
Circuit card synchronization within a standardized


专利名称:Circuit card synchronization within a

standardized test instrumentation chassis

发明人:Anthony Le,Glen Gomes申请号:US11196996申请日:20050803



摘要:Precise timing control within a standardized chassis such as PXI is obtained byproviding several control signals over PXI_LOCAL. A Least Common Multiple (LCM) signalenables all clocks to have coincident clock edges occurring at every LCM edge. A start

sequence allows all PXI expansion cards in the test system to start at the same time. AMATCH line enables pincard modules to check for expected DUT outputs and eithercontinue execution of their local test programs or loop back and repeat a section of thelocal test program in accordance with the result of the DUT output check. An End Of Test(EOT) line enables any one pincard module to abruptly end the local test programsrunning in all other pincard modules if an error is detected by the local test program inthe pincard module.

申请人:Anthony Le,Glen Gomes

地址:Santa Clara CA US,Santa Clara CA US


