John Stuart Bennett (GZ) Mfg Ltd. Warehouse Rules 仓库规则 STAFF RULES 员工规则 1. All personal belongings MUST be stored in lockers provided. 员工的所有私人物品必须放入提供的储物柜。 2. It is strictly forbidden to take personal items bags or containers into the warehouse. 严格禁止携带个人手袋 或者 容器进入仓库。 3. It is strictly forbidden to take food, snacks, gum or sugary drinks into the warehouse. 严格禁止携带食物,快餐,口香糖或者含糖的饮料进入仓库。 4. It is strictly forbidden to take tobacco and sources of ignition into the warehouse. 严格禁止烟草和打火机进入仓库。 5. It is strictly forbidden to block fire exits, firefighting equipment, secure fire doors in open position. 严格禁止阻塞走火出口,消防设备,打开的安全防火门。 SECURITY RULES安全规则 1. It is strictly forbidden for unauthorized staff to be in the warehouse at any time. 在任何时候都严格禁止未被允许进入的员工进入仓库。 2. Main entrance doors must be latched from inside when not been used. 主要进出口的大门在不使用的时候必须从里面闩上。 3. The internal side entrance door must be locked from inside when not been used. 里面的出口大门必须在不使用的时候从里面锁上。 4. Office access should only be used by warehouse personnel only. 办公室出口只提供给仓库办公室人员进出。 5. Segregated special caged storage area must be locked securely at all times. 用笼子储存的被分开的特殊区域必须在任何时候被安全地锁上。 6. Keys to access areas must be keep secure with authorized person at all times. 出口区域的钥匙在任何时候必须被授权保管的人安全保管。 7. Keys must never be left in locks and left unattended. 钥匙决不能没人的时候留在锁上。 8. Pad / Chain locks must be securely affix to door and securely locked to prevent loss. 挂锁/ 链锁必须安全地贴附在门上和安全地锁上以防止丢失。 SAFETY RULES安全规则 1. Ensure safe handling practices and safe storage conditions. 确保安全操作和安全储存。 2. Maintain clear isles and gangways at all times. 时刻保持过道和其它地方的清洁。 3. Clean any liquid spills immediately. 马上清洁溢出的任何液体 。 4. Report unsafe environments or damage to warehouse equipment. 报告不安全的环境或损坏的仓库设备。 5. Inspect daily & report any rodent, bird, or insect activity to WH Sup. 每日检查&报告任何侵蚀的动物,鸟,或者活动的虫给仓库主管。 SERVICE RULES服务规则 1. Deal with truck deliveries without delay. 没有延迟地处理货物的传送。 2. Check report and document shortages on delivery note before signing. 签名前检查提货单有没有报告或文件上的缺漏。 3. Check report and document damages on delivery note before signing. 在签名前检查报告和文件有无损坏。 4. Clean up packaging waste as you go. Self clean all WH storage areas. 打扫包装废弃物,清洁仓库储存区域。 5. pallet. 6. 7. Never store goods on the floor, all goods must be on a raised platform or 永远不能在地上囤积货物,所有货物必须放置在高的平台或运货板上。 Honor all service timelines as agreed for all material requisitions. 及时地为已批准的材料征用提供服务。 8. Ensure data accuracy, computer based records aligning with storage rack records at all times. 确保数据准确,计算机上的记录与存货架上的记录对准。 Signed: Date: