Teaching aims
1.words and phrases:
2.text: to practise reading for inference
3.to develop strategies for working out meaning from context.
4.grammar:reported speech(II)
Teaching time
Two periods(两课时连堂)
Teaching process
Step 1 Revision
Review the new words of lesson 2 and have a diction
Step 2 learn the new words of lesson 3
step 3 reading
1.discuss :let students talk about a successful career person that they admire and tell the
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reasons why they admire them so much.
2.exercise 2 read through the Key Words with the class and check prehension of the words by asking them to guess from provided contexts or name famous people who do these jobs.
3.then let students match the words with the quotes and check their answers.
4.exercise 3 listen to the text twice and answer the questions
step 4 vocabulary
give students time to read the text and work out the meaning of these words in exercise 4. then ask them to do it on the black.
Step 5 grammar: reported speech(II)
1.exercise 5 listen to the tape about the interview with Huang Lili who is an acrobatic artist, then read the report of the interview below.
2.students find in the report the equivalent expressions to the given time and place expressions, then check their answers.
3.exercise 7 read the examples with the class. Ask students to speak out the original questions that are reported in the tow sentences.
step 6 Homework
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Exercise 4 in page 27
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