题 目: 基于28027的虚拟系统
姓 名:
学 号:
学 院: 电气工程与自动化学院
专 业: 电气工程与自动化 年 级:
目 录
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1. 嵌入式应用系统的总体方案的设计; 2. 嵌入式应用系统的硬件设计; 3. 嵌入式应用系统的软件程序设计; 4. 嵌入式开发系统的应用和调试能力
2、课程设计题目和实现目标 课程设计题目:基于28027的虚拟系统
A、 利用28027的片上温度传感器,检测当前温度; B、 通过PWM过零中断作为温度检测A/D的触发,在PWM中断时完成温度采样和下一周期PWM占空比的修正;PWM频率为1K;
C、 利用按键作为温度给定;温度给定变化从10度到40度。 D、 当检测温度超过给定时,PWM占空比增减小(减小幅度自己设定);当检测温度小于给定时,PWM占空比增大(增大幅度自己设定);
E、 把PWM输出接到捕获口,利用捕获口测量当前PWM的占空比;
F、 把E测量的PWM占空比通过串口通信发送给上位机;
3、设计方案-----介绍系统实现方案和系统原理图 ①系统实现方案:
PWM频率为1K HZ:
TBCLK=10M HZ。将period设为10K,便得到1K HZ 的PWM波。 任务C:用KEY模块的中断实现温度给定。
任务F:利用SCI模块实现串口通信将温度和占空比上传到上位机。 此外,各模块的配置都与GPIO模块有关。
②系统原理图:28027 C2000 Piccolo Launchpad原理图
// the includes
#include \"Application/app.h\" //
// the defines
// the globals
// the functions
void delay(uint32_t time) {
while(time--); }
//延时函数 // end of file
// the includes
#include \"Application/isr.h\"
// the defines
// the globals
// the functions
interrupt void LED_PWM_isr(void) //PWM的中断服务函数 {
if(MY_ADC // PWM占空比减小 } PWM_setCmpA(myPwm1,mycmp); //设定CmpA值 PWM_clearIntFlag(myPwm1); //清零PWM中断标志位 PIE_clearInt(myPie,PIE_GroupNumber_3); //清零PIE中断标志位 mycmp=5000; //将比较点初值设为5000 } interrupt void MY_ADC_isr(void) //ADC中断服务函数 { MY_ADC=ADC_readResult(myAdc,ADC_ResultNumber_0); //获取ADC转换的数字量 32 MY_ADC= ADC_getTemperatureC(myAdc, MY_ADC); //将数字量转换为温度值 ADC_clearIntFlag(myAdc, ADC_IntNumber_1); //清除中断标志位 PIE_clearInt(myPie,PIE_GroupNumber_10); } interrupt void KEY_xint1_isr(void) //按键中断服务函数 { SET_TEMP++; if(SET_TEMP>40) { SET_TEMP=10; } PIE_clearInt(myPie,PIE_GroupNumber_1); } interrupt void MY_CAP_isr(void) //CAP中断服务函数 { uint32_t CapEvent1Count=0,CapEvent2Count=0,CapEvent3Count=0; float fPwmDuty=0.0; CapEvent1Count = CAP_getCap1(myCap); CapEvent2Count = CAP_getCap2(myCap); CapEvent3Count = CAP_getCap3(myCap); fPwmDuty = (float)(CapEvent2Count - CapEvent1Count) / (CapEvent3Count - CapEvent1Count); //计算PWM占空比 fPwmDuty=fPwmDuty*100; NOW_PWM=(int)fPwmDuty; CAP_clearInt(myCap, CAP_Int_Type_CEVT3); CAP_clearInt(myCap, CAP_Int_Type_Global); // Acknowledge this interrupt to receive more interrupts from group 4 PIE_clearInt(myPie, PIE_GroupNumber_4); } //redefined in Isr.h // end of file 32 ①/*F2802x_Device.h*/ #include \"F2802x_Component/include/adc.h\" #include \"F2802x_Component/include/clk.h\" #include \"F2802x_Component/include/flash.h\" #include \"F2802x_Component/include/gpio.h\" #include \"F2802x_Component/include/pie.h\" #include \"F2802x_Component/include/pll.h\" #include \"F2802x_Component/include/timer.h\" #include \"F2802x_Component/include/wdog.h\" #include \"F2802x_Component/include/sci.h\" #include \"F2802x_Component/include/cap.h\" ①/*Key.c*/ // the includes #include \"User_Component/Key/Key.h\" // ************************************************************************** // the defines // ************************************************************************** // the globals 32 // ************************************************************************** // the functions // the function prototypes //! \\brief KEY initail //! \\param[in] None //! \\param[out] None void KEY_initial(void) { } // //! \\brief KEY configure //! \\param[in] None //! \\param[out] None void KEY_config(void) { //按键为GPIO12设置为输入口 //1. mode GPIO_setMode(KEY_obj, KEY1, GPIO_12_Mode_GeneralPurpose); //2. direction GPIO_setDirection(KEY_obj, KEY1, GPIO_Direction_Input); //3. pullup GPIO_setPullUp(KEY_obj, KEY1, GPIO_PullUp_Disable); //4. qualification GPIO_setQualification(KEY_obj, KEY1, GPIO_Qual_Sync); } //! \\brief ScanKey API //! \\param[in] key //! \\param[out] the state of KEY uint16_t ScanKey(const GPIO_Number_e key) { return GPIO_getData(KEY_obj, key); } //! \\param[in] None //! \\param[out] None void KEY_INT_config(void) 32 { //(3). register PIR vector PIE_registerPieIntHandler(myPie, PIE_GroupNumber_1, PIE_SubGroupNumber_4, (intVec_t) &KEY_xint1_isr); //(4). module interrupt configure PIE_setExtIntPolarity(myPie,CPU_ExtIntNumber_1, PIE_ExtIntPolarity_FallingEdge); GPIO_setExtInt(myGpio, GPIO_Number_12, CPU_ExtIntNumber_1); //(5). enable module IE PIE_enableExtInt(myPie, CPU_ExtIntNumber_1); //(6). enable PIEIERx.y PIE_enableInt(myPie, PIE_GroupNumber_1, PIE_InterruptSource_XINT_1); //(7) enable CPU IERx CPU_enableInt(myCpu, CPU_IntNumber_1); } // //! \\brief Interrupt Service Routine //! \\param[in] None //! \\param[out] None TARGET_EXT interrupt void KEY_xint1_isr(void); //redefined in Isr.h // end of file /*Key.h*/ #ifndef _KEY_H_ #define _KEY_H_ // the includes #include // driver #include \"F2802x_Component/F2802x_Device.h\" #include \"User_Component/User_Mcu/User_System.h\" 32 #ifdef __cplusplus extern \"C\" { #endif #ifndef TARGET_GLOBAL #define TARGET_EXT #else #define TARGET_EXT #endif /*------- hardware description of the example module -------------*/ // For example // The module derived from GPIO #define KEY_obj myGpio //here myGpio is defined in System.h #define KEY1 GPIO_Number_12 //pin TARGET_EXT void KEY_initial(void); TARGET_EXT void KEY_config(void); TARGET_EXT void KEY_INT_config(void); TARGET_EXT interrupt void KEY_xint1_isr(void); //redefined in Isr.h /*-------end of hardware description -------------*/ TARGET_EXT uint16_t ScanKey(const GPIO_Number_e key); /*-------end of API description -------------*/ #define KEYPressed 1 /*------- end of defines -------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // extern \"C\" #endif // end of _EXAMPLE_H_ definition extern 32 ②/*LED_PWM.c*/ // the includes #include \"User_Component/LED_PWM/LED_PWM.h\" // the functions void LED_PWM_initial(void) { mycmp=0; } void LED_PWM_config(void) { //GPIO的配置 GPIO_setMode(myGpio,GPIO_Number_0,GPIO_0_Mode_EPWM1A); GPIO_setPullUp(myGpio,GPIO_Number_0,GPIO_PullUp_Disable); //PWM的配置 CLK_disableTbClockSync(myClk); //PWM模块使能 CLK_enablePwmClock(myClk,PWM_Number_1); //设置PWM的时钟 //PWM_setClkDiv(myPwm1,PWM_ClkDiv_by_1); PWM_setHighSpeedClkDiv(myPwm1, PWM_HspClkDiv_by_6); //计数器的设置 PWM_setCounterMode(myPwm1,PWM_CounterMode_Up); //PWM周期设置 PWM_setPeriod(myPwm1,10000); //设置周期加载模式 PWM_setPeriodLoad(myPwm1,PWM_PeriodLoad_Shadow); //比较点的设置 PWM_setCmpA(myPwm1,5000); //PWM装载模式 PWM_setLoadMode_CmpA(myPwm1,PWM_LoadMode_Period); //动作 PWM_setActionQual_CntUp_CmpA_PwmA(myPwm1,PWM_ActionQual_Set); PWM_setActionQual_Period_PwmA(myPwm1,PWM_ActionQual_Clear); //时钟同步 CLK_enableTbClockSync(myClk); } 32 void LED_PWM_INT_config(void) { PIE_registerPieIntHandler(myPie,PIE_GroupNumber_3,PIE_SubGroupNumber_1,(intVec_t)&(LED_PWM_isr)); //模块中断配置 PWM_setIntMode(myPwm1,PWM_IntMode_CounterEqualPeriod); PWM_setIntPeriod(myPwm1,PWM_IntPeriod_FirstEvent); //PWM中断使能 PWM_enableInt(myPwm1); //PIE开关的允许 PIE_enableInt(myPie, PIE_GroupNumber_3, PIE_InterruptSource_EPWM1); //CPU全局中断 CPU_enableInt(myCpu,CPU_IntNumber_3); } // end of file /LED_PWM.h*/ #ifndef _LED_PWM_H_ #define _LED_PWM_H_ // the includes #include // driver #include \"F2802x_Component/F2802x_Device.h\" #include \"User_Component/User_Mcu/User_System.h\" #ifdef __cplusplus 32 extern \"C\" { #endif #ifndef TARGET_GLOBAL #define TARGET_EXT extern #else #define TARGET_EXT #endif /*------- hardware description of the example module TARGET_EXT void LED_PWM_initial(void); TARGET_EXT void LED_PWM_config(void); TARGET_EXT void LED_PWM_INT_config(void); TARGET_EXT interrupt void LED_PWM_isr(void); /*-------end of hardware description -------------*/ TARGET_EXT uint16_t mycmp; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // extern \"C\" #endif // end of _EXAMPLE_H_ definition ③/*MY_ADC.c*/ // the includes #include \"User_Component/MY_ADC/MY_ADC.h\" // the functions void MY_ADC_initial(void) { 32 -------------*/ //redefined in Isr.h SET_TEMP=30; //初始设定温度为30摄氏度 } void MY_ADC_config(void) { //ADC时钟使能 CLK_enableAdcClock(myClk); //初始化ADC模块 ADC_setVoltRefSrc(myAdc, ADC_VoltageRefSrc_Int); ADC_powerUp(myAdc); ADC_enableBandGap(myAdc); ADC_enableRefBuffers(myAdc); ADC_enable(myAdc); //温度转换使能 ADC_enableTempSensor(myAdc); //soc配置 ADC_setSocChanNumber(myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_0, ADC_SocChanNumber_A5); ADC_setSocSampleWindow(myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_0, ADC_SocSampleWindow_7_cycles); ADC_setSocTrigSrc(myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_0, ADC_SocTrigSrc_EPWM1_ADCSOCA); //PWM配置 PWM_setSocAPulseSrc(myPwm1,PWM_SocPulseSrc_CounterEqualZero); PWM_setSocAPeriod(myPwm1,PWM_SocPeriod_FirstEvent); PWM_enableSocAPulse(myPwm1); } void MY_ADC_INT_config(void) { PIE_registerPieIntHandler(myPie,PIE_GroupNumber_10,PIE_SubGroupNumber_1,(intVec_t)&(MY_ADC_isr)); //模块中断配置 ADC_setIntPulseGenMode(myAdc, ADC_IntPulseGenMode_Prior); ADC_setIntSrc(myAdc,ADC_IntNumber_1, ADC_IntSrc_EOC0); ADC_setIntMode(myAdc, ADC_IntNumber_1, ADC_IntMode_ClearFlag); //ADC中断使能 ADC_enableInt(myAdc,ADC_IntNumber_1); 32 //PIE开关的允许 PIE_enableInt(myPie, PIE_GroupNumber_10, PIE_InterruptSource_ADCINT_10_1); //CPU全局中断 CPU_enableInt(myCpu,CPU_IntNumber_10); } // end of file /*MY_ADC.h*/ #ifndef _MY_ADC_H_ #define _MY_ADC_H_ // the includes #include // driver #include \"F2802x_Component/F2802x_Device.h\" #include \"User_Component/User_Mcu/User_System.h\" #ifdef __cplusplus extern \"C\" { #endif #ifndef TARGET_GLOBAL #define TARGET_EXT #else #define TARGET_EXT #endif /*------- hardware description of the example module -------------*/ TARGET_EXT void MY_ADC_initial(void); 32 extern TARGET_EXT void MY_ADC_config(void); TARGET_EXT void MY_ADC_INT_config(void); TARGET_EXT interrupt void MY_ADC_isr(void); //redefined in Isr.h /*-------end of hardware description -------------*/ TARGET_EXT uint16_t MY_ADC; TARGET_EXT uint16_t SET_TEMP; /*------- end of globals -------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // extern \"C\" #endif // end of _EXAMPLE_H_ definition ④/*MY_CAP.c*/ // the includes #include \"User_Component/MY_CAP/MY_CAP.h\" #include \"User_Component/User_Mcu/User_System.h\" void MY_CAP_initial(void) { } void MY_CAP_config(void) { GPIO_setPullUp(myGpio, GPIO_Number_5, GPIO_PullUp_Enable); GPIO_setQualification(myGpio, GPIO_Number_5, GPIO_Qual_Sync); GPIO_setMode(myGpio, GPIO_Number_5, GPIO_5_Mode_ECAP1); 32 CLK_enableEcap1Clock(myClk); CAP_disableInt(myCap, CAP_Int_Type_All); // 禁止CAP中断 CAP_clearInt(myCap, CAP_Int_Type_All); // 清除CAP中断标志位 CAP_disableCaptureLoad(myCap); // Disable CAP1-CAP4 register loads CAP_disableTimestampCounter(myCap); // Make sure the counter is stopped // Configure peripheral registers CAP_setCapContinuous(myCap); // continuous CAP_setStopWrap(myCap, CAP_Stop_Wrap_CEVT4);// Stop at 3 events CAP_setCapEvtPolarity(myCap, CAP_Event_1, CAP_Polarity_Rising); // 捕获上升沿 CAP_setCapEvtPolarity(myCap, CAP_Event_2, CAP_Polarity_Falling); // 捕获下降沿 CAP_setCapEvtPolarity(myCap, CAP_Event_3, CAP_Polarity_Rising); // 捕获上升沿 CAP_setCapEvtReset(myCap, CAP_Event_3, CAP_Reset_Enable); // 重置计数器确保计数器不会溢出 CAP_enableTimestampCounter(myCap); // 打开计数器 CAP_enableCaptureLoad(myCap); // Enable CAP1-CAP4 register loads /* CAP_enableInt(myCap, CAP_Int_Type_CEVT3); // 3个捕获点之后发生中断 // Register interrupt handlers in the PIE vector table PIE_registerPieIntHandler(myPie, PIE_GroupNumber_4, PIE_SubGroupNumber_1, (intVec_t)&ecap1_isr); // Enable CPU INT4 which is connected to ECAP1-4 INT: CPU_enableInt(myCpu, CPU_IntNumber_4); // Enable eCAP INTn in the PIE: Group 3 interrupt 1-6 PIE_enableCaptureInt(myPie); CPU_enableGlobalInts(myCpu); */ } void MY_CAP_INT_config(void) { CAP_enableInt(myCap, CAP_Int_Type_CEVT3); // 3 events = interrupt // Register interrupt handlers in the PIE vector table 32 PIE_registerPieIntHandler(myPie, PIE_GroupNumber_4, PIE_SubGroupNumber_1, (intVec_t)&MY_CAP_isr); // Enable CPU INT4 which is connected to ECAP1-4 INT: CPU_enableInt(myCpu, CPU_IntNumber_4); // Enable eCAP INTn in the PIE: Group 3 interrupt 1-6 PIE_enableCaptureInt(myPie); CPU_enableGlobalInts(myCpu);} // end of file /*MY_CAP.h*/ #ifndef _MY_CAP_H_ #define _MY_CAP_H_ // the includes #include // driver #include \"F2802x_Component/F2802x_Device.h\" #ifdef __cplusplus extern \"C\" { #endif #ifndef TARGET_GLOBAL #define TARGET_EXT #else #define TARGET_EXT #endif /*------- hardware description of the example module -------------*/ TARGET_EXT void MY_CAP_initial(void); TARGET_EXT void MY_CAP_config(void); TARGET_EXT void MY_CAP_INT_config(void); TARGET_EXT interrupt void MY_CAP_isr(void); //redefined in Isr.h 32 extern /*-------end of hardware description -------------*/ TARGET_EXT int NOW_PWM; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // extern \"C\" #endif // end of _EXAMPLE_H_ definition ⑤/*mySci.c*/ // the includes #include \"User_Component/mySci/mySci.h\" // the functions // the function prototypes //! \\brief SCI initail //! \\param[in] None //! \\param[out] None void SCI_initial(void) { } // //! \\brief SCI configure //! \\param[in] None //! \\param[out] None void SCI_config(void) { //1. GPIO configure //1.1 pullup GPIO_setPullUp(myGpio, GPIO_Number_28, GPIO_PullUp_Enable); GPIO_setPullUp(myGpio, GPIO_Number_29, GPIO_PullUp_Disable); //1.2 input qualification GPIO_setQualification(myGpio, GPIO_Number_28, GPIO_Qual_ASync); //1.3 mode GPIO_setMode(myGpio, GPIO_Number_28, GPIO_28_Mode_SCIRXDA); 32 //SCI数据发送引脚 GPIO_setMode(myGpio, GPIO_Number_29, GPIO_29_Mode_SCITXDA); //SCI数据接收引脚 //2. enable SCIA clk CLK_enableSciaClock(myClk); //3. configure the low speed peripheral clock(LSPCLK) LSPCLK = SYSCLKOUT/4 =15MHz CLK_setLowSpdPreScaler(myClk, CLK_LowSpdPreScaler_SysClkOut_by_4); //设置时钟分频 //4. SCI BRR = LSPCLK/(SCI BAUDx8) - 1 SCI_setBaudRate(mySci, SCI_BaudRate_9_6_kBaud); //设置波特率为9600 //5. configure package(1 stop bit, No loopback, No parity,8 char bits, async mode, idle-line protocol) SCI_disableParity(mySci); SCI_setNumStopBits(mySci, SCI_NumStopBits_One); SCI_setCharLength(mySci, SCI_CharLength_8_Bits); //6. enable SCI TX&RX SCI_enableTx(mySci); SCI_enableRx(mySci); //7.configure the SCI TX&RX FIFO //7.1 enable FIFO //先进先出 SCI_resetChannels(mySci); SCI_enableFifoEnh(mySci); //7.2 configure TX FIFO SCI_resetTxFifo(mySci); //7.3 configure RX FIFO SCI_resetRxFifo(mySci); //8. enable SCI module SCI_enable(mySci); } //! \\brief Transmit a string from the SCI //! \\param[in] string //! \\param[out] None void scia_msg(char * msg) { int i; i = 0; while(msg[i] != '\\0') { scia_xmit(msg[i]); i++; 32 } } //! \\brief Transmit a char from the SCI //! \\param[in] char //! \\param[out] None void scia_xmit(int a) { while(SCI_getTxFifoStatus(mySci) != SCI_FifoStatus_Empty) {} SCI_putDataBlocking(mySci, a); } //! \\brief Receive a char from the SCI //! \\param[in] None //! \\param[out] a:receive data //! 00: no received /00: received int scia_receive(uint16_t *a) { if(SCI_getRxFifoStatus(mySci) < SCI_FifoStatus_1_Word) { return 0; } else { *a = SCI_getData(mySci); } return 1; } // end of file /*mySci.h*/ / #ifndef _MYSCI_H_ #define _MYSCI_H_ // ********************************************************************* 32 ***** // the includes #include // driver #include \"F2802x_Component/F2802x_Device.h\" #include \"User_Component/User_Mcu/User_System.h\" #ifdef __cplusplus extern \"C\" { #endif #ifndef TARGET_GLOBAL #define TARGET_EXT extern #else #define TARGET_EXT #endif /*------- hardware description of the example module -------------*/ // // the function prototypes //! \\brief SCI initail //! \\param[in] None //! \\param[out] None TARGET_EXT void SCI_initial(void); // //! \\brief SCI configure //! \\param[in] None //! \\param[out] None TARGET_EXT void SCI_config(void); // /*******************************************/ //! \\brief Interrup configure //! \\param[in] None //! \\param[out] None //TARGET_EXT void SCI_INT_config(void); // //! \\brief CPU Timer0 Interrupt Service Routine //! \\param[in] None //! \\param[out] None //TARGET_EXT interrupt void SCI_isr(void); //redefined in Isr.h 32 /*-------end of hardware description -------------*/ TARGET_EXT void scia_msg(char * msg); TARGET_EXT void scia_xmit(int a); TARGET_EXT int scia_receive(uint16_t *a); /*-------end of API description -------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // extern \"C\" #endif // end of _EXAMPLE_H_ definition ⑥/*User_System.c*/ #include \"User_Component/User_Mcu/User_System.h\" // system initial void System_initial(void) { } void System_config(void) //system config { //0. myCpu = CPU_init((void *)NULL, sizeof(CPU_Obj)); myWDog = WDOG_init((void *)WDOG_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(WDOG_Obj)); myPll = PLL_init((void *)PLL_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(PLL_Obj)); myClk = CLK_init((void *)CLK_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(CLK_Obj)); myGpio = GPIO_init((void *)GPIO_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(GPIO_Obj)); myPie = PIE_init((void *)PIE_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(PIE_Obj)); //中断指针赋值 myTimer0 = TIMER_init((void *)TIMER0_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(TIMER_Obj)); // CPU Timer0 myPwm1 = PWM_init((void *)PWM_ePWM1_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(PWM_Obj)); // PWM1 32 myPwm2 = PWM_init((void *)PWM_ePWM2_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(PWM_Obj)); // PWM2 myAdc = ADC_init((void *)ADC_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(ADC_Obj)); mySci = SCI_init((void *)SCIA_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(SCI_Obj)); // SCIA myCap = CAP_init((void *)CAPA_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(CAP_Obj)); // 1. disable watch DOG WDOG_disable(myWDog); // 2. disable interrupt CPU_disableGlobalInts(myCpu); // 3. Select the internal oscillator 1(10MHz) as the clock source CLK_setOscSrc(myClk, CLK_OscSrc_Internal); // 4. Setup the PLL for x12 /2 which will yield 60Mhz = 10Mhz * 12 / 2 PLL_setup(myPll, PLL_Multiplier_12, PLL_DivideSelect_ClkIn_by_2); // 5. PIE configure PIE_disable(myPie); //禁止PIE PIE_disableAllInts(myPie); //禁止PIE中断 CPU_disableGlobalInts(myCpu); //CPU全局中断禁止 CPU_clearIntFlags(myCpu); //CPU中断标志位清零 PIE_setDefaultIntVectorTable(myPie); //中断入口地址赋予默认值 PIE_enable(myPie); //使能PIE } void SystemINT_start(void) //User PIE start { // (8)。 Enable Global Interrupts CPU_enableGlobalInts(myCpu); //允许CPU全局中断 } //=========================================================================== // End of file. //=========================================================================== /*User_System.h*/ #ifndef USER_SYSTEM_H 32 #define USER_SYSTEM_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern \"C\" { #endif #ifndef TARGET_GLOBAL #define TARGET_EXT #else #define TARGET_EXT #endif //includes #include \"F2802x_Component/F2802x_Device.h\" TARGET_EXT CLK_Handle myClk; TARGET_EXT CPU_Handle myCpu; TARGET_EXT PLL_Handle myPll; TARGET_EXT WDOG_Handle myWDog; TARGET_EXT PIE_Handle myPie; TARGET_EXT GPIO_Handle myGpio; TARGET_EXT TIMER_Handle myTimer0; TARGET_EXT PWM_Handle myPwm1; TARGET_EXT PWM_Handle myPwm2; TARGET_EXT ADC_Handle myAdc; TARGET_EXT SCI_Handle mySci; TARGET_EXT CAP_Handle myCap; TARGET_EXT void System_initial(void); //system initial TARGET_EXT void System_config(void); //system config TARGET_EXT void SystemINT_start(void); //PIE start #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* extern \"C\" */ #endif extern ⑦/*User_Device.h*/ 32 #include \"User_Component/User_Mcu/User_System.h\" #include \"User_Component/LED_GPIO/LED_GPIO.h\" #include \"User_Component/LED_PWM/LED_PWM.h\" #include \"User_Component/MY_ADC/MY_ADC.h\" #include \"User_Component/Key/Key.h\" #include \"User_Component/mySci/mySci.h\" #include \"User_Component/MY_CAP/MY_CAP.h\" ⑧/*main.c*/ /* * main.c */ #define TARGET_GLOBAL 1 #include \"User_Component/User_Device.h\" #include \"Application\\app.h\" TARGET_EXT uint16_t NOW_CMPA; //TARGET_EXT int NOW_PWM; //当前PWM占空比 char *msg; char buf[10]; void main(void) { //1. configure System_config(); LED_GPIO_config(); LED_PWM_config(); MY_ADC_config(); 32 KEY_config(); SCI_config(); MY_CAP_config(); // //2. initial System_initial(); LED_GPIO_initial(); LED_PWM_initial(); MY_ADC_initial(); KEY_initial(); SCI_initial(); MY_CAP_initial(); //3. Interrupt configure and initial (if use interrupt) LED_PWM_INT_config(); MY_ADC_INT_config(); KEY_INT_config(); MY_CAP_INT_config(); //4. the global interrupt start (if use interrupt) SystemINT_start(); msg = \"\\r\\n\\n\\n虚拟温度控制系统!\\0\"; scia_msg(msg); //5. main LOOP for( ; ; ) { //NOW_CMPA=PWM_getCmpA(myPwm1); //NOW_PWM=NOW_CMPA/100; // call API from app.h //led_control(); msg = \"\\r\\n\\n\\n current tempature: \\0\"; scia_msg(msg); buf[0] = MY_ADC/10 + 48; buf[1] = MY_ADC%10 + 48; buf[2] = 0; msg = buf; scia_msg(msg); 32 msg = \"\\r\\n\\n\\n current PWM 占空比: \\0\"; scia_msg(msg); buf[0] = NOW_PWM/10 + 48; buf[1] = NOW_PWM%10 + 48; buf[2] = 0; msg = buf; scia_msg(msg); delay(2000000); msg = \"\\r\\n\\n\\n current SET tempature: \\0\"; scia_msg(msg); buf[0] = SET_TEMP/10 + 48; buf[1] = SET_TEMP%10 + 48; buf[2] = 0; msg = buf; scia_msg(msg); 6、调试总结 首先,通过大分频从LED查看PWM模块是否正常工作。之后改变分频系数和周期实现1K Hz的PWM波。 然后,测试ADC模块。通过查看expression的变量查看温度。 测试CAP模块。通过expression查看PWM占空比是否正确。 最后测试SCI模块。将温度和占空比传送到上位机查看。 得到结果截图如下: 32 7、设计心得体会 通过这次课程设计,我对代码的模块化编程有了更深入的了解,通过模块化编程让整地代码的可读性有了很大的提高,也提高了编程的速度。同时也学习了通过查看芯片的手册,加深对函数的理解,例如通过看芯片手册波形,计数方式的查看令我加深对PWM,ECAP模块编程的理解。更好地理解各函数的用途。对课题的整体进行合理的布局,对CCS等软件的使用和调试也更加熟练。同时也通过与同学的交流沟通发现程序中自己没有发现的BUG,更加完善了代码。 8、参考文献 1、LAUNCHXL-F28027 C2000 Piccolo LaunchPad Experimenter Kit.pdf 2、王武,蔡逢煌.嵌入式系统技术基础与实践.福州大学电气工程与自动化学院 32 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容