描写 一:环境描写
1.一个暴风雨之夜:_______________ 2.落日:_______________
3.冉冉升起的太阳:______________ 4.(天气)放晴:______________ 5. 沐浴在温暖的阳光里:______________ 6.电闪雷鸣:____________________ 7.鹅毛大雪:______________ 8.狂风暴雨:_________________ 9.泥泞的:____________ 10.多雾的:_______________ 11.凉爽的微风:________ 12.冰冷的:_______________ 13.温和的__________14.潮湿的:______________
15.一轮明月:_______________ 16.清新的空气__________________ 17. 晴朗的:______________ 18.变化无常的___________ (2)地理、方位:
1.群山环绕的村庄:____________________ 2.位于/坐落于:________________________ 3.朝南的房间:__________________________ 4.蜿蜒的小路:_________________________ 5.偏僻宁静的村庄:____________________ 6.多山的:______________ 二:人物描写 (1) 外貌:
1.苗条的身材:______________ 2.中等身材:_____________
3.高/矮 ___________________ 4.戴眼镜/蓄胡子/戴项链__________________ 5.相貌平平的______________6.衣着干净整洁______________________ 7.超重的______________ 8.瘦骨嶙峋_____________ 9.便装___________ 10.衣衫褴褛_______________ 11.明亮的眼睛_____________ 12. 衣着考究的 13.她的额头出现了一道皱纹。(M8U5)
__________________________________________________ 14.他脸盘很大,方形脸,浓眉大眼,颧骨突出。(M8U5)
________________________________________________________________ (2)品格:
1.慷慨的___________ 2.忠诚的;挚爱的_________ 3.自私的 ___________ 4.无私的___________ 5.吝啬的 ___________6.富有同情心的___________
7.勇敢的__________ 8. 具有冒险精神的__________ 9. 外向的___________ 10.脾气暴躁的 ________11. 小心眼儿的 _________12. 温和的__________ 13.善良的_______14. 脾气随和的;易相处的_______15.粗鲁的__________ 16.有/没有礼貌的____________17.自信的_________
18. 幽默的_____________19. 乐观的_________ 20悲观的___________ 21.高尚的;崇高的_______22.谦虚的____ 23.体贴的,考虑周到的___________ 24.热心肠的_________25.铁石心肠_________26. 固执的;倔强的_________ 27.意志坚定的_______28.忠实的,忠诚的________29. 有丰富知识的______ 30.富有想象力的______31.有耐心的/急躁的,不耐烦的__________ 32.有责任心的_______33.勤奋的___________34.有经验的____________ 35.健忘的________36. 骄傲的;自豪的______37. 努力工作的__________ 38.头脑简单的______ 三.心理描写 (1)喜乐 (短语)1.喜欢(短)_____________ 2.喜爱,对..着迷(短)__________________ 3.对…感到满意(短)___________ 4.情绪高涨(短)___________________ 5.满意的表情(短)______________ 6.令人鼓舞的表情(短)______________ 7.感到鼓舞的(短):________________8.被…所吸引,迷住(短): _____________ 9.令某人高兴的是(介短)______________10.感到舒心,自在_______________ 11. 高兴地跳起来________ 句子:
① 很高兴地得知….._________________
② 拉拉如释重负地笑了。(M8U5)
_______________________________________________________ ③ 她记得当时血脉加快,心情激动。(M8U5)
_________________________________________________________________ ④她喜形于色。Her face brightened up. ⑤我欣喜若狂。I was wild with joy.
⑥我高兴得难以形容。I was pleased beyond description. ⑦她脸上带着灿烂的笑容。She wore a shining smile on her face. ⑧她的笑容照亮了整个房间。Her smile lit up the whole room. ⑨她的脸上堆满了笑容。A broad smile spread across her face.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 短语:1. 不安的:_______ 2.情绪低落:__________ 3.强烈的失落感:________ 4.借酒消愁 ___________5.带着沮丧/沉重的心情__________________ 6.愁眉苦脸______________7.感到尴尬的/泄气的____________
8.感到沮丧的__________9.减轻痛苦:_________ 10.心里悲伤:______________
11.陷入绝望: _________12.引发一阵挫败感:_______ 13.突然大哭起来:_______ 14.抑制住眼泪:______ 句子:
② 他的悲惨经历使她深表同情。His sad/miserable story makes her feel pity. ③ 妻子的病令他茶饭不思。His wife's disease took away his appetite. ④ 这个消息让她沮丧。The news depresses her. ⑤ 我努力忍住眼泪。/我的眼里充满了泪水。
I tried to fight back the tears./My eyes were filled with tears. ⑥ 他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。
He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks. ⑦ 听到这个消息,他绝望地借酒浇愁。
Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned his sadness. ⑧ 她掩面哭泣。She sobbed, hiding her face in her hands. ⑨ 他皱起了眉头。A frown(皱眉) was on his face.
1. 生某人的气________ 2. 因某事而生气__________3. 发脾气___________ 4. 怒目而视________5.冒犯__________6.向某人抱怨某事___________ 7.感到困惑的:_______8. 对……表示不满:________ ①她怒火中烧。She was burning with anger.
②他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。His voice trembled with anger.
③他用灼热的目光注视着我。He glared at me with burning eyes. (4)惊讶、害怕
1. 表示吃惊、害怕的词:_____________________________________________ 2. 令某人吃惊的是:________3. 吃惊地:__________4.陷入惊慌:________ 5.惊慌地:______6.吓得要死:_________7.吓得某人干某事:________ 句子:
1.我很吃惊地发现他已经走了.________________________________________ 2.她惊奇地看着我。_____________________________________________ 3.那个男孩震惊得说不出话来。The boy was too shocked to speak a word out. 4. 他转向我,眼里充满了恐惧。He turned to me, with his eyes full of horror. 5. 她因恐惧而窒息。She was choking with fear. 6. 她脸色苍白地站在那里,说不出话来。
Her face turned pale and stood there tongue-tied. (5)满意、感动
1. 表示满意的词:_______________________________________________ 2. 表示感动的词:_______________________________________________ 3. 被深深感动,我们…… Touched deeply, we... 4.她热泪盈眶,表示衷心的感谢。
Tears filling her eyes, she offered her heartfelt gratitude.
5.泪水顺着她的脸往下流,她……With tears streaming down her face, she... 四:动作描写
(1)与“跑、跳、行走”相关的动作 1.wander into the woods 在树林里漫步
2.walk across street 步行穿过马路 3.walk arm in arm 手挽手地走
4.walk through the pouring rain 在倾盆大雨中行走 5.pace back and forth 来回踱步;徘徊 6.jump to one's feet 一跃而起 7.walk gracefully 步态优雅地走 8.jog in the woods 在林间慢跑 9.rush out of the room 冲出房间 (2)与“看、听、说”相关的词汇 1.listen impatiently 不耐烦地听 2.glare angrily at sb. 怒目而视着某人 3.glance around/round the room 扫视房间 4.stare at 凝视
5.take a look at 看一看
6.overhear a funny conversation 无意间听到一段好笑的谈话 7.remark 评论说 8.add 补充说
9.say ... loudly/proudly/gently/angrily/seriously/cheerfully ... 大声地/自豪地/温柔地/生气地/严肃地/高兴地说…… 10.remind sb. that ... 提醒某人…… 11.explain sth. clearly 清楚地解释某事 12.glance at 扫视
(3)其他与肢体语言相关的词汇 1.shrug one's shoulders 耸肩 2.frown at sb. 对某人皱眉 3.bow to sb. 向某人鞠躬
4.nod in agreement 点头表示赞同 5.applaud 鼓掌欢迎
6.pat sb. on the shoulder/head 拍某人的肩膀/头 7.grasp/hold one's hand 抓住某人的手 8.point to/at sb. 指着某人 9.wave one's hand 挥手 10.shake hands with sb. 握手 11.shake one’s head 摇头
12.scratch one’s head 苦思冥想 13.give sb. a hand 帮某人一个忙 14.turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻
15.turn one’s back to 背对;不理睬
高分作文的重要特征之一就是句式多变、语法活用。因此,在写作时要善于合理升级句式,熟练掌握润色句子的技能,交叉使用不同句型,增加句子的层次感和多样化。我们可以通过以下九大技巧升级句式,写出高分句子。 (1)变成被动句
I suggest that you should learn and sing Chinese songs.
→升级表达:_____________you should learn and sing Chinese songs. (2)运用倒装句
倒装句是一种使句子呈现亮点的方法,在写作中常见的倒装句有以下几种: 1.以否定词开头的部分倒装。
I could hardly hold back my excitement when I heard the news that you were admitted to your ideal university.
→升级表达:________________when I heard the news that you were admitted to your ideal university.
I will never forget your kindness and generosity.
→升级表达: ____________________________________________ . 2.以“Only+状语”开头的部分倒装。
You can learn Chinese well only if you could take the above suggestions. →升级表达:Only if you take the above suggestions _________________. 3.so/such...that句型中的so/such位于句首时,主句要部分倒装。 I am so interested in this job that I can't wait to apply for it.
→升级表达:______________________that I can't wait to apply for it. 4.adj./adv.+as/though+主语十谓语十其他
Though I am very young, I have the confidence that I can handle this job well. →升级表达:_________________, I have the confidence that I can handle this job well.
感叹句通常用于文章的开头或结尾以便活跃文章气氛,凡是“I feel...”表达 情感类的皆可用感叹句型转换。
I am delighted to learn the news that you need a secretary and I am writing to apply for it.
→升级表达:________________that you need a secretary and I am writing to apply for it! (4)运用强调句
1.用do/does/did强调一般现在时或一般过去时的谓语动词。 I hope you can accept my apology and understand my situation.
→升级表达:I___________________my apology and understand my situation. 2.用强调句型“it is/was+被强调部分+that/who+剩余部分”可以强调除谓语 外的主语、宾语及状语。
Your instructive assistance and professional advice enable me to have the precious chance to study in my ideal university.
→升级表达:______________________________enable me to have the precious chance to study in my ideal university. (强调主语) (5)运用从句
从句主要包括三大从句:名词性从句、状语从句和定语从句。 1.名词性从句的运用。
Much to my disappointment, they did not pay any attention to my requirements. →升级表达:a. ______________________ was that they did not pay any attention to my requirements.(what引导的主语从句)
b. The fact ______________________disappointed me so much.(同位语从句) 2.状语从句的运用。
It was raining hard. We still kept working on the farm.
→升级表达:______________________, we still kept working on the farm.(让步状语从句)
We can set out early. We can have more time to read and select books.
→升级表达:We can set out early _________________________.(目的状语从句) 3.定语从句的运用。
I am Li Hua and in charge of the English Club in our school. →升级表达:I am Li hua,____________________.
I have asked my uncle to bring you the Chinese painting. You've asked for it before.
→升级表达:I have asked my uncle to bring you the Chinese painting___________________________________. (6)运用it句型
it在句子中充当形式主语或形式宾语,代替真正的主语或宾语。 1.it作形式主语。
I missed such a precious chance. It was a great pity.
→升级表达:_______________________ I missed such a precious chance. 2.it作形式宾语。
I can speak English fluently, so I find to communicate with foreigners very easy. →升级表达:I can speak English fluently, so I find it very easy______________________. (7)运用虚拟语气
Thanks to your selfless help, I finally made great progress in English.
→升级表达:a.____________ your selfless help, I______________finally made great progress in English.
b._____________ your selfless help, I______________________ finally made great progress in English. (8)运用分词结构 1.分词作定语。
I am confronted with some serious problems that trouble me a lot.
→升级表达:I am confronted with some serious problems________________. 2.分词作状语。
Because I have been faced with the above problems, I am writing to ask for your assistance.
→升级表达:_____________________ , I am writing to ask for your assistance. (9)运用with复合结构
As Double Ninth Day is drawing closer/approaching, we are scheduled to visit
the nursing home on that day.
→升级表达:_______________, we are scheduled to visit the nursing home on that day.
做了上面的句式升级后,是不是觉得写高级一点的句子也不是什么难事?现在,利用你刚才学的方法动手把下面的句子翻译出来吧! 1. 他完成工作的方式令我们吃惊.
_____________________________________________________________ 2. 她又改变了主意,这使我们大家都生气了.
______________________________________________________________ 3. 虽然他累了,但是他坚持工作.
______________________________________________________________ 4. 虽然他是位伟大的科学家,但是他仍保持谦虚而且在大学担任普通教师工作.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 就在教师节那天我送给英语老师一束花表示对她的尊敬.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. 只有这样,我们才能美化我们的校园。
_______________________________________________________________ 7. 只有当你理解领会了这种知识,才能把它记住.
_______________________________________________________________ 8. 看到孩子们手拿鲜花走进大厅,我们全都站了起来.
_______________________________________________________________ 9. 他对实验结果大失所望, 只能从头再做一次.
_______________________________________________________________ 10. 我认为买一本大的英汉词典很有必要.
_______________________________________________________________ 实战演练
Neil is a gentleman who has a lovely family,with his wife and little son. Neil loves to travel and he is especially fond of forests and woods. Whenever he plans for a holiday, he would choose a place that is blessed by Mother Nature.
To celebrate his son’s second birthday, he decided to stay and enjoy the birthday celebration in woods,located at the lap of a mountain. He with his family and friends, reached the village located near the woods and had his stay in the cottage. The cottage was located at the entrance of the dense forest,where the guests can view animals wandering in the nearby place. Although the natural scenes were beautiful,the local villagers warned the guests to watch out as there may be wolves living in the forest.
Neil’s son saw a dog at the door and offered him a biscuit. The dog was happy and very soon the little boy befriended the dog. On the second day,the birthday of the boy was celebrated grandly in the woods within beautiful nature. The dog did not leave the boy even for a minute and they both became close friends. The boy played with the dog happily as if they had known each other for
a long time.
The next day,Neil,his wife and other friends decided to go for hunting in the forest. Before leaving,Neil arranged a babysitter to take care of the little boy for half a day.
After 3 hours,all the elders returned to the cottage and they seemed very tired. The dog saw Neil and others,it rushed to them and licked Neil’s shoes. The cottage was open and nobody was there. Neil realized that something was not right.
Neil’s wife was shocked to see the blood stains in the dog’s mouth and she shouted loudly. All of them thought that the dog had killed Neil’s little boy. 情节梳理:
1. Who:___________________________________________________________ Where:___________________________________________ What:_____________________________________________ 2. 故事是按照___________顺序展开的?
3. What animals are mentioned in the passage? And their characters? 4. Para 1:Everyone was shocked to see the blood-spattered mouth.
提示句中,哪些词非常关键?__________________________________ 你会提出什么问题?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Para 2:Hearing the noise from the dog,the babysitter rushed out of the room. 提示句中,哪些词非常关键?_____________________________你会提出什么问题?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Para1和Para2 之间如何衔接?__________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 1:
Everyone was shocked to see the blood-spattered mouth.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2:
Hearing the noise from the dog,the babysitter rushed out of the room.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
描写答案: 一:(1)天气:1.a stormy night 2. the setting sun 3. the rising sun 4.clear up 5. be bathed in warm sunshine 6. the thundering clouds 7.feathery snow 8. heavy/violent/fierce storms 9. muddy 10. foggy 11.a cool breeze12.freezing cold 13.mild 14.damp 15. a bright moon16.fresh air 17.clear/pleasant18. changeable (2)地理方位:1. a village surrounded by the hills 2.be located/situated in/at 3. a room facing south4. a winding path 5.a remote and peaceful village6. mountainous
二:(1)外貌:1.a slim figure 2.medium height 3.tall/short 4.wear glass/a beard/a necklace 5. ordinary-looking 6.neatly dressed 7. Overweight 8.skinny 9.casual clothes10.in rags11.bright eyes12 welldressed 13.A wrinkle appeared on her forehead.14. He had a large, square face, with strongly pronounced eyebrows and cheekbones.
(2) 品格:1. generous 2.devoted 3.selfish 4.selfless 5. mean 6. full of sympathy/sympathetic 7.brave 8.adventurous 9.outgoing 10.bad-tempered11.narrow-minded 12.gentle 13.kind/friendly 14.easygoing 15. rude 16. polite/impolite 17. Confident 18.humorous19.optimistic 20.pessimistic21.noble22.modest 23.considerate 24.warm-hearted25.hard-hearted 26.stubborn27.strong-willed28.faithful29. knowledgeable30. imaginative 31.patient/ impatient32.responsible33.diligent34.experienced35forgetful36. proud37. hard-working38. simple-minded
短语1.be fond of 2.be keen on 3.be satisfied/content with 4.be in high spirits 5. a satisfied look 6. an encouraging expression 7.feel inspired/encouraged 8.be fascinated by 9. to one’s delight/joy10.feel at ease11.dance/jump for joy 句子:1.Be glad/delighted/happy/pleased to do….. 2. Lala smiled with/in relief.
3.She remembered the blood pulsing through her veins. (2).悲伤、烦恼、消沉 短语:1. be upset/uneasy about 2. be in low spirits3.a strong sense of loss4.drown one’s sadness in wine 5.with a sinking/heavy heart6.have a worried look7.feel embarrassed/discouraged 8. feel frustrated/depressed9.ease the pain10.be sad at heart11.fall into despair12.raise a storm of frustration13.burst into tears/burst out crying 15. hold back tears (3)生气、愤怒
1. be angry/annoyed with sb. 2. be angry/annoyed about sth.3.lose one’s temper 4. glare at 5.offend 6. complain to sb. about sth. 7.feel puzzled/confused8.express/voice a complaint about (4)惊讶、害怕
1. surprise/astonish/amaze/shock;fear/scare/frighten/terrify 2.to one’s surprise/astonishment/amazement 3.in surprise/astonishment/amazement4. get into a panic 5. in panic 6. be scared to death 7.frighten sb. into doing sth. 句子:1. I’m surprised to find he had left. 2.She looked at me in amazement. (5)满意、感动
1. satisfied/pleasant/content/satisfactory 2. move/touch/affect 句式升级 答案:
(1).It is suggested that
(2). 1.Hardly could I hold back my excitement; Never will I forget your kindness and generosity 2.can you learn Chinese well 3.So interested am I in this job4.Young as/though I am
(3)How delighted I am to learn the news (4)1.do hope you can accept
2.It is your instructive assistance and professional advice that (5)1.a. What disappointed me so much
b. that they did not pay any attention to my requirement 2. Although/Though it was raining hard
so that we can have more time to read and select books 3. who is in charge of the English Club in our school (that/which)you've asked for before
(6)It was a great pity ;to communicate with foreigners (7) a. But for/Without; wouldn't have
b. If it had not been for; wouldn't have (8)1.troubling me a lot
2.Having been faced with the above problems
(9)With Double Ninth Day drawing closer/approaching 翻译句子答案:
1.The way (that / in which) he finished the work surprised all of us. 2. She changed her mind again, which made all of us angry. 3.Tired as he was, he stuck to his work.
4. Great scientist as he is, he remains modest and works as an ordinary teacher at college.
5.It was on Teachers’ Day that I sent my English teacher a bunch of flowers to show her my respect.
6.Only in this way can we beautify our campus.
7. Only when you understand this kind of knowledge can you learn it by heart. 8.Seeing the children entering the hall with flowers in their hands, we all stood up.
9. Greatly disappointed at the result of the experiment, he had to start from the beginning again.
10. I think it necessary to buy a big English-Chinese dictionary. 实战演练【答案】
Everyone was shocked to see the blood-spattered mouth. They started to beat the dog. The poor dog screamed in pain. Neil hit the dog with his rifle out of extreme anger,and the dog was wounded badly. Neil could not believe that the dog which seemed to be friendly could be so fierce and even killed his little son. His wife cried sadly while calling the name of the little son.
Hearing the noise from the dog,the babysitter rushed out of the room. Neil,his wife and other guests were shocked to find that Neil’s son was there with the babysitter,not hurt or wounded at all. The babysitter explained that the dog saved the boy when he was about to be attacked by some wolves wandering around the cottage. The dog fought with the wolves and finally killed them. Neil then realized that the dog was indeed a faithful friend and offered it first aid. He also learned not to make decisions in a hurry because haste makes waste.