文化CULTURE第三届全国少数民族美术作品展在京举行由国家民委、文化部、中国文联、中国美术家协会主办的第三届全国少数民族美术作品展在北京举行。这是美术界的一次盛会。组委会共收到参展作品2000余件,经专家评审,入选作品516件。其中,西藏自治区20件作品入选。本届美展入选作品在画风和技法方面具有鲜明的地域特色、浓郁的民族风格和强烈的时代气息,它们从一个侧面向人们展示了少数民族优秀传统文化保护工作取得的伟大成就。The Third National Exhibition of Minority Fine Arts Opens in BeijingThe Third National Exhibition of Minority Fine Arts organized by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Ministry of Culture, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and China Artists Association, opened in Beijing. It is a great event in the Chinese art world. Of the more than 2,000 pieces of works the exhibition committee received, experts selected only 516 for the exhibition. Among them were 20 works from Tibet Autonomous Region. All the works shown at the exhibition are distinctive by virtue of their striking regional features, strong ethnic styles, and typical era characteristics as regards both painting styles and skills. These fine artistic works also draw attention to the important task of protecting traditional ethnic group cultures.52 Copyright©博看网 Bookan. All Rights Reserved.本刊记者 李媛Copyright©博看网 Bookan. All Rights Reserved. 53