The USRP-N Series can be reprogrammed over the network to update or change the firmware and FPGA images. When updating images, always burn both the FPGA and firmware images before power cycling. This ensures that when the device reboots, it has a compatible set of images to boot into.
Note: Different hardware revisions require different FPGA images. Determine the revision number from the sticker on the rear of the chassis. Use this number to select the correct FPGA image for your device.
Use the net burner tool (unix)
Use the net burner tool (Windows) Device recovery and bricking Its possible to put the device into an unusable state by loading bad images. Fortunately, the USRP-N Series can be booted into a safe (read-only) image. Once booted into the safe image, the user can once again load images onto the device. The safe-mode button is a pushbutton switch (S2) located inside the enclosure. To boot into the safe image, hold-down the safe-mode button while power-cycling the device. Continue to hold-down the button until the front-panel LEDs blink and remain solid. When in safe-mode, the USRP-N device will always have the IP address 下载镜像到板上的flash(仅限USRP-N系列) USRP-N系列可以在网络上重编程以更新或者改变固件和FPGA的镜像。当更新镜像时,在使用前不仅要烧写FPGA镜像还要烧写固件镜像。这是为了确保硬件重启时,有一个兼容的镜像被导入进去。 注:不同的硬件版本需要不同的FPGA的镜像。在底架后面的标签上有版本号。通过这个数字去选择硬件正确的FPGA镜像。 用net buner tool (UNIX) <安装路径>/share/uhd/utils/ -- 或 -- cd <安装路径>/share/uhd/utils ./ --addr= 径 > 用 the net burner tool (Windows) 径>/share/uhd/utils/ 硬件恢复和程序块 在导入不正确的镜像可能使硬件处于不稳定状态。幸运地是,USRP-N系列可以被导入只读的安全的镜像。一经导入安全的镜像,用户可以在此导入镜像到硬件。 在外壳(附件)里有一个安全模式按钮。当启动硬件按住这个按钮去导入安全镜像。一致按着按钮直到前面板的LED灯闪烁而且保持稳定。 安全模式下,USRP-N系列硬件IP地址为192.168.10.2 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容