题目1 检索2000以前的有关“计算机网络”方面的文献,检索要求:
答:共25篇。Fault-tolerant analysis of the spiral computer network topology
Mitchell, Tony L. (USAF Acad, Dep of Math Sci, Colorado, Springs, CO, USA); Nilsson, Arne A. Source: Conference Record - International Conference on Communications, v 1, p 363-367, 1989
Fault-tolerant analysis of the spiral computer network topology
Mitchell, Tony L.; Nilsson, Arne A.
Source: Conference Record - International Conference on Communications, v 1, p 363-367, 1989; ISSN:
05361486; DOI:
10.1109/ICC.1989.49722; Conference:
International Conference on Communications - ICC'89, June 11, 1989 - June 14, 1989; Sponsor: IEEE, Communication Soc, New York, NY, USA; IEEE, Boston Section, Boston, MA, USA; Publisher: Publ by IEEE Author affiliation:
USAF Acad, Dep of Math Sci, Colorado, Springs, CO, USA
Results are presented from the analysis of a computer network topology that has the potential to become a standard in future years. The scheme is named the spiral topology because the architecture is built around modules of four computer nodes each, connected by top and bottom spirals. The spiral topology features a simple internal self-routing algorithm that adapts quickly and automatically to failed computer nodes or links. The six most important direct consequences of the network architecture are (1) ease of expansion, (2) fast, on-the-fly self-routing, (3) extremely high tolerance to failed network nodes or links, (4) increased network security, (5) potential for the total elimination of store and forward transmissions due to routing decision delays, and (6) rendering the maximum-path-length issue moot.(4 refs) Main heading: Computer Networks Controlled terms: Computer Programming--Algorithms - Data Transmission - Electric Networks--Topology Uncontrolled terms: Computer Network Topology - Computer Nodes - Decision Delays - Self Routing Algorithm - Spiral Topology - Store and Forward Transmissions Treatment: Theoretical (THR) Database: Compendex
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Accession number: 1990035210067
Title: Fault-tolerant analysis of the spiral computer network
Authors: Mitchell, Tony L.; Nilsson, Arne A.
Author affiliation: USAF Acad, Dep of Math Sci, Colorado, Springs, CO, USA Corresponding author: Mitchell, Tony L.
Source title: Conference Record - International Conference on Communications
Abbreviated source title: Conf Rec Int Conf Commun
Volume: 1 Issue date: 1989 Publication year: 1989
Pages: 363-367 Language: English
Document type: Conference article (CA)
Conference name: IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC'89 Conference date: June 11, 1989 - June 14, 1989 Conference location: Boston, MA, USA Conference code: 12791
Sponsor: IEEE, Communication Soc, New York, NY, USA; IEEE, Boston
Section, Boston, MA, USA
Publisher: Publ by IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States
Abstract: Results are presented from the analysis of a computer network
topology that has the potential to become a standard in future years. The scheme is named the spiral topology because the architecture is built around modules of four computer nodes each, connected by top and bottom spirals. The spiral topology features a simple internal self-routing algorithm that adapts quickly and automatically to failed computer nodes or links. The six most important direct consequences of the network architecture are (1) ease of expansion, (2) fast, on-the-fly self-routing, (3) extremely high tolerance to failed network nodes or links, (4) increased network security, (5) potential for the total elimination of store and forward transmissions due to routing decision delays, and (6) rendering the maximum-path-length issue moot.
Number of references: 4
Main heading: Computer Networks Controlled terms: Computer Programming--Algorithms - Data Transmission - Electric Networks--Topology
Uncontrolled terms: Computer Network Topology - Computer Nodes - Decision Delays - Self Routing Algorithm - Spiral Topology - Store and Forward Transmissions
Treatment: Theoretical (THR)
DOI: 10.1109/ICC.1989.49722 Database: Compendex
Compilation and indexing terms, © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
题目2 ① 在EI快速检索的“题名字段”查找“计算机软件”方面的文献,记录检索总
② 在EI快速检索中“题名字段”查找“安全设计”方面的文献,记录检索总条数。 ③将①、②两题在检索历史中进行合并检索,记录检索总条数及第一条记录的篇名。
并说明检索历史检索历史中E-mail Alert即电子邮件专题服务的功能是什么?
答:1、共74200篇。2、共577篇。3、共8篇。Software development for specific
geometry and safe design of isotropic material multicell beams
检索历史中E-mail即电子邮件专题服务的功能是:在用户设定好一个检索后,所选择的数据库在每次更新时将自动检索出用户设定好的内容,并通过电子邮件(E-mail)发送给用户。在每次电子邮件(E-mail)专题服务中可最多发送25条记录,如果在更新中检索到超过25条记录,在电子邮件(E-mail)专题服务中将出现一个超级连接,点击它将连接到Engineering Village 2,就可查看所检索的全部新记录。
题目3有一位老师想查电器传感器方面的文献(电器传感器的英文为:POWER INDUCTORS),
只需要电器传感器“试验”方面的文献,年代为2000-2005,请你利用浏览检索(Browse Indexes)中的“Controlled term” 检索方式,再限定一下文献的处理类型,看看能查到多少篇文献?得到结果后,利用精确检索栏(Refine Results)统计:检索结果中有几种文献类型,且每种文献的检索结果篇数是多少;并将检索结果中的“期刊论文”单独检索出,随后按照“出版商”排序,记录第一篇文章题名。
期刊论文并排序第一篇篇名为Newstech NY suspending Deferiet operations
答:检索结果第一篇篇名为Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance and Proactive Recovery
题目5利用浏览索引中的“Controlled term”方式 检索1998-2000,关于 “COMPUTER AIDED
ANALYSIS ”方面的文献,语言为Turkish。请回答查到的第一篇文献的篇名?
答::结果为Effect of the foundation and floor rigidity on the shear walls of buildings which are constructed by using tunnel forms
题目6 回答:①EI数据库有哪几种输出方式?
②个人帐户最多能建立几个文件夹,每个文件夹最多能保存多少条记录? ③高级检索中有多少个检索入口;在高级检索方式中,字段检索用什么形式?若要检索所有字段,用什么形式表示?
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有22个检索入口,检索字段及其代码如下表 Field All fields Abstract Accession number Author Affiliation Classification code CODEN Conference code Conference information Controlled term Country of origin :
Code ALL AB AN AU AF CL CN CC CF CV CO Field Document type ISBN ISSN Language Ei main heading Publisher Serial title Subject/Title/Abstract Title Treatment type Uncontrolled term Code DT BN SN LA MH PN ST KY TI TR FL 二、SDOS数据库检索题目
相关度最高文献格式为Stability and Hopf Bifurcation of the Maglev System with Delayed Speed Feedback Control Original Research Article
Acta Automatica Sinica, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2007, Pages 829-834 Hong-Po WANG, Jie LI, Kun ZHANG
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(1) Title, abstract, keywords(题目/摘要/关键词) (2) Author (作者)
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(materials)氢处理(Hydrogen treatment )技术方面的文章,按照时间排序后,记录第一篇文章篇名。
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