

2022-01-25 来源:客趣旅游网





首先,还是重申下Response Letter回复的几个基本原则:



2) 回答问题时,层次要分明,抓住审稿人问题的重点,直面审稿人的问题,不要妄想着绕圈圈搪塞过去;

3) 回答问题不是光嘴上说说就好,要有理有据,需要补充实验的,要用实验结果来说明,需要引用文献的,找到合适的文献进行阐述;

4) 尽可能让审稿人轻松起来,所以格式很关键,不要偷懒,文章中哪些地方进行了修改,在Response letter里面要指明,并最好列出来;如果对正文或者SI里面的图表进行了修改,在response letter里面也要同步贴上去,不要将审稿人的时间浪费在帮你找文件当中;应该适当地使用粗体斜体或者下划线,帮助审稿人抓住你回答问题的重点;

5) 审稿人的意见并不总是对的,所以不要别人说啥就是啥,科学原则不能违背。如果审稿人的意见有误,应该委婉地利用充实的证据来坚持自己的观点,请不要使用过激的语言。




1) General response: 在逐条回复每个审稿人的意见之前,先总体回复一下,感谢编辑和审稿人对文章提出的宝贵意见,同时对response letter的格式进行简单说明,具体如下:

General response:We sincerely thank the editor and all reviewers for their valuable feedback that we have used to improvethe quality of our manuscript. The reviewer comments are laid out below in italicized font and specific concernshave been numbered. Our response is given in normal font and changes/additionsto the manuscript are given in blue text.


2) Point-to-point response:将审稿人的意见(斜体)一条条编号,然后逐一回复(正常的字体),回复时,以Author reply或者response等字眼开头:

这里举一个例子(论文:Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 8011-8020)

1. The authors suggest that a bimetallic Au-Feoxide/hydroxide forms at the electrode interface leading to enhanced OER activity. Characterization of the bimetallic system would add strength to this argument.

Response: We agree that more study would be useful to understand details of interaction and enhancement. At this point we do not have the necessary tool-set to study the structure/interaction in the proposed amorphous bimetallic (hydrated) oxide. We hope, in the future, to employ synchrotron X-ray techniques to determine the local coordination of Fe in the putative mixed Au-Fe oxide phase. This study is beyond the scope of this report which focuses on answering critical questions regarding the activity of the FeOOH phase itself. We note also that since submission of our manuscript there has been apublication by Alex Bell and Martin Head-Gordon at Berkeley showing that Fe on Au2O3 has enhanced OER activity with DFT calculations (Ref. 79). We have added this citation and reference to the manuscript.

We added to page 25-26:

We also notethat this data is consistent with the experiments and density functional theorycalculations by Klaus et. al. (published during the review process

of this manuscript) that show Fe cations on the surface of Au2O3 haveenhanced OER activity relative to FeOOH.79

格式解析:这里所采用的格式在General response中已经做出了说明,重点就是通过字体,颜色将不同的内容区分开来,这样一目了然。还有一点值得注意的是:如果文章中添加了新的参考文献,在response里面提到的时候,应该注明“Ref. 79”等字样,提醒审稿人你已经将相关内容加入到正文中。





A. 首先,应该对审稿人的意见表示赞同:We agree that more study would be useful to understand details of interaction and enhancement.

B. 然后,应该对实际情况进行说明:At this point we do not have the necessary tool-set to study the structure/interaction in the proposed amorphous bimetallic (hydrated) oxide. 请注意,这里仅针对确实没有办法获得相关实验结果的情况,如果有可能,审稿人提出需要补充实验,一定按照审稿人的要求进行补充。

C. 进一步表明态度,指出哪些方法可能可以解决审稿人提出的问题,并表示后期会进

行相关研究:We hope, in the future, to employ synchrotron X-ray techniques to determine the local coordination of Fe in the putative mixed Au-Fe oxide phase. This study is beyond the scope of this report which focuses on answering critical questions regarding the activity of the FeOOH phase itself.

D. 实验上暂时无法提供数据来回答审稿人的问题,就一定需要从文献中找到依据来说明:

We note also that since submission of our manuscript there has been apublication by Alex Bell and Martin Head-Gordon at Berkeley showing that Fe on Au2O3 has enhanced OER activity with DFT calculations (Ref. 79).



1. 审稿人对语言不满意怎么办?The paper is poorly written, the use of English need to be improved all over the manuscript.


A: We tried our best to improve the manuscript and made some changes in the manuscript. These changes will not influence the content and framework of the paper. And here we did not list the changes but marked in red in revised paper. We

appreciate for Editors/Reviewers’ warm work earnestly, and hope that the correction will meet with approval.

B:Thanks for your suggestion. We feel sorry for our poor writings, however, we do invite a friend of us who is a native English speaker from USA help polish our article. And we hope the revised manuscript could be acceptable for you.

C. Thanks for your suggestion. We have tried our best to polish the language in the revised manuscript.

2. 单词拼写错了怎么办?On page X, line Y, 'XXX' should be 'YYY'.

A:We sincerely thank the reviewer for careful reading. As suggested by the reviewer, we have corrected the “___” into “___”.

B. We feel sorry for our carelessness. In our resubmitted manuscript, the typo is revised. Thanks for your correction.

C. We have carefully checked the manuscript and corrected the errors accordingly.

3. 审稿人让加文献怎么办?Ref. 14, e.g., is certainly not the only paper on XXX but there is tons of papers on this very subject! Please check the literature!

A:We sincerely appreciate the valuable comments. We have checked the literatures carefully and added more references on ___ and___ into the

INTRODUCTION part in the revised manuscript.

On XXX,Chen et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 2, 34-56; Li et al., Science. 2011, 2, 34-56;

On YYY, Chen et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 2, 34-56; Li et al., Science. 2011, 2, 34-56;

B. As suggested by the reviewer, we have added more references to support this idea (Chen et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 2, 34-56; Li et al., Science. 2011, 2, 34-56). According to Chen et al., ___ is ...

4. 审稿人让补实验怎么办?It would be nice to see what happens to the catalytic system after the first run.

A. 如果能补:

We have investigated the recyclable property for ___ by using ___ that have the best activity. Figure 1 reveals only slight decrease in the ___ after the three-run test, indicating very good stability of ___ in photocatalytic reactions.The manuscript has been revised accordingly to clarify the above concerns.

B. 如果补的实验没有得到预期的结果(一般应该找文献来支撑相应结果):

As suggested by the referee, we have tried our best to verify XXX by____. However, no ___ signal has been detected in our synthesis system. Other

researchers also found that it is very difficult to obtain a well-resolved hyperfine structure for ___. As suggested in the literatures, ____; Some researchers even think that it is impossible to obtain a well-resolved hyperfine structure by ___.

C. 如果实验条件或者客观条件不允许(参考前文):

We agree that more study would be useful to understand details of interaction and enhancement. At this point we do not have the necessary tool-set to study the ___. We hope, in the future, to employ ___ techniques to determine ___. This study is beyond the scope of this report which focuses on answering critical questions regarding the ___. We note also that since submission of our manuscript there has been apublication by Alex Bell and Martin Head-Gordon at Berkeley showing that Fe on Au2O3 has enhanced OER activity with DFT calculations (Ref. 79). We have added this citation and reference to the manuscript.

5. 一些体现对审稿人表示尊敬的套话总结(部分内容来源于网络):

A. general response:

示例1:We sincerely thank the editor and all reviewers for their valuable feedback that we have used to improvethe quality of our manuscript. The reviewer comments are laid out below in italicized font and specific concernshave been numbered. Our response is given in normal font and changes/additionsto the manuscript are given in blue text.

类似的:On behalf of all the contributing authors, I would like to express our sincere appreciations of your letter and reviewers’ constructive comments concerning our article entitled “XXX文章” (Manuscript No.:XXXX). These comments are all valuable and helpful for improving our article. According to the associate editor and reviewers’ comments, we have made extensive modifications to our manuscript and supplemented extra data to make our results convincing. In this revised version, changes to ourmanuscript were all highlighted within the document by using red colored text. Point-by-point responses to the nice associate editor and two nice reviewers are listed below this letter.

B. We feel great thanks for your professional review work on our article. As you are concerned, there are several problems that need to be addressed. According to your nice suggestions, we have made extensive corrections to our previous draft, the detailed corrections are listed below.

C. According to the reviewer’s comments, we have revised the manuscript extensively. If there are any other modifications we could make, we would like very much to modify them and we really appreciate your help. We hope that our manuscript could be considered for publication in your journal. Thank you very much for your help.

D. Thank you again for your positive comments and valuable suggestions toimprove the quality of our manuscript.

E. We were really sorry for our careless mistakes. Thank you for your reminding.

F. If there are any other modifications we could make, we would like very much to modify them and we really appreciate your help. Thank you very much for your help.
