

2021-05-08 来源:客趣旅游网
Version 9.2.1 一:EOIR Set values for Electro-optical infrared sensing. Syntax EOIR {Option} Related Commands  EOIR_R Description Use the EOIR command to set values for Electro-optical infrared sensing for a vehicle. Note: This command is valid for Satellite, Aircraft and Missile only. The following table describes the valid values for {Option} and associated parameters. {Option} Shape ({ShapeOption} []...) Description Set Shape values. The valid values for {ShapeOption} and associated parameters are described in the following tables. Note: This option is valid for Satellite and Aircraft only. Manage shapes for Missiles. The valid values for {ShapeOption} and associated parameters are described in the following tables. Shape {Add | Modify | Delete} [] ({ShapeOption} []...) If Modify or Delete is entered then a valid Component name must also be entered. Use the EOIR_R command to get component names. Note: This option is valid for Missile only. Set values for a Missile Stage. The valid values for {StageOption} and associated parameters are described in the following tables. Note: This option is valid for Missile only. The following table describes the valid values for {ShapeOption} and associated parameters. {ShapeOption} Type {TypeOption} [] Description Define the shape type. The valid values for {TypeOption} and associated parameters are described in the following tables. Define the material type that appears on the surface of the entire shape. Material Note: is case-sensitive, and does not contain any spaces. Stage ({StageOption} []...) BodyTemperature Define the body temperature. The is entered in Scenario temperature unit. Valid values for for Aircraft are: Aluminum, BurnishedAluminum, Gold, GrayBody, MixedForestCamouflage, Silver, SoilCamouflage and WaterCamouflage. Valid values for for Missile are: AluminumMLI, BlackThermalControl, BurnishedAluminum, GoldMLI, GrayBody, SilverMLI and WhiteThermalControl. Valid values for for Satellite are: AluminumMLI, BlackThermalControl, BurnishedAluminum, GoldMLI, GrayBody, SilverMLI, SolarPanel and WhiteThermalControl. Define the reflectance for a shape whose material is GrayBody. The is a percentage between 0.0 and 100.0. Note: This option is only valid if Material is GrayBody. The following table describes the valid values for {TypeOption} and associated parameters to be used with the Shape {Option}. All values are entered in Connect distance units. Note: The {TypeOption} is case-sensitive, and does not contain any spaces. {TypeOption} Box Cone Coupler Cylinder Plate Parameters Reflectance Sphere GEOComm NA Valid for Satellite only. GEOComm is based on the Boeing 702 design. NA LEOComm Valid for Satellite only. LEOComm is based on Iridium or Globalstar. NA LEOImaging Valid for Satellite only. LEOImaging is based on Ikonos. None NA The following table describes the valid values for {StageOption} and associated parameters for Missile objects. {StageOption} Plume {PlumeOptions...} FlightType {Falling | Powered} Description Set the plume values for a Missile. The valid values for {PlumeOptions} and associated parameters are described in the following tables. Set the flight type for a Missile. The following table describes the valid values for {PlumeOption} and associated parameters to be used with the Stage {Option}. {PlumeOption} Description OnTimeDelta FullTimeDelta OffTimeDelta Temperature RelativeWidth RelativeLength Example The is entered in Connect Time unit. The is entered in Connect Time unit. The is entered in Connect Time unit. The is entered in Scenario temperature unit. The is entered in Connect Distance unit, and is between 0.0m and 100.0 m. The is entered in Connect Distance unit, and is between 0.0m and 100.0 m. DiminishedTimeDelta The is entered in Connect Time unit. To set a variety of Shape options for a Satellite: EOIR */Satellite/Satellite1 Shape BodyTemperature 233 Material WhiteThermalControl EOIR */Satellite/Satellite1 Shape Material GrayBody Reflectance 54 EOIR */Satellite/Satellite1 Shape BodyTemperature 163 Type LEOComm To set Stage options for a Missile: EOIR */Missile/Missile1 Stage Plume OffTimeDelta 444 RelativeLength 44 FlightType Powered To add a default component to a Missile: EOIR */Missile/Missile1 Shape Add To modify the Component2 component: EOIR */Missile/Missile1 Shape Modify Component2 Type Cylinder 123 4567 To Add a component, and define the Shape Type: EOIR */Missile/Missile1 Shape Add Type Box 123 2345 64 Material WhiteThermalControl ReturnMessage If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgment message. Group Membership This command belongs to the following group(s): Vehicles Version 9.2.1 二:SetConstraint (EOIR) Set an EOIR constraint for a sensor Syntax SetConstraint {ConstraintName} Related Commands  SetConstraint (Sensor)  SetConstraintOptions Description Warning: Caution should be exercised when turning a constraint Off, in that any previously set constraint values may be lost. These cannot be recovered when the constraint is subsequently turned On. The SetConstraint command turns EOIR constraints On and Off and also sets values for the constraints. The following table lists valid values for {ConstraintName} as well as the parameters accepted for each. Only one constraint can be set with each SetConstraint command. 三:EOIR Constraints The following constraints are valid for Sensor: {ConstraintName} EOIRSNR Parameters {Off | Min [|] Max } [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals], where and are between 1.0e-300 and 1.0e300. Example To set a minimum and maximum values for the EOIRSNR constraint: SetConstraint */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 EOIRSNR Min 1.23 Max 1000 ReturnMessage If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgment message. Group Membership This command belongs to the following group(s): Sensors Version 9.2.1 四:Sensor: EOIR Sensor Performance Spatial, spectral, and radiometric settings and performance metrics for EOIR sensors. Type: Fixed data Availability: Reports Name Horizontal pixels Vertical pixels Unitless Unitless Dimension Type Integer Integer Description Number of pixels in horizontal direction as defined by the user for the EOIR sensor band. Number of pixels in vertical direction as defined by the user for the EOIR sensor band. Low band edge wavelength SmallDistanceUnit High band edge wavelength SmallDistanceUnit Geometric FOV SolidAngle Real Number Low band edge wavelength of the spectral passband as defined by the user for the EOIR sensor band. Real Number High band edge wavelength of the spectral passband as defined by the user for the EOIR sensor band. Real Number Geometric field of view solid angle. Real Number Full-angle geometric field of view in the horizontal direction. Real Number Full-angle geometric field of view in the vertical direction. Real Number On-axis geometric instantaneous field of view solid angle. Real Number Full-angle geometric instantaneous field of view in the horizontal direction. Real Number Full-angle geometric instantaneous field of view in the vertical direction. Horizontal geometric FOV AngleUnit Vertical geometric FOV AngleUnit Geometric instantaneous SolidAngle FOV Horizontal geometric instantaneous FOV Vertical geometric instantaneous FOV AngleUnit AngleUnit Effective FOV SolidAngle Real Number Effective field of view solid angle (including optical effects such as diffraction). Real Number Full-angle effective field of view (including optical effects such as diffraction) in the horizontal direction. Real Number Full-angle effective field of view (including optical effects such as diffraction) in the vertical direction. Real Number On-axis effective instantaneous field of view solid angle (including optical effects such as diffraction). Real Number Full-angle effective instantaneous field of view (including optical effects such as diffraction) in the horizontal direction. Real Number Full-angle effective instantaneous field of view (including optical effects such as diffraction) in the vertical direction. Real Number Absolute peak radiance responsivity of the sensor. Horizontal effective FOV AngleUnit Vertical effective FOV AngleUnit Effective instantaneous SolidAngle FOV Horizontal effective instantaneous FOV Vertical effective instantaneous FOV Sensor peak radiance responsivity Sensor peak irradiance responsivity Sensor NEI AngleUnit AngleUnit RadResp IrrResp PowerFluxDensity Real Number Absolute peak irradiance responsivity of the sensor. Real Number Sensor dark noise equivalent irradiance, i.e. sensor dark noise expressed in irradiance units referred to the sensor aperture. Sensor NER PowerFluxIntensity Real Number Sensor dark noise equivalent radiance, i.e. sensor dark noise expressed in radiance units referred to the sensor aperture. Real Number Sensor saturation equivalent irradiance, i.e. saturation level expressed in irradiance units referred to the sensor aperture. Real Number Sensor saturation equivalent radiance, i.e. saturation level expressed in radiance units referred to the sensor aperture. Sensor SEI PowerFluxDensity Sensor SER PowerFluxIntensity 五:Sensor: EOIR Sensor Optics Common optical system parameters and metrics for EOIR sensors. Type: Fixed data Availability: Reports Name Effective focal length F number Dimension SmallDistanceUnit Unitless Type Real Number Real Number Description The effective focal length as defined by the user for the EOIR sensor band. Optical system F-number as defined by the user for the EOIR sensor band. Diffraction wavelength Airy disk diameter Rayleigh resolution Sparrow resolution Ensquared energy SmallDistanceUnit AngleUnit AngleUnit AngleUnit Unitless Real Number Real Number Real Number Real Number Real Number The wavelength used internally for diffraction calculations as defined for the EOIR sensor band. Diameter of the bright central lobe of the diffraction point spread function. Limiting resolution of the optical system as defined by Rayleigh's resolution criterion. Limiting resolution of the optical system as defined by Sparrow's resolution criterion. Fraction of power in a point source which falls within the boundaries of a pixel centered on the point source. 六:EOIR_R Return information about Electro-optical infrared sensing for a vehicle. Syntax EOIR_R {Options} Related Commands  EOIR Description Return information about EOIR settings for a vehicle. Note: This command is valid for Satellite, Aircraft and Missile only. For Satellite and Aircraft objects enter a {ShapeOption} as described in the table below. {ShapeOption} Shape Description Return the shape type and it's parameters, if applicable. The parameters are returned in Connect distance units. See the EOIR command for details of the parameters for each shape type. Temperature Return the Temperature in Scenario temperature units. Material Return the material type. Return the reflectance value. Reflectance The reflectance is used only for a shape whose material is GrayBody, however it's value will be returned in any case. For Missile objects, enter a {MissileOption} as described in the following table. {MissileOption} ComponentNames {ShapeOption} Return the names of the Missile's components. Description Return shape information for the specified . See table above for {ShapeOption} details. Return stage information. Valid values for {StageOption} are: FlightType, PlumeOnTimeDelta, PlumeFullTimeDelta, PlumeDimTimeDelta, PlumeOffTimeDelta, Temperature, RelativeWidth, Relative Length. Stage {StageOption} Plume Time values are in returned in Connect time units. Temperature is returned in Scenario temperature units. RelativeWidth and RelativeLength values are in returned in Connect distance units. Example To return the EOIR Shape type of the Satellite: EOIR_R */Satellite/Satellite1 Shape ReturnMessage The Shape type is returned, along with it's parameter: Sphere: 1.000000 Example To return the list of Component names for Missile1: EOIR_R */Missile/Missile1 ComponentNames ReturnMessage The list of component names is returned: Component1; Component2; Component3 Example To return the material for Component2 for Missile1: EOIR_R */Missile/Missile1 Component2 Material ReturnMessage The material name is returned: GrayBody Example To return the value of the Plume FullTime Delta for Missile1: EOIR_R */Missile/Missile1 Stage PlumeFullTimeDelta ReturnMessage The value is returned: 21.0000000 Group Membership This command belongs to the following group(s): Vehicles Version 9.2.1 七:Sensor: EOIR Sensor To Target Metrics Time dependent metrics for a unique EOIR Sensor-Band / Target pairing. Type: Time-varying data Availability: Reports | Graphs | Dynamic Displays | Strip Charts Name Time Range to Target Dimension DateFormat DistanceUnit Type Real Number Real Number Real Number Description Time offset from the scenario analysis start time. The distance from the sensor to the target. Irradiance at the sensor aperture from a target object whose angular extent is smaller than the effective instantaneous field of view, i.e. a point source target. The solid angle subtended by a point source target at the sensor aperture. The total sensor noise for point source targets, including scene photon noise and sensor dark noise, expressed in irradiance units and referred to the sensor aperture. The noise equivalent irradiance (NEI) due to scene photon noise from the background and one component of the total NEI. Only defined when the Effective target irradiance PowerFluxDensity Point target solid angle Total noise equivalent irradiance SolidAngle PowerFluxDensity Real Number Real Number Scene photon NEI PowerFluxDensity Real Number target is a point source. Effective target radiance PowerFluxIntensity Real Number The average apparent radiance at the sensor aperture from a target object whose angular extent is larger than the effective instantaneous field of view, i.e. an extended area target. The apparent radiance at the sensor aperture from the area immediately behind or adjacent to the target. The total sensor noise for extended area targets, including scene photon noise and sensor dark noise, expressed in radiance units and referred to the sensor aperture. The noise equivalent radiance (NER) due to scene photon noise from the background and one component of the total NER. Only defined when the target is an extended area source. The ratio of the difference in sensor response between target-containing pixel(s) and the local surrounding pixels to the total noise. For point source targets the background is assumed to be uniform (spatial clutter is neglected) and the target is assumed to be exactly centered on a pixel. Effective background radiance Total noise equivalent radiance PowerFluxIntensity Real Number Real Number PowerFluxIntensity Scene photon NER PowerFluxIntensity Real Number Signal to noise ratio Unitless Real Number Geometric instantaneous field of view footprint Effective instantaneous field of view footprint Small Area Small Area Real Number Real Number The geometric instantaneous field of view (FOV) footprint at the distance to the target. The effective instantaneous field of view (FOV) footprint at the distance to the target. 八:Sensor: EOIR System Image Quality EOIR Sensor modulation transfer functions. Type: Fixed data Availability: Reports Name Spatial frequency Diffraction limited MTF Optics MTF Jitter MTF Dimension Type Description SpatialAngularFrequency Real Spatial frequencies at which Modulation Transfer Number Functions are defined. Unitless Unitless Unitless Real The diffraction modulation transfer function (MTF). This Number is the upper bound on MTF performance. Real Optical system modulation transfer function (MTF) which Number includes diffraction, aberrations, and defocus. Real High-frequency pointing jitter modulation transfer Number function (MTF). Real Detector footprint modulation transfer function (MTF) in Horizontal detector footprint Unitless MTF Vertical detector footprint MTF Unitless Number the horizontal direction. Real Detector footprint modulation transfer function (MTF) in Number the vertical direction.
