学生的转学信用很容易取得,只要致电本科招生办公室(电话1 - 877 - cuchicago或1-877-282-4422)去预约一个免费的信用评估。评估时请携带几份非官方成绩单。学校为了给学生一个完整的信用评估,要求学生提供其所上过的每一所学院的成绩单。
为了给学生提供学术/资金帮助,学校将接受所有被认可的大学课程作业。但是,学生只能为其自身项目申请到67个学期/ 100小时15分钟。进入Concordia学生不需要相关的学士学位。
如果学生已经完成了超出较低的水平的学业,必须争取到至少32个 学时,并完在Concordia至少完成一半的专业课程。
· 一份完整的入学申请表
如果学生完成了少于15个学时(22.5 quarter hours)的高校课程,或者尚未完成一学期的全日制课程也需要提交最终的官方高考成绩单,包括毕业日期。或者提交成功完成G.E.D.的书面文件以及官方的ACT或SAT的成绩。
Illinois Articulation Initiative
Concordia University是 Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI)的参与者,IAI 是一个全州的协议,允许学生为完成伊利诺伊州高等教育核心课程,在从参与该协议的某所学校转到另一所学校。在任何一所参与该协议的伊利诺伊州学院或大学完成高等教育核心课程可确保学生转学。低级别的高等教育要求学生有一个相关的或者已经取得的学士学位,excluding graduation and mission-related requirements。这一协议对于在1998年入学的大一新生,以及之后的学生进入一所相关或者授予学位的院校都是有效的。学生可以通过www.itransfer.org网站了解到更多关于更多关于IAI的信息。
Transfer Admission Requirements
Evaluation of Credit
It's easy to learn how your credit may transfer! Just call the Office of Undergraduate Admission at 1-877-CUChicago or 1-877-282-4422 to set up an appointment for a free credit evaluation. Please bring copies of unofficial transcripts for this appointment. In order for us to give you a complete credit evaluation, we ask that you provide a transcript from each college that you have attended.
Transfer Requirements
In order to accommodate your academic / financial aid status, we will accept all accredited college coursework. However, only 67 semester / 100 quarter hours can be applied to your program. You are not required to have an associate degree upon entry to Concordia.
If you have completed work beyond the lower divisional level, you must earn at least 32 semester hours and complete at least half of your major at Concordia.
Admission Requirements
Transfer applicants must submit the following to be considered for admission:
• A completed application for admission.
• Official transcripts of all college course work from each institution attended.
• A minimum cumulative grade point average for all college coursework of
2.00 on a 4.00 scale and evidence of good academic standing at the last higher education institution attended.
If you have less than 15 semester hours (22.5 quarter hours) of college coursework or have not completed one semester at full-time status, you will also need to submit an official final high school transcript, complete with graduation dates, or written documentation of successful completion of the G.E.D., and official ACT or SAT1 scores.
The Admissions Committee reserves the right to request additional information or documentation deemed helpful in evaluating applicants for admission e.g. letters of reference, recommendation, personal interview, additional testing, etc.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis prior to each term. In order for us to serve you best, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.
Illinois Articulation Initiative
Concordia University is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the completed Illinois General Education Core Curriculum between participating institutions. Completion of the transferable General Education Core Curriculum at any participating college or university in Illinois assures transferring students that lower-division general
education requirements for an associates or bachelor's degree have been satisfied, excluding graduation and mission-related requirements. This agreement is in effect for students entering an associate or baccalaureate degree-granting institution as a first-time freshman in summer 1998 and thereafter. You can learn more about IAI on-line at www.itransfer.org