[摘 要] 本文就商务英语信函越来越趋向实用简洁这一趋势表现出的语言特点进行辨析,并对针对某一问题的信函的语气语调做浅显的探析。 [关键词] 商务英语信函 语言特点 语气特点 辨析
商务英语信函是一种常用的英语应用文体,它在贸易往来中发挥着重要作用。随着信息技术的突飞猛进,信息量的剧增,商务英语信函越来越趋向实用简洁,用简单朴实的语言,准确地表达自己的意思。本文通过实例进行辨析,希望对您写作商务信函有借鉴作用。 一、语言特点
商务信函的写作秘诀就是用平实无华的的语言,仿佛“书面交谈”。简言之,就是自然、礼貌、简洁、准确地传递信息。现代商务信函更多地采用非正式书面语,而不是过于正式。 1.自然真切
尽管每个人都会体现自己的撰写风格,但要读着真切、自然,如同当面交谈一般。试比较:(1)I have pleasure in informing you...与 I am pleased to tell you...(2)We do not anticipate any increase in prices.与 We do not expect prices to rise.(3)I should be grateful if you would be good enough to advise us...与 Please let us know...(4)Please favour us with a prompt reply.与 Please let me have your comments as soon as possible. 后句用的都是一些简单明了的语句,信函读起来自然真切热情,反而能促进双方的了解和友谊的建立。 2.直截了当
商人有许多文件要读,对他们来说,时间就是金钱,因此,他们更欣赏直截了当的信函。试比较:(1)We shall in a position to...与 I shall be able to…(2)In the course of the next few weeks...与 During the next few weeks...(3)Would you be so kind as to let us know...与 Please let us know...(4)I should be glad if you would...与 Please...(5)I would like to remind you that...与 Please note that..., Please remember that...前句都显得冗长,不如后句直截了当又不失礼貌,读起来节省时间。 3.简洁明了
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用简洁明了的词汇会使你的信函意思更清楚,信息表达地充分、有效,不易引起歧义,更符合现代商务信函的特点。好的信函只要求清楚、准确,从不用多余的词。试比较:(1)We are in receipt of your letter of 12 June.与 Thank you for your letter of 12 June.(2)I am writing with reference to your letter dated 12 June in which you requested information about the courier services provided by this company.与 Thank you for your letter of 12 June enquiring about our courier services.(3)Enclosed herewith you will find...与 I enclose...(4)Please be good enough to advise me...与 Please let me know...前句显得陈旧、过时、累赘,而后句就简洁明了得多。
再者,用简单常见的短单词代替复杂华丽的词。不用 with reference to, in reference to而用 about,不用 due to the fact that,而用because,不用take into consideration,而用consider,不用 with the exception of,而用except,不用for the purpose of,而用 for,不用in the event that, 而用if, when,等等。 二、语气特点
这里所探讨语气,是指信函的语调, 态度,包含英语的虚拟语气但不限于此。商务信函表达上一般都比较委婉、含蓄,体现为他人考虑,体谅对方心情和处境的态度。即使是写信抱怨或回复抱怨,语气语调的度把握的好也不会有粗鲁冒犯之嫌。
试比较:(1)We can not do anything about your problem.与 Unfortunately we are unable to help you on this occasion.(2)This problem would not have happened if you had connected the wires
properly.与The problem may be resolved by connecting the wires in accordance with the instructions given.(3)Your television’s guarantee is up, so you will have to pay for it to be fixed.与 The guarantee for your television has expired. Unfortunately you must therefore bear the cost of any repairs.(4)I am writing to complain because I am very unhappy with the way I was treated in your store today. 与 I was most unhappy with the standard of service I received in your store today.
不难看出,前句让人读起来感觉不舒服,容易激化矛盾,后句就委婉礼貌的多,有利于问题的解决。当对方的建议不合理或者对您的指责不公平时,您可以据理力争,说明您的观点,这时就讲究有理有节,语气语调要把握好“度”,表现出技巧策略,达到预期的效果。 参考文献:
[1]Model Business Letters And Other Business Documents Shirley Taylor Financial Times Professional Limited,1998
[2]何兆熊:新编语用学概要[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000