

2022-05-06 来源:客趣旅游网
日记是沟通阅读快 乐婪镌 NapoIe Jack had gone to the unjversi£y t0 study history, but at tbe end 0f his first year, his hist0ry pmfessor f led him in his examinations, and he was t0ld t}lat he wou1d have to leave the university. H0wev— e his al£her decjded that he w0uld go to see the pI 0fessor £0 uI ge him t0 let Jack continue his studies the fnllowing year. “He’s a go0d boy,”said Jack’s falher' “and if you 1et him pass 一杰克到一所大学去学历史。第 学期结束时,历史课教授没让他 及格。学校让他退学。然而,杰克的 父亲决定去见教授,强烈要求让杰 this time, Ilm sure he’U impr0ve a lot next year and pass me exami— nations weU.” at the end 0f jt l_eaUy 克继续来年的学业。 no, thatls quite impossi— “No, “他是个好孩子.”杰克的父亲 我相信 ble,”replied lhe professor immediately. 说:“您要是让他这次及格。“Do v0u kn0w. 1ast month I asked him when Napoleon had died, didn’t kn0w!” he 他明年会有很大进步,学期结束时, 他一定会考好的。” “不,不,那不可能,”教授马上 “Please, sir, 西ve him an0ther 回答。“你知道吗?上个月我问他拿 chance,”said Jack’s see. I’mfather. “Y0u 破仑什么时候死的,他都不知道。” “先生,请再给他一次机会 吧。”杰克的父亲说:“你不知道,恐 &fr_ajd we d0n’t take anv newspaper in our h0use, 0f us even know 山at so none NaD01eon 怕是因为我们家没有订报纸。我们 家的人连拿破仑病了都不知道。” was ilJ.” ∞威劢搐亭_积 畿 。 | 只有推 i l i |l I一|酋 
