《英语人敦新课标高二版 一 I.习作要求 poss1ble and make sure you±oUow the doctor’s adVice so that⑨you wiU get better quicker.In 假如你是李平,你的网友Jack成绩优秀, addition, you shou1d pay close attention to 但从他发来的电子邮件中你了解到,他最近 的状况不太好,你很关心他,所以给他发了一 your diet.Eat more Vegetables and uit instead of taking too much f_at and sugar. In short, 封电子邮件,并提了一些建议,希望他能尽快 proper diet and regular exerCise wm keep you 好起来。 hea1thy and energetic. 状况 建议 Best wjshes! 学习紧张,一直做作业 学会放松,减少作业 YourS. 感觉疲劳 锻炼;不要熬夜 Li Ping 饮食不良 黑龙江省一重五中管大臣 怀疑生病 指导教师:张卫红 ⅡI.习作简析 要求:1.根据提示给Iack回复电子邮 ①suggest后跟从句,用了虚拟语气。 件; ②去掉be将buried改为bury。bury 2.根据要点适当展开,自由发挥部分不 oneself in sth.埋头做某事。 少于2—3句话,开头已给出,不计入总词数; ③本句为否定疑问句,语气委婉诚恳,it 3.词数:120词左右。 用作形式主语,且应用了take Some eXerC1Se・ Ⅱ.学生习作 such as等短语。 Dear Jack, ④Besides 去掉,在此多余。 From your e—mail I discoVered you don’t ⑤so that引导目的状语,在此句中灵活 feel weU because of au vour school wor k_ 应用as so0n as possib1e。 Fran y speaking,you are alwrays good at study. ⑥本句用了“keep+sb.+形容词”。 Don’t vou think vou are too concemed about Ⅳ.教师点评 your studies?I suggest④you shou1d leam how 本文是一篇书信。该学生能根据所给的 to relax. Don’t be buried vourself in vour 提示适当扩展内容,写作要点齐全,写作时注 school work all day long.And don’t you think 意了段落结构及遣词造句,语气诚恳。该习作 it is a good idea to take some exercise eVery 中也出现了闪光之处,如恰当选用一些表示 day,such as playing basked)al1 fO_r a litde whi1e 转折和连接意义的连接词等。短语与固定搭 after school, or taking a smaU walk in the 配的使用使文章显得比较地道,且语意连贯。 garden at break times?⑨This kind of activicy is 虽然在有些地方表达得不是很准确,但从总 ; ood to your health and reduce the chances of 体来说,该习作是一篇佳作。 TESTING AND EVALUAT10N 考试与评价2009.07