班 级
姓 名 学 号成 绩 指导教师
日 期
: 1004010510
: 张 迎 辉 : 2021.11.20
1 «一维搜索方法»上机实践报告
1、写出所选择的一维搜索算法的差不多过程、原理〔可附流程图说明〕。 〔一〕进退法 1. 算法原理
(1) 假如fx0fx0h
(2) 假如fx0fx0h
2. 算法步骤
(1) 给定初始点x(0),初始步长h0,令hh0,x(1)x(0),k0; (2) 令x(4)x(1)h,置kk1;
(3) 假设fx(4)fx(1),那么转步骤〔4〕,否那么转步骤〔5〕;
(4) 令x(2)x(1),x(1)x(4),fx(2)fx(1),fx(1)fx(4),令h2h,转步骤〔2〕; (5) 假设k1,那么转步骤〔6〕否那么转步骤〔7〕; (6) 令hh,x(2)x(4),fx(2)fx(4),转步骤〔2〕;
(7) 令x(3)x(2),x(2)x(1),x(1)x(4),停止运算,极小值点包含于区间
2 黄金分割法的差不多原理
黄金分割法是用于一元函数f(x)在给定初始区间[a,b]内搜索极小点α*的一种方法。它是优化运算中的经典算法,以算法简单、收敛速度平均、成效较好而著称,是许多优化算法的基础,但它只适用于一维区间上的凸函数[6],即只在单峰区间内才能进行一维寻优,其收敛效率较低。其差不多原理是:依照〝去劣存优〞原那么、对称原那么、以及等比收缩原那么来逐步缩小搜索区间[7]。具体步骤是:在区间[a,b]内取点:a1 ,a2 把[a,b]分为三段。假如f(a1)>f(a2),令a=a1,a1=a2,a2=a+r*(b-a);假如f(a1) 3 程序流程如下: 4 实验所编程序框图 给定a=-3,b=5,收敛精度ε=0.001 开始 |(b-a)/b|<ε和 |〔y2-y1〕/y2|<ε? a2=a+r*(b-a) y2=f(a2) a1=b-r*(b-a) y1=f(a1) a=a1 a1=a2 y1=y2 b=a2 a2=a1 y2=y1 是 否 y1>=y2 r=0.618 a1=b-r*(b-a) y1=f(a1) a2=a+r*(b-a) y2=f(a2) 算例1:minf(x)= x*x+2*x (1)C++程序如下: #include double calc(double *a,double *b,double e,int *n) { double x1,x2,s; if(fabs(*b-*a)<=e) s=f((*b+*a)/2); else { x1=*b-0.618*(*b-*a); x2=*a+0.618*(*b-*a); if(f(x1)>f(x2)) *a=x1; else *b=x2; *n=*n+1; s=calc(a,b,e,n); } return s; } main() { double s,a,b,e; int n=0; scanf(\"%lf %lf %lf\s=calc(&a,&b,e,&n); printf(\"a=%lf,b=%lf,s=%lf,n=%d\\n\} 2、程序运行结果: 是 否 算例2:minf=x^2-10*x+36 理论最优解:x*=5.0,f〔x*〕=11.0 〔1〕MATLAB程序清单: function f=myfun_yi(x) f=x^2-10*x+36 >> fminbnd(@myfun_yi,1,12) 〔2〕运行结果: >> fminbnd(@myfun_yi,1,12) f = 11.0407 f = 18.8309 f = 12.9691 f = 11 f = 11.0000 f = 11.0000 ans = 5 〔3〕结果分析:由迭代程序f=11.0,ans=5,与理论结果相等 算例3:minf=x^4-5*x^3+4*x^2-6*x+60 理论最优解:x*=3.2796,f〔x*〕=22.6590 〔1〕MATLAB程序清单: function f=myfun_yi(x) f=x^4-5*x^3+4*x^2-6*x+60 >> fminbnd(@myfun_yi,1,12) 〔2〕运行结果: >> fminbnd(@myfun_yi,1,12) f = 165.3948 f = 1.5836e+03 f = 24.8730 f = 35.9194 f = 23.9089 f = 22.7621 f = 31.7507 f = 22.6673 f = 22.6594 f = 22.6590 f = 22.6590 f = 22.6590 f = 22.6590 ans = 3.2796 〔3〕结果分析:由迭代程序得f =22.659,ans =3.2796,与理论最优解相等 2 «无约束优化搜索方法»上机实践报告 1、写出所选择的无约束优化搜索算法的差不多过程、原理〔可附流程图说明〕。 鲍威尔改进方法 鲍威尔〔Powell〕法是直截了当利用函数值来构造共轭方向的一种方法 在鲍威尔差不多算法中,每一轮迭代都用连结始点和终点所产生出的搜索方向去替换原向量组中的第一个向量,而不管它的〝好坏〞,这是产生向量组线性相关的缘故所在。 在改进的算法中第一判定原向量组是否需要替换。假如需要替换,还要进一步判定原向量组中哪个向量最坏,然后再用新产生的向量替换那个最坏的向量,以保证逐次生成共轭方向。 2、程序运算结果分析:中间各步骤的结果分析及与理论运算结果分析对比。 算例1:minf=4*(x(1)-5)^2+(x(2)-6)^2 初始点:x0=[8;9],f(x0)=45 最优解:x*=[5;6],f(x*)=0 (1)MATLAB程序清单: function f=myfun_wuyueshu(x) f=4*(x(1)-5)^2+(x(2)-6)^2 >> [x,fval]=fminunc(@myfun_wuyueshu,x0) (2)运行结果: f = 45 Warning: Gradient must be provided for trust-region algorithm; using line-search algorithm instead. > In fminunc at 367 f = 45.0000 f = 45.0000 f = 23.5625 f = 23.5625 f = 23.5625 f = 2.6958 f = 2.6958 f = 2.6958 f = 1.3788 f = 1.3788 f = 1.3788 f = 0.0054 f = 0.0054 f = 0.0054 f = 6.4975e-05 f = 6.4973e-05 f = 6.4975e-05 f = 6.1579e-09 f = 6.1522e-09 f = 6.1443e-09 f = 1.7876e-12 f = 1.8627e-12 f = 1.5586e-12 Local minimum found. Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than the default value of the function tolerance. 5.0000 6.0000 fval = 1.7876e-12 (3)结果分析:由迭代程序得x =[ 5.0000; 6.0000],fval =1.7876e-12,与理论最优解相等。 算例2:minf=(x(1)^2+x(2)-11)^2+(x(1)+x(2)^2-7)^2 初始点:x0=[1;1],f(x0)=106 最优解:x*=[3;2],f(x*)=0 (1)MATLAB程序清单: function f=myfun_wuyueshu(x) f=(x(1)^2+x(2)-11)^2+(x(1)+x(2)^2-7)^2 >> [x,fval]=fminunc(@myfun_wuyueshu,x0) (2)运行结果: >> x0=[1;1] x0 = 1 1 >> [x,fval]=fminunc(@myfun_wuyueshu,x0) f = 106 Warning: Gradient must be provided for trust-region algorithm; using line-search algorithm instead. > In fminunc at 367 f = 106.0000 f = 106.0000 f = 29.5430 f = 29.5430 f = 29.5430 f = 1.7450e+04 f = 1.7450e+04 f = 1.7450e+04 f = 90.3661 f = 90.3661 f = 90.3661 f = 0.3575 f = 0.3575 f = 0.3575 f = 0.0179 f = 0.0179 f = 0.0179 f = 0.0064 f = 0.0064 f = 0.0064 f = 1.0048e-06 f = 1.0044e-06 f = 1.0049e-06 f = 4.8639e-09 f = 4.8567e-09 f = 4.8781e-09 f = 5.2125e-12 f = 5.8703e-12 f = 5.7870e-12 Local minimum found. Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than the default value of the function tolerance. 3.0000 2.0000 fval = 5.2125e-12 (3)结果分析:由迭代程序得x=[3;2],fval = 5.2125e-12,与理论最优解相等 算例3:ff=x[0]*x[0]+2*x[1]*x[1]-4*x[0]-2*x[0]*x[1]; 〔1〕鲍威尔改进算法C++程序清单: #include \"stdio.h\" #include \"stdlib.h\" #include \"math.h\" double objf(double x[]) {double ff; ff=x[0]*x[0]+2*x[1]*x[1]-4*x[0]-2*x[0]*x[1]; return(ff); } void jtf(double x0[ ],double h0,double s[ ],int n,double a[ ],double b[ ]) {int i; double *x[3],h,f1,f2,f3; for (i=0;i<3;i++) x[i]=(double *)malloc (n*sizeof(double)); h=h0; for(i=0;i for (i=0;i f1=f2; f2=f3; } for(;;) {h=2. *h; for(i=0;i f1=f2; f2=f3; } } if(h<0. ) for(i=0;i double gold(double a[],double b[],double eps,int n,double xx[]) { int i; double f1,f2,*x[2],ff,q,w; for(i=0;i<2;i++) x[i]=(double*)malloc (n*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i f1=objf(x[0]); f2=objf(x[1]); do {if(f1>f2) {for(i=0;i f1=f2; for(i=0;i {for(i=0;i f2=f1; for(i=0;i for(i=0;i }while(w>eps); for(i=0;i for(i=0;i<2;i++) free(x[i]); return(ff); } double oneoptim(double x0[],double s[],double h0,double epsg,int n,double x[]) {double *a,*b,ff; a=(double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double)); b=(double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double)); jtf(x0,h0,s,n,a,b); ff=gold(a,b,epsg,n,x); free(a); free(b); return(ff); } double powell(double p[],double h0,double eps,double epsg,int n,double x[]) {int i,j,m; double *xx[4],*ss,*s; double f,f0,f1,f2,f3,fx,dlt,df,sdx,q,d; ss=(double *)malloc(n*(n+1)*sizeof(double)); s=(double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double)); for (i=0;i xx[i]=(double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double)); for (i=0;i } f0=f1=objf(x); dlt=-1; for (j=0;j f=oneoptim(xx[0],s,h0,epsg,n,x); df=f0-f; if(df>dlt) {dlt=df; m=j; } } sdx=0.; for (i=0;i for (i=0;i fx=objf(x); f3=fx; q=(f1-2*f2+f3)*(f1-f2-dlt)*(f1-f2-dlt); d=0.5*dlt*(f1-f3)*(f1-f3); if((f3 for (i=0;i {for (i=0;i f=oneoptim(xx[0],s,h0,epsg,n,x); for(i=0;i void main() {double p[]={1,1}; double ff,x[2],x1,x2,f; ff=powell(p,0.3,0.001,0.0001,2,x); printf(\"shuchuzuiyoujie:\\n\"); x1=x[1];x2=x[2];f=ff; printf(\"x1=%f,x2=%f,f=%f\\n\getchar(); } 〔2〕运行结果为: 3«约束优化搜索方法»上机实践报告 1、写出所选择的约束优化搜索算法的差不多过程、原理〔可附流程图说明〕。 2、程序运算结果分析:中间各步骤的结果分析及与理论运算结果分析对比。 算例1:minf=〔x(1)-2)^2+(x(2)-1)^2; s.t g1(x)=x(1)^2-x(2)<=0 g2(x)=x(1)+x(2)-2 <=0 初始点:x0=[3;3],f(x0)=5 最优解:x*=[1;1] f(x*)=1 (1)MATLAB程序清单: function f=myfun_constrain(x) f=〔x(1)-2)^2+(x(2)-1)^2; function [c,ceq]=mycon(x) c=[x(1)^2-x(2);x(1)+x(2)-2 ] ceq=[] >> [x,fval]=fmincon(@myfun_constrain,x0,A,b,[],[],[],[],@mycon) (2)运行结果: >> A=[-1,0;0,-1] b=[0;0] x0=[3;3] A = -1 0 0 -1 b = 0 0 x0 = 3 3 >> [x,fval]=fmincon(@myfun_constrain,x0,A,b,[],[],[],[],@mycon) Warning: The default trust-region-reflective algorithm does not solve problems with the constraints you have specified. FMINCON will use the active-set algorithm instead. For information on applicable algorithms, see Choosing the Algorithm in the documentation. > In fmincon at 486 f = 5 c = 6 4 ceq = [] f = 5.0000 c = 6.0000 4.0000 ceq = [] f = 5.0000 c = 6.0000 4.0000 ceq = [] f = 2.0000 c = 1.0000 -1.0000 ceq = [] f = 2.0000 c = 1.0000 -1.0000 ceq = [] f = 2.0000 c = 1.0000 -1.0000 ceq = [] f = 1.0000 c = 1.0e-15 * 0.9992 0.4441 ceq = [] f = 1.0000 c = 1.0e-07 * 0.2980 0.1490 ceq = [] f = 1.0000 c = 1.0e-07 * -0.1490 0.1490 ceq = [] Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints. Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in feasible directions, to within the default value of the function tolerance, and constraints are satisfied to within the default value of the constraint tolerance. Active inequalities (to within options.TolCon = 1e-06): lower upper ineqlin ineqnonlin 1 2 x = 1.0000 1.0000 fval = 1.0000 (3)结果分析:由迭代程序得x =[1.0000; 1.0000],fval =1.0000,与理论最优解相等 算例2.minf=1000-x(1)^2-2*x(2)^2-x(3)^2-x(1)*x(2)-x(1)*x(3); S.t g1(x)=x(1)^2+x(2)^2+x(3)^2-25<=0 g2(x)8*x(1)+14*x(2)+7*x(3)-56<=0 g3(x)=-x(1)<=0 g4(x)=-x(2)<=0 g5(x)=-x(3)<=0 初始点:x0=[2;2;2],f(x0)=976 最优解:x*=[3.512;0.217;3.552],f(x*)=961.715 〔1〕MATLAB程序清单: function f=myfun_constrain(x) f=1000-x(1)^2-2*x(2)^2-x(3)^2-x(1)*x(2)-x(1)*x(3); function [c,ceq]=mycon(x) c=[x(1)^2+x(2)^2+x(3)^2-25;8*x(1)+14*x(2)+7*x(3)-56] ceq=[] >> [x,fval]=fmincon(@myfun_constrain,x0,A,b,[],[],[],[],@mycon) 〔2〕运行结果 >> A=[-1,0,0;0,-1,0;0,0,-1] b=[0;0;0] x0=[2;2;2] A = -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 b = 0 0 0 x0 = 2 2 2 >> [x,fval]=fmincon(@myfun_constrain,x0,A,b,[],[],[],[],@mycon) Warning: The default trust-region-reflective algorithm does not solve problems with the constraints you have specified. FMINCON will use the active-set algorithm instead. For information on applicable algorithms, see Choosing the Algorithm in the documentation. > In fmincon at 486 c = -13 2 ceq = [] c = -13.0000 2.0000 ceq = [] c = -13.0000 2.0000 ceq = [] c = -13.0000 2.0000 ceq = [] c = -5.9320 0 ceq = [] c = -5.9320 0.0000 ceq = [] c = -5.9320 0.0000 ceq = [] c = -5.9320 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 1.1562 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 1.1562 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 1.1562 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 1.1562 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 31.5713 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 8.1851 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 8.1851 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 8.1851 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 8.1851 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 3.2553 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 3.2553 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 3.2553 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 3.2553 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 1.0789 -0.0000 ceq = [] c = 1.0789 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 1.0789 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 1.0789 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 0.4793 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 0.4793 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 0.4793 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 0.4793 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 0.0039 -0.0000 ceq = [] c = 0.0039 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 0.0039 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 0.0039 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 1.0e-06 * 0.4884 0.0000 ceq = [] c = 1.0e-06 * 0.8559 0.4187 ceq = [] c = 1.0e-06 * 0.4948 0.2086 ceq = [] c = 1.0e-06 * 0.8644 0.3705 ceq = [] Local minimum possible. Constraints satisfied. fmincon stopped because the predicted change in the objective function is less than the default value of the function tolerance and constraints are satisfied to within the default value of the constraint tolerance. Active inequalities (to within options.TolCon = 1e-06): lower upper ineqlin ineqnonlin 1 2 x = 3.5120 0.2170 3.5523 fval = 961.7152 >> 〔3〕结果分析:由迭代程序得x=[ 3.5120; 0.2170; 3.5523],fval =961.7152,与理论结果相等。 4«平面连杆机构中再现运动规律的优化设计»上机实践报告 1、写出所针对此实际的优化问题,所确定的优化目标函数和约束条件。 例8.5 设计一曲柄摇杆机构〔如图9所示〕,要求曲柄l1从0转到090时,摇杆l3的转角最正确再现的运动规律: E0承诺在45135范畴内变化。 202, 且l11,l45,0为极位角,其传动角3 2、MATLAB程序清单: function f=objfun(x) n=30; L1=1; L2=5; fx=0; fa0=acos(((L1+x(1))^2-x(2)^2+L2^2)/(2*(L1+x(1))*L2)); %Çú±ú³õʼ½Ç pu0=acos(((L1+x(1))^2-x(2)^2-L2^2)/(2*(x(2))*L2)); %Ò¡¸Ë³õʼ½Ç for i=1:n fai=fa0+0.5*pi*i/n; pui=pu0+2*(fai-fa0)^2/(3*pi); ri=sqrt(L1^2+L2^2-2*L1*L2*cos(fai)); alfai=acos((ri^2+x(2)^2-x(1)^2)/(2*ri*x(2))); betai=acos((ri^2+L2^2-L1^2)/(2*ri*L2)); if fai>0&&fai<=pi psi=pi-alfai-betai; elseif fai>pi&&fai<=2*pi psi=pi-alfai+betai; end fx=fx+(pui-psi)^2; end f=fx; function [c,ceq]=nonlinconstr(x) L1=1;L2=5; m=45*pi/180; n=135*pi/180; c(1)=x(1)^2+x(2)^2-(L1-L2)^2-2*x(1)*x(2)*cos(m);%×îС´«¶¯½ÇÔ¼Êø c(2)=-x(1)^2-x(2)^2+(L1+L2)^2+2*x(1)*x(2)*cos(m);%×î´ó´«¶¯½ÇÔ¼Êø ceq=[]; options=optimset('LargeScale','on','TolFun',1e-6); >> [x,fval]=fmincon(@objfun,x0,a,b,[],[],lb,ub,@nonlinconstr,options) 〔2〕运行结果: x0=[4.0;4.0]; lb=[1;1]; ub=[10;10]; a=[-1 -1 ;1 -1 ;-1 1 ]; b=[-6;4;4]; options=optimset('LargeScale','on','TolFun',1e-6); >> [x,fval]=fmincon(@objfun,x0,a,b,[],[],lb,ub,@nonlinconstr,options) Warning: The default trust-region-reflective algorithm does not solve problems with the constraints you have specified. FMINCON will use the active-set algorithm instead. For information on applicable algorithms, see Choosing the Algorithm in the documentation. > In fmincon at 486 No feasible solution found. fmincon stopped because the size of the current search direction is less than twice the default value of the step size tolerance but constraints are not satisfied to within the default value of the constraint tolerance. 6.6622 6.6622 fval = 0.5720 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容