goto fail; not * to bind to a particular device and thus to look at all * devices. */ if (strcmp(device, \"any\") == 0) { if (handle->opt.promisc) { handle->opt.promisc = 0; /* Just a warning. */ snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"Promiscuous mode not supported on the \\\"any\\\" /* * The \"any\" device is a special device which causes us handle->inject_op = pcap_inject_linux; handle->setfilter_op = pcap_setfilter_linux; handle->setdirection_op = pcap_setdirection_linux; handle->set_datalink_op = pcap_set_datalink_linux; handle->getnonblock_op = pcap_getnonblock_fd; handle->setnonblock_op = pcap_setnonblock_fd; handle->cleanup_op = pcap_cleanup_linux; handle->read_op = pcap_read_linux; handle->stats_op = pcap_stats_linux; device\"); 36 } } status = PCAP_WARNING_PROMISC_NOTSUP; handlep->device = strdup(device); if (handlep->device == NULL) { snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"strdup: %s\ /* * If we're in promiscuous mode, then we probably want * to see when the interface drops packets too, so get an * initial count from /proc/net/dev */ if (handle->opt.promisc) handlep->proc_dropped = } /* copy timeout value */ handlep->timeout = handle->opt.timeout; pcap_strerror(errno) ); return PCAP_ERROR; linux_if_drops(handlep->device); 37 to need are /* * Current Linux kernels use the protocol family PF_PACKET * allow direct access to all packets on the network while * older kernels had a special socket type SOCK_PACKET to * implement this feature. * While this old implementation is kind of obsolete we * to be compatible with older kernels for a while so we * trying both methods with the newer method preferred. */ //现在的内核是采用的PF_PACKET。对于以前的内核采用 SOCK_PACKET ret = activate_new(handle); //activate_new函数的作用在没有定义PF_RING的情况下通过PF_PACKET接口建立socket,返回1表示成功,可以采用PF_PACKET建立socket,返回0表示失败,这时可以尝试采用SOCKET_PACKET接口建立socket,该函数也在pcap-linux.c中可以找到源码;根据status的返回值,确定3种不同的情况,返回1成功,表示采用的是PF_PACKET建立socket,而返回0的时候,又调用activate_old函数进行判断,如果activate_old函数返回1表示调用的是SOCK_PACKET建立socket,而activate_old返回0表示失败;第3种情况是status不等于上面的2个值,则表示失败。在下面将详细 38 分析activate_new函数。 if (ret < 0) { } if (ret == 1) { /* * Success. * Try to use memory-mapped access. */ switch (activate_mmap(handle, &status)) { /* * Fatal error with the new way; just fail. * ret has the error return; if it's PCAP_ERROR, * handle->errbuf has been set appropriately. */ status = ret; goto fail; case 1: /* * We succeeded. status has been * set to the status to return, * which might be 0, or might be * a PCAP_WARNING_ value. */ 39 return status; case 0: /* * Kernel doesn't support it - just continue * with non-memory-mapped access. */ break; } case -1: } /* * We failed to set up to use it, or the kernel * supports it, but we failed to enable it. * ret has been set to the error status to * return and, if it's PCAP_ERROR, handle->errbuf * contains the error message. */ status = ret; goto fail; else if (ret == 0) { /* Non-fatal error; try old way */ if ((ret = activate_old(handle)) != 1) { 40 } } /* * Both methods to open the packet socket failed. * Tidy up and report our failure (handle->errbuf * is expected to be set by the functions above). */ status = ret; goto fail; /* * We set up the socket, but not with memory-mapped access. */ if (handle->opt.buffer_size != 0) { //如果buffer_size不为0,pcap_set_buffer_size设置了内 核缓冲区的大小,而不是采用默认的内核缓冲区,因此首先通过setsockopt发送设置命令,然后调用malloc分配内存 /* * Set the socket buffer size to the specified value. */ if (setsockopt(handle->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &handle->opt.buffer_size, sizeof(handle->opt.buffer_size)) == -1) { snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, 41 } } \"SO_RCVBUF: %s\ status = PCAP_ERROR; goto fail; /* Allocate the buffer */ handle->buffer = malloc(handle->bufsize + handle->offset); if (!handle->buffer) { } snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"malloc: %s\ status = PCAP_ERROR; goto fail; /* * \"handle->fd\" is a socket, so \"select()\" and \"poll()\" * should work on it. */ handle->selectable_fd = handle->fd; return status; 42 fail: } pcap_activate_linux函数分析完了。但是其到底是怎么建立通讯的还不是很清楚,现在进入activate_new函数进行分析,其源码如下: /* ===== Functions to interface to the newer kernels ================== */ /* * Try to open a packet socket using the new kernel PF_PACKET interface. * Returns 1 on success, 0 on an error that means the new interface isn't * present (so the old SOCK_PACKET interface should be tried), and a * PCAP_ERROR_ value on an error that means that the old mechanism won't * work either (so it shouldn't be tried). */ static int activate_new(pcap_t *handle) 43 pcap_cleanup_linux(handle); return status; { #ifdef HAVE_PF_PACKET_SOCKETS struct pcap_linux *handlep = handle->priv; const char int int *device = handle->opt.source; is_any_device = (strcmp(device, \"any\") == 0); sock_fd = -1, arptype; #ifdef HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA int val; #endif /* * Open a socket with protocol family packet. If the * \"any\" device was specified, we open a SOCK_DGRAM * socket for the cooked interface, otherwise we first * try a SOCK_RAW socket for the raw interface. */ sock_fd = is_any_device ? socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_DGRAM, htons(ETH_P_ALL)) : socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL)); int err = 0; mr; struct packet_mreq // 建立socket。当网卡设备名为any的时候用SOCK_DGRAM,当不为any时用SOCK_RAM 来建立。至于后面的通信就是在这里开始的。基于该socket描述符。在下面肯定有bind函数。 44 if (sock_fd == -1) { if (errno == EINVAL || errno == EAFNOSUPPORT) { } /* * We don't support PF_PACKET/SOCK_whatever * sockets; try the old mechanism. */ return 0; snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"socket: %s\ pcap_strerror(errno) ); if (errno == EPERM || errno == EACCES) { /* * You don't have permission to open the * socket. */ return PCAP_ERROR_PERM_DENIED; } else { } 45 /* * Other error. */ return PCAP_ERROR; } /* It seems the kernel supports the new interface. */ handlep->sock_packet = 0; /* * Get the interface index of the loopback device. * If the attempt fails, don't fail, just set the * \"handlep->lo_ifindex\" to -1. * * XXX - can there be more than one device that loops * packets back, i.e. devices other than \"lo\"? If so, * we'd need to find them all, and have an array of * indices for them, and check all of them in * \"pcap_read_packet()\". */ handlep->lo_ifindex = iface_get_id(sock_fd, \"lo\ handle->errbuf); /* * Default value for offset to align link-layer payload * on a 4-byte boundary. */ handle->offset = 0; 46 /* * What kind of frames do we have to deal with? Fall back * to cooked mode if we have an unknown interface type * or a type we know doesn't work well in raw mode. */ if (!is_any_device) { /* Assume for now we don't need cooked mode. */ handlep->cooked = 0; if (handle->opt.rfmon) { /* * We were asked to turn on monitor mode. * Do so before we get the link-layer type, * because entering monitor mode could change * the link-layer type. */ err = enter_rfmon_mode(handle, sock_fd, device); if (err < 0) { } if (err == 0) { 47 /* Hard failure */ close(sock_fd); return err; } /* * Nothing worked for turning monitor mode * on. */ close(sock_fd); return PCAP_ERROR_RFMON_NOTSUP; } /* * Either monitor mode has been turned on for * the device, or we've been given a different * device to open for monitor mode. If we've * been given a different device, use it. */ if (handlep->mondevice != NULL) device = handlep->mondevice; arptype = iface_get_arptype(sock_fd, device, handle->errbuf); if (arptype < 0) { } map_arphrd_to_dlt(handle, arptype, device, 1); 48 close(sock_fd); return arptype; if (handle->linktype == -1 || handle->linktype == DLT_LINUX_SLL || handle->linktype == DLT_LINUX_IRDA || handle->linktype == DLT_LINUX_LAPD || handle->linktype == DLT_NETLINK || (handle->linktype == DLT_EN10MB && (strncmp(\"isdn\ strncmp(\"isdY\ /* * Unknown interface type (-1), or a * device we explicitly chose to run * in cooked mode (e.g., PPP devices), * or an ISDN device (whose link-layer * type we can only determine by using * APIs that may be different on different * kernels) - reopen in cooked mode. */ if (close(sock_fd) == -1) { } sock_fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_DGRAM, htons(ETH_P_ALL)); 49 snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"close: %s\ return PCAP_ERROR; if (sock_fd == -1) { } handlep->cooked = 1; snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"socket: %s\if (errno == EPERM || errno == EACCES) { /* * You don't have permission to * open the socket. */ return PCAP_ERROR_PERM_DENIED; } else { } /* * Other error. */ return PCAP_ERROR; /* * Get rid of any link-layer type list * we allocated - this only supports cooked * capture. */ if (handle->dlt_list != NULL) { 50 } free(handle->dlt_list); handle->dlt_list = NULL; handle->dlt_count = 0; if (handle->linktype == -1) { } /* * Warn that we're falling back on * cooked mode; we may want to * update \"map_arphrd_to_dlt()\" * to handle the new type. */ snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"arptype %d not \" \"supported by libpcap - \" \"falling back to cooked \" \"socket\arptype); /* * IrDA capture is not a real \"cooked\" capture, * it's IrLAP frames, not IP packets. The * same applies to LAPD capture. 51 } */ if (handle->linktype != DLT_LINUX_IRDA && handle->linktype != DLT_LINUX_LAPD && handle->linktype != DLT_NETLINK) handle->linktype = DLT_LINUX_SLL; handlep->ifindex = iface_get_id(sock_fd, device, handle->errbuf); if (handlep->ifindex == -1) { } //在这里出现了iface_bind函数。在该函数里面bind(fd, close(sock_fd); return PCAP_ERROR; (struct sockaddr *) &sll, sizeof(sll)) == -1进行绑定。 if ((err = iface_bind(sock_fd, handlep->ifindex, handle->errbuf)) != 1) { } close(sock_fd); if (err < 0) return err; else return 0; /* try old mechanism */ } else { 52 /* * The \"any\" device. */ if (handle->opt.rfmon) { } /* * It doesn't support monitor mode. */ close(sock_fd); return PCAP_ERROR_RFMON_NOTSUP; /* * It uses cooked mode. */ handlep->cooked = 1; handle->linktype = DLT_LINUX_SLL; /* * We're not bound to a device. * For now, we're using this as an indication * that we can't transmit; stop doing that only * if we figure out how to transmit in cooked * mode. */ 53 } handlep->ifindex = -1; /* * Select promiscuous mode on if \"promisc\" is set. * * Do not turn allmulti mode on if we don't select * promiscuous mode - on some devices (e.g., Orinoco * wireless interfaces), allmulti mode isn't supported * and the driver implements it by turning promiscuous * mode on, and that screws up the operation of the * card as a normal networking interface, and on no * other platform I know of does starting a non- * promiscuous capture affect which multicast packets * are received by the interface. */ /* * Hmm, how can we set promiscuous mode on all interfaces? * I am not sure if that is possible at all. For now, we * silently ignore attempts to turn promiscuous mode on * for the \"any\" device (so you don't have to explicitly * disable it in programs such as tcpdump). */ 54 if (!is_any_device && handle->opt.promisc) { memset(&mr, 0, sizeof(mr)); mr.mr_ifindex = handlep->ifindex; mr.mr_type = PACKET_MR_PROMISC; if (setsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, /* Enable auxillary data if supported and reserve room for * reconstructing VLAN headers. */ } &mr, sizeof(mr)) == -1) { } snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"setsockopt: %s\ close(sock_fd); return PCAP_ERROR; #ifdef HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA &val, val = 1; if (setsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_AUXDATA, sizeof(val)) == -1 && errno != ENOPROTOOPT) { snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"setsockopt: %s\ 55 } close(sock_fd); return PCAP_ERROR; handle->offset += VLAN_TAG_LEN; #endif /* HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA */ /* * This is a 2.2[.x] or later kernel (we know that * because we're not using a SOCK_PACKET socket - * PF_PACKET is supported only in 2.2 and later * kernels). * * We can safely pass \"recvfrom()\" a byte count * based on the snapshot length. * * If we're in cooked mode, make the snapshot length * large enough to hold a \"cooked mode\" header plus * 1 byte of packet data (so we don't pass a byte * count of 0 to \"recvfrom()\"). */ if (handlep->cooked) { } 56 if (handle->snapshot < SLL_HDR_LEN + 1) handle->snapshot = SLL_HDR_LEN + 1; handle->bufsize = handle->snapshot; /* * Set the offset at which to insert VLAN tags. */ switch (handle->linktype) { case DLT_EN10MB: handlep->vlan_offset = 2 * ETH_ALEN; break; case DLT_LINUX_SLL: handlep->vlan_offset = 14; break; default: handlep->vlan_offset = -1; /* unknown */ break; } #if defined(SIOCGSTAMPNS) && defined(SO_TIMESTAMPNS) if (handle->opt.tstamp_precision PCAP_TSTAMP_PRECISION_NANO) { int nsec_tstamps = 1; 57 == if (setsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TIMESTAMPNS, &nsec_tstamps, sizeof(nsec_tstamps)) < 0) { snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"setsockopt: unable to set SO_TIMESTAMPNS\"); } } close(sock_fd); return PCAP_ERROR; #endif /* defined(SIOCGSTAMPNS) && defined(SO_TIMESTAMPNS) */ /* * We've succeeded. Save the socket FD in the pcap structure. return 1; */ handle->fd = sock_fd; #else /* HAVE_PF_PACKET_SOCKETS */ \" strlcpy(ebuf, \"New packet capturing interface not supported by build \"environment\ 58 return 0; #endif /* HAVE_PF_PACKET_SOCKETS */ } 在activate_new函数中,主要涉及到socket的创建与bind。下面将pcap_activate_linux函数中定义的重要回调函数罗列出来: handle->inject_op = pcap_inject_linux; handle->setfilter_op = pcap_setfilter_linux; handle->setdirection_op = pcap_setdirection_linux; handle->set_datalink_op = pcap_set_datalink_linux; handle->getnonblock_op = pcap_getnonblock_fd; handle->setnonblock_op = pcap_setnonblock_fd; handle->cleanup_op = pcap_cleanup_linux; handle->read_op = pcap_read_linux; handle->stats_op = pcap_stats_linux; 其中一个重要的回调函数就是pcap_read_linux。进入其源码,如下: /* * Read at most max_packets from the capture stream and call the callback * for each of them. Returns the number of packets handled or -1 if an * error occured. */ static int 59 pcap_read_linux(pcap_t *handle, int max_packets, pcap_handler callback, u_char *user) { read, } 其中就只有一句,return pcap_read_packet(handle, callback, user)。调用pcap_read_packet读取数据包。在该函数中,初步断定是在后面的pcap_next、pcap_dispatch、pcap_loop这几个函数读包时调用的。下面开始分析pcap_read_packet函数,源码如下: /* * Read a packet from the socket calling the handler provided by * the user. Returns the number of packets received or -1 if an * error occured. */ static int pcap_read_packet(pcap_t *handle, pcap_handler callback, 60 /* * Currently, on Linux only one packet is delivered per * so we don't loop. */ return pcap_read_packet(handle, callback, user); u_char *userdata) { struct pcap_linux *handlep = handle->priv; u_char int *bp; //数据包缓冲区指针 offset; //bp与捕获句柄pcap_t中handle->buffer之间的偏移量,其目的是为再加工模式捕获情况下,为合成的伪数据链路层头部流出空间 //PACKET_SOCKET方式下,recvfrom()返回sockeaddr_ll类型,而在SOCK_PACKET方式下返回sockaddr类型 #ifdef HAVE_PF_PACKET_SOCKETS struct sockaddr_ll from; struct sll_header *hdrp; #else struct sockaddr from; #endif #if defined(HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA) && defined(HAVE_LINUX_TPACKET_AUXDATA_TP_VLAN_TCI) struct iovec struct msghdr struct cmsghdr union { iov; msg; *cmsg; struct cmsghdr cmsg; char buf[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct 61 tpacket_auxdata))]; } cmsg_buf; /* defined(HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA) && #else defined(HAVE_LINUX_TPACKET_AUXDATA_TP_VLAN_TCI) */ socklen_t /* fromlen; defined(HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA) && #endif defined(HAVE_LINUX_TPACKET_AUXDATA_TP_VLAN_TCI) */ int packet_len, caplen; pcap_header; struct pcap_pkthdr //libpcap自定义的头部,pcap_pkthdr结构体如下: struct pcap_pkthdr { }; 该结构体主要记录时间戳、抓取的数据包以及数据包长度。通常后两者的长度是一样的。 #ifdef HAVE_PF_PACKET_SOCKETS /* * If this is a cooked device, leave extra room for a * fake packet header. */ //如果是加工模式,则在合成的链路层头部留出空间 62 struct timeval ts; /* time stamp */ bpf_u_int32 caplen; /* length of portion present */ bpf_u_int32 len; /* length this packet (off wire) */ if (handlep->cooked) offset = SLL_HDR_LEN; //其他两种方式下,链路层头部不做修改返回,不需要留出空间 else offset = 0; #else /* * This system doesn't have PF_PACKET sockets, so it doesn't * support cooked devices. */ offset = 0; #endif /* * Receive a single packet from the kernel. * We ignore EINTR, as that might just be due to a signal * being delivered - if the signal should interrupt the * loop, the signal handler should call pcap_breakloop() * to set handle->break_loop (we ignore it on other * platforms as well). * We also ignore ENETDOWN, so that we can continue to * capture traffic if the interface goes down and comes 63 * back up again; comments in the kernel indicate that * we'll just block waiting for packets if we try to * receive from a socket that delivered ENETDOWN, and, * if we're using a memory-mapped buffer, we won't even * get notified of \"network down\" events. */ bp = handle->buffer + handle->offset; #if defined(HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA) defined(HAVE_LINUX_TPACKET_AUXDATA_TP_VLAN_TCI) msg.msg_name = &from; msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(from); msg.msg_iov = &iov; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; msg.msg_control = &cmsg_buf; msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(cmsg_buf); msg.msg_flags = 0; iov.iov_len = handle->bufsize - offset; iov.iov_base = bp + offset; #endif /* defined(HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA) defined(HAVE_LINUX_TPACKET_AUXDATA_TP_VLAN_TCI) */ do { 64 && && that /* * Has \"pcap_breakloop()\" been called? */ if (handle->break_loop) { /* * Yes - clear the flag that indicates that it has, * and return PCAP_ERROR_BREAK as an indication } * we were told to break out of the loop. */ handle->break_loop = 0; return PCAP_ERROR_BREAK; #if defined(HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA) && defined(HAVE_LINUX_TPACKET_AUXDATA_TP_VLAN_TCI) packet_len = recvmsg(handle->fd, &msg, MSG_TRUNC); //在这里以及后面的recvfrom函数,说明了定义不同的类型,其接受的数据的方式是不一样的。 #else /* defined(HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA) && defined(HAVE_LINUX_TPACKET_AUXDATA_TP_VLAN_TCI) */ fromlen = sizeof(from); //从内核中接收一个数据包,注意函数入参中对bp的位置的修正 65 packet_len = recvfrom( handle->fd, bp + offset, handle->bufsize - offset, MSG_TRUNC, (struct sockaddr *) &from, &fromlen); /* defined(HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA) && #endif defined(HAVE_LINUX_TPACKET_AUXDATA_TP_VLAN_TCI) */ } while (packet_len == -1 && errno == EINTR); /* Check if an error occured */ if (packet_len == -1) { switch (errno) { case EAGAIN: return 0; /* no packet there */ case ENETDOWN: /* * The device on which we're capturing went away. * * XXX - we should really return * PCAP_ERROR_IFACE_NOT_UP, but pcap_dispatch() * etc. aren't defined to return that. */ 66 snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"The interface went down\"); return PCAP_ERROR; } default: } snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"recvfrom: %s\ return PCAP_ERROR; #ifdef HAVE_PF_PACKET_SOCKETS // and * bind() where the kernel may queue packets from any * interface. If we're bound to a particular if (!handlep->sock_packet) { /* * Unfortunately, there is a window between socket() interface, * discard packets not from that interface. * * (If socket filters are supported, we could do the * same thing we do when changing the filter; however, 67 * that won't handle packet sockets without socket * filter support, and it's a bit more complicated. * It would save some instructions per packet, however.) /* * Do checks based on packet direction. * We can only do this if we're using PF_PACKET; the * address returned for SOCK_PACKET is a */ if (handlep->ifindex != -1 && from.sll_ifindex != handlep->ifindex) return 0; \"sockaddr_pkt\" } * which lacks the relevant packet type information. */ if (!linux_check_direction(handle, &from)) return 0; #endif #ifdef HAVE_PF_PACKET_SOCKETS /* * If this is a cooked device, fill in the fake packet 68 header. */ //如果是加工模式,则合成伪链路层头部 if (handlep->cooked) { /* * Add the length of the fake header to the length * of packet data we read. */ //首先修正捕获包数据的长度,加上链路层头部的长度 hdrp = (struct sll_header *)bp; hdrp->sll_pkttype = packet_len += SLL_HDR_LEN; map_packet_type_to_sll_type(from.sll_pkttype); #if } hdrp->sll_hatype = htons(from.sll_hatype); hdrp->sll_halen = htons(from.sll_halen); memcpy(hdrp->sll_addr, from.sll_addr, (from.sll_halen > SLL_ADDRLEN) ? SLL_ADDRLEN : from.sll_halen); hdrp->sll_protocol = from.sll_protocol; defined(HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA) 69 && defined(HAVE_LINUX_TPACKET_AUXDATA_TP_VLAN_TCI) if (handlep->vlan_offset != -1) { for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsg; cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsg)) { if (cmsg->cmsg_len < CMSG_LEN(sizeof(struct struct tpacket_auxdata *aux; unsigned int len; struct vlan_tag *tag; tpacket_auxdata)) || aux = (struct tpacket_auxdata *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg); cmsg->cmsg_level != SOL_PACKET || cmsg->cmsg_type != PACKET_AUXDATA) continue; #if defined(TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID) if ((aux->tp_vlan_tci == 0) && !(aux->tp_status & TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID)) #else if (aux->tp_vlan_tci == 0) /* this is ambigious but without the TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID flag, there is nothing that we can do */ #endif 70 continue; len = packet_len > iov.iov_len ? iov.iov_len : packet_len; bp -= VLAN_TAG_LEN; memmove(bp, bp + VLAN_TAG_LEN, if (len < (unsigned int) handlep->vlan_offset) break; handlep->vlan_offset); tag = (struct vlan_tag *)(bp + handlep->vlan_offset); } /* defined(HAVE_PACKET_AUXDATA) && } packet_len += VLAN_TAG_LEN; tag->vlan_tpid = htons(ETH_P_8021Q); tag->vlan_tci = htons(aux->tp_vlan_tci); #endif defined(HAVE_LINUX_TPACKET_AUXDATA_TP_VLAN_TCI) */ #endif /* HAVE_PF_PACKET_SOCKETS */ /* 71 real does code * XXX: According to the kernel source we should get the * packet len if calling recvfrom with MSG_TRUNC set. It * not seem to work here :(, but it is supported by this * anyway. * To be honest the code RELIES on that feature so this is really out * that the following is happening: * * The packet comes from a random interface and the * broken with 2.2.x kernels. * I spend a day to figure out what's going on and I found packet_rcv * hook is called with a clone of the packet. That code inserts run always * the packet into the receive queue of the packet socket. * If a filter is attached to that socket that filter is * first - and there lies the problem. The default filter * cuts the packet at the snaplen: 72 call with This the * * # tcpdump -d * (000) ret #68 * * So the packet filter cuts down the packet. The recvfrom * says \"hey, it's only 68 bytes, it fits into the buffer\" * the result that we don't get the real packet length. * is valid at least until kernel 2.2.17pre6. * * We currently handle this by making a copy of the filter * program, fixing all \"ret\" instructions with non-zero * operands to have an operand of MAXIMUM_SNAPLEN so that * filter doesn't truncate the packet, and supplying that modified * filter to the kernel. */ //修正捕获的数据包的成都,根据前面的讨论,SOCK_PACKET方式下长度可能是不准确的 caplen = packet_len; if (caplen > handle->snapshot) 73 caplen = handle->snapshot; /* Run the packet filter if not using kernel filter */ //如果没有使用内核级的包过滤,则在用户空间进行过滤 if (handlep->filter_in_userland && handle->fcode.bf_insns) { if (bpf_filter(handle->fcode.bf_insns, bp, packet_len, caplen) == 0) { /* rejected by filter */ //没有通过过滤,数据包被丢弃 /* Fill in our own header data */ //填充libpcap自定义数据包头部数据:捕获时间,捕获的成都,真实的长度 /* get timestamp for this packet */ } } return 0; #if defined(SIOCGSTAMPNS) && defined(SO_TIMESTAMPNS) if (handle->opt.tstamp_precision == PCAP_TSTAMP_PRECISION_NANO) { if (ioctl(handle->fd, SIOCGSTAMPNS, &pcap_header.ts) == -1) { 74 snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"SIOCGSTAMPNS: %s\ pcap_strerror(errno)); } return PCAP_ERROR; } else #endif -1) { } snprintf(handle->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"SIOCGSTAMP: %s\ { if (ioctl(handle->fd, SIOCGSTAMP, &pcap_header.ts) == return PCAP_ERROR; } /* * Count the packet. * * Arguably, we should count them before we check the pcap_header.caplen pcap_header.len = caplen; = packet_len; filter, 75 * as on many other platforms \"ps_recv\" counts packets * handed to the filter rather than packets that passed * the filter, but if filtering is done in the kernel, we * can't get a count of packets that passed the filter, * and that would mean the meaning of \"ps_recv\" wouldn't * be the same on all Linux systems. * * XXX - it's not the same on all systems in any case; * ideally, we should have a \"get the statistics\" call * that supplies more counts and indicates which of them * it supplies, so that we supply a count of packets * handed to the filter only on platforms where that * information is available. * * We count them here even if we can get the packet count * from the kernel, as we can only determine at run time * whether we'll be able to get it from the kernel (if * HAVE_TPACKET_STATS isn't defined, we can't get it from * the kernel, but if it is defined, the library might * have been built with a 2.4 or later kernel, but we * might be running on a 2.2[.x] kernel without Alexey * Kuznetzov's turbopacket patches, and thus the kernel * might not be able to supply those statistics). We * could, I guess, try, when opening the socket, to get 76 that * the statistics, and if we can not increment the count * here, but it's not clear that always incrementing * the count is more expensive than always testing a flag * in memory. * * We keep the count in \"handlep->packets_read\ * for \"ps_recv\" if we can't get the statistics from the kernel. the * statistics from the kernel resets the kernel * We do that because, if we *can* get the statistics from * the kernel, we use \"handlep->stat.ps_recv\" and * \"handlep->stat.ps_drop\" as running counts, as reading statistics, here, where * we can get kernel statistics - once here, and once in * pcap_stats_linux(). */ //累加捕获数据包数目,注意到在不同内核和捕获方式情况下数目可能不准确 77 * and if we directly increment \"handlep->stat.ps_recv\" * that means it will count packets *twice* on systems handlep->packets_read++; /* Call the user supplied callback function */ //调用用户定义的回调函数 } callback(userdata, &pcap_header, bp); return 1; 一直将怎个源码看一下,发现其中最主要的还是对数据包的接收,以及对其中的数据的收集整理,计数等操作。 在前面的几十页中,pcap_open_live还没有讲解完。就分析了其中的调用的一个pcap_create函数。这也体现了Libpcap的强大之处。下面将分析 pcap_open_live中的另一个函数pcap_activate(p)。其源码如下: int pcap_activate(pcap_t *p) { int status; /* * Catch attempts to re-activate an already-activated * pcap_t; this should, for example, catch code that * calls pcap_open_live() followed by pcap_activate(), 78 * as some code that showed up in a Stack Exchange * question did. */ if (pcap_check_activated(p)) return (PCAP_ERROR_ACTIVATED); status = p->activate_op(p); //activate_op函数,通过搜索其原型为函数指针。它的初始化赋值在 pcap-linux.c 下 410 行。handle->activate_op = pcap_create 中定义的 pcap_activate_linux;明白了在 pcap_activate_linux函数中赋值的回调函数activate_op终于在这里调用了。在pcap_create中只是赋值定义了该回调函数,而调用就是在这里。 if (status >= 0) p->activated = 1; else { if (p->errbuf[0] == '\\0') { /* * No error message supplied by the activate routine; * for the benefit of programs that don't specially * handle errors other than PCAP_ERROR, return the * error message corresponding to the status. */ snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, \"%s\ 79 } } pcap_statustostr(status)); } /* * Undo any operation pointer setting, etc. done by * the activate operation. */ initialize_ops(p); return (status); Pcap_open_live函数到现在终于分析完了。其实就pcap_create和pcap_activate两个函数。在pcap_create中主要是socket的建立和绑定。而在pcap_activate中定义的是接收消息回调函数的定义。接下来对pcap_loop函数的分析,其中肯定必定会调用该回调函数pcap_read_linux。在该回调函数中pcap_read_packet读取数据包。 4.3获取数据包 通过前面的分析,下面将讲解如何获取数据包,以及用户回调函数的处理。那就是pcap_loop函数。其源码如下: 80 int pcap_loop(pcap_t *p, int cnt, pcap_handler callback, u_char *user) { for (;;) { //读取本地文件。 register int n; if (p->rfile != NULL) { /* * 0 means EOF, so don't loop if we get 0. */ n = pcap_offline_read(p, cnt, callback, user); } else { } if (n <= 0) return (n); 81 /* * XXX keep reading until we get something * (or an error occurs) */ do { n = p->read_op(p, cnt, callback, user); } while (n == 0); } } if (!PACKET_COUNT_IS_UNLIMITED(cnt)) { } cnt -= n; if (cnt <= 0) return (0); 首先通过判断rfile是否为空,为空,则进行后面的数据包的获取。不为空就处理本地文件的读取。p->read_op(p, cnt, callback, user)回调函数。搜索整个工程,发现其位于pcap-linux.c函数的1265行。在这行定义的回调函数,终于在这里进行了调用。该回调函数的分析在上面已经进行分析了,主要是获取数据包。也都详细的讲解了。在最后又一个callback(userdata, &pcap_header, bp);函数,是调用用户自定义的回调函数。最后通过处理用户传送的捕获数据长度的参数,当cnt为有限的时候就行减操作,知道小于等于0时,其代码如下: if (!PACKET_COUNT_IS_UNLIMITED(cnt)) { } cnt -= n; if (cnt <= 0) return (0); 82 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容