
Tapping tee assembly

2023-06-29 来源:客趣旅游网

专利名称:Tapping tee assembly发明人:Brennan, Michael申请号:EP95114293.4申请日:19950912公开号:EP0702188A2公开日:19960320


摘要:The tapping apparatus includes a body (A) that receives a cutter (32) and asleeve (34). The cutter (32) and the sleeve (34) advance together to form an opening inthe sidewall of a main conduit (B) about which the body is secured. The sleeve (34)includes external threads that grip into the conduit sidewall. Thereafter, retraction of the

cutter (32) leaves the sleeve (34) in place to secure the tapping apparatus to the conduit(B) and establish fluid communication therethrough. The cutter (32) and sleeve (34)preferably have different thread pitches so that the sleeve advances at a slightly fasterrate than the cutter. This facilitates sealing engagement between the external surface ofthe main conduit (B) and the body (A). Additionally, a one-way drive arangement isprovided between the sleeve and cutter so that once the sleeve is positioned in place,the cutter can be removed without altering the location of the sleeve.


地址:222 Lake Street Madison, Ohio 44057-3189 US


代理机构:Zenz, Joachim Klaus, Dipl.-Ing.

