Exit Interview Questionnaire
Your opinions of your employment here are very important in our efforts to maintain a positive working environment.
Please be assured that your answers will not become a part of your permanent personnel record file or affect your re-employment possibilities, should you desire to seek re-employment.
Employee Name: Job Title: Supervisor:
Promotion/Career Advancement Distance To/From Work Workload too heavy Better Benefits Better Pay Career Change Health Concerns To Continue Education Family Needs/Responsibilities Moving to other city/country
Other (please explain)___________________________________________________________________
Last working date: Department: Join in date:
1. What is your principal reason for leaving Life Technologies?
2. What did you think of your Job on the following points: Always Usually
I enjoyed my work activities
Sometimes Never
I was challenged by my job My supervisor gave clear instructions
for tasks/responsibilities
I was recognized for my good work
My job description accurately reflects
my job responsibilities
My department was adequately staffed
Upper management communicates well with employees
I felt there were opportunities for career advancement
Company policies and practices were followed
My workload was manageable
What did you think of your supervisor on the following points:
Was consistently fair Provided recognition Resolved complaints
Was sensitive to employees needs Provided feedback on performance
Was receptive to open communication
4. How would you rate the following: 4. 请您对于以下几点做出评价
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Cooperation within your division/program
Cooperation with other divisions Personal job training Equipment provided (materials, resources, facilities) Company's performance review system Company's new employee orientation program Rate of pay for your job Career development/Advancement opportunities
Employee’s Signature: