

2024-05-11 来源:客趣旅游网
Group Standard

VW 99000

Issue 2012-03

Class. No.:Descriptors:


general requirements, component development, component performance specifications, BT-LAH,development requirements, development conditions, LAH, performance specifications

General Requirements for the Performance of Component DevelopmentContracts


This Standard replaces Volkswagen Standard VW 01154 \"Development Conditions; General Re‐quirements\".

This standard is based on the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) volume \"VDAautomotive standard guideline – Component Requirement Specification: Module 1\" and describescomprehensive, general requirements for rendering services in the context of component develop‐ment.

Operating fluids (such as engine and transmission oils, brake fluids and coolants) constitute standardparts and as such are treated as components for this purpose. VDA Module 2 \"CRS structure forMechanical and E/E Components\" describes component-specific requirements for the developmentof parts, modules or components and is reproduced in the Component Performance Specificationstemplate used by the Volkswagen Group.

This Standard and the pertinent Component Performance Specifications (BT-LAH, German abbre‐viation) together define the basic scope of the contractor's performance obligations.Previous issues

VW 01154: 1996-12, 2000-06, 2001-05, 2002-06, 2003-12; VW 99000: 2006-10, 2007-10, 2008-05,2008-07, 2008-10, 2009-08, 2011-05Changes

The following changes have been made compared with VW 99000: 2011-05:

–Section 2.10 revised; Section 5.5 added; Section 7.1 revised; Section 8.3 revised.

Verify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.

This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.

The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Numerical notation acc. to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.Page 1 of 42

Technical responsibilityI/EZ-3EKDV/4Martin ConradsGabriela BochynekTel.: +49 841 89 33115Standards DepartmentEKDV/4 Gabriela BochynekTel.: +49 5361 9 21698EKDVManfred TerlindenConfidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Groupmember.

This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform www.groupsupply.com.

© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft


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Page .........................................................................................................................3General project specifications ....................................................................................4Objectives ..................................................................................................................4Organization ...............................................................................................................5Reviews during the development process .................................................................5Risk management ......................................................................................................5Fault management .....................................................................................................6Sub-contractor management ......................................................................................7Production process and product release ....................................................................8Planning release ........................................................................................................8Procurement release ..................................................................................................8Design release ...........................................................................................................8Build sample approval (BMG) ....................................................................................8First-sample release ...................................................................................................9Legal stipulations .......................................................................................................9Employee commitments ...........................................................................................10Development work for the Volkswagen Group .........................................................10Intellectual property rights: investigation and third party rights ................................10Compensation for employee inventions ...................................................................10Allocation of industrial property rights, copyrights, and know-how ...........................11Project Development Specifications .........................................................................13Variant management ................................................................................................13Testing management ...............................................................................................14Testing plan ..............................................................................................................14Testing specifications ...............................................................................................14Test documentation ..................................................................................................14General scope of development and supply ..............................................................15Change management ...............................................................................................15Project time schedule ...............................................................................................16Reporting and documentation ..................................................................................17Information exchange ...............................................................................................17List of open issues ...................................................................................................17Meeting documentation ............................................................................................17Documentation and archiving requirements .............................................................18Priority and currentness of documents .....................................................................19Vehicle documentation .............................................................................................19Traceability ...............................................................................................................19Marking of parts .......................................................................................................20Production parts and Genuine Parts ........................................................................20Test and prototype parts ..........................................................................................20Quality requirements ................................................................................................21Quality contribution ..................................................................................................21Quality management system ....................................................................................21Preventive quality management methods and risk anticipation ...............................22FMEA .......................................................................................................................22DfMAS ......................................................................................................................23Change Management for electronic assemblies .....................................................23Statistical tolerance analysis ....................................................................................24Maturity level assurance in the supply chain ............................................................24Special characteristics .............................................................................................24

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Product safety, product liability ................................................................................25Product data management .......................................................................................26CAD requirements ....................................................................................................26DMU requirements ...................................................................................................26Reference point system and functional dimensions .................................................27Required contents of drawings .................................................................................27Environmental compatibility .....................................................................................27General requirements ..............................................................................................27Recycling requirements ............................................................................................28Environmental properties of materials ......................................................................28Materials specification and surfaces ........................................................................29Material requirements and prohibitions ....................................................................29Materials requirements .............................................................................................29Requirements for weather resistance ......................................................................30Requirements for electrical components ..................................................................30Additional general requirements ..............................................................................31Surface protection, surfaces, edges .........................................................................31Corrosion protection .................................................................................................32Logistical requirements ............................................................................................33Requirements for after-sales and customer service .................................................33After-sales service ....................................................................................................33Genuine parts ...........................................................................................................34Standard parts and multi-use parts ..........................................................................34Requirements for tools and parts .............................................................................35Tools ........................................................................................................................35Test tools and prototype tools ..................................................................................35Ownership of test tools, prototype tools, and production tools .................................35Verification of suitability ............................................................................................35Test and prototype parts ..........................................................................................36Definitions, terms, abbreviations ..............................................................................37Terms .......................................................................................................................37Abbreviations ...........................................................................................................37Applicable documents ..............................................................................................38Scope

The requirements herein described apply to all parts, modules, components, or development workfor which an invitation to tender or a contract has been issued, as defined in detail in the pertinentBT-LAH.

The VW 99000 series of Standards describes requirements to be complied with by the contractorwhen developing a component, whereas the engineering drawing defines conditions to be met by theproduction part.

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2 2.1

General project specificationsObjectives

The contractor is responsible for compliance with all requirements defined in the BT-LAH and thereferenced documents.

In the course of a development project, the following development and production objectives, withregards to development and manufacturing, must be met for the entire scope of development inaccordance with the Group-wide requirements established by the purchaser:–Compliance with the deadline requirements as currently agreed.–Adherence to agreed cost targets

–Where two or more solutions are equivalent from a technical engineering perspective, develop‐

ment of the most cost-effective solution in overall economic terms (considering, e.g. recyclingand disposal) in agreement with the purchaser.

–Achievement of function and quality in accordance with the features defined and specified by the


–Compliance with all legal and safety-relevant specifications of the markets and countries listed

in the BT-LAH

–Compliance with all relevant standards and guidelines

–Utilization of all knowledge acquired from the prototype tools and parts for purposes of the pro‐

duction tools and parts

–Use of all specified testing technologies and concepts for development and planning purposes–Ease of service and repair

The contractor is expected to make a major contribution to product and technology development aswell as to the continuous improvement of both the product itself and the related processes throughoutthe entire product life-cycle. This applies in particular with regard to:–Maximum customer value (serviceability)

–Optimization of factors influencing fuel consumption


–Current consumption–Air resistance–Efficiency

–Rolling resistance

–Optimized environmental compatibility, also during production–Quality improvement

–Optimum ease of installation and removal (simple and uniform joining techniques as well as fluid

draining if necessary)

–Reduction of the number of variants of the same parts to an absolute minimum (complexity re‐

duction)Each component must always be considered in the context of the overall system, i.e. including allexterior, interior, adjacent and connecting parts.

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2.2 Organization

The contractor must prepare a detailed project plan including at least the following:

–Work breakdown structure in conformity with the purchaser's project specifications.

Individual work packages must be defined for each field of activity and each phase of develop‐ment. Material and personnel resources must be allocated to each individual work package (seetime schedule section 3).

It must be possible to track the progress of each work package by means of the periodic projectreports. Each work package must be linked to a milestone and must contain criteria that deter‐mine when it has been successfully finished. Interdependencies between work packages mustbe identified and explained.

–Work responsibility structure naming the persons responsible in the project and identifying the

work packages to which they are assigned. The responsibilities of each individual must be iden‐tified and explained (e.g. by means of a project-specific organization chart). Sub-contractors mustalso be included.

–A contact list showing all persons identified in the work responsibility structure must also be

prepared.Development work is performed by Simultaneous Engineering Teams (SET). Active participation bythe contractor in the SE process is mandatory. The contractor and the purchaser will mutually agreeon the allocation of individual SET tasks.

In addition, the purchaser's and contractor's project managers can also hold project status meetingsas necessary, to assess project progress, time schedules, milestones, risks, etc.

The purchaser may also if necessary call a management steering meeting, which the contractor'ssenior management shall attend.2.2.1

Reviews during the development process

The contractor must perform internal reviews of the work product of each and every developmentphase (reviews of: requirements, design, trials/testing, hard- and software robustness, configurationmanagement, project follow-up, etc.).

The purchaser may at its discretion participate in the reviews which are explicitly product-related aswell as in the issuance of the review results (result protocols, follow-up reports).

All open issues resulting from the reviews shall be documented in the list of open issues.2.2.2

Risk management

The contractor must establish and maintain a risk management system for the duration of the project.The contractor must identify, analyze, and prioritize prospective project risks relating to technicalissues, time schedule, and costs.

The contractor must take action to avoid or minimize the identified risks.

The list of risks and the steps taken to mitigate them must both be updated and documented at regularintervals.

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2.2.3 Fault management

The contractor must establish and maintain a system for controlling and tracking fault processing forthe duration of the project .

This system must be supported by appropriate tools and take account of all faults encountered bythe purchaser or by the contractor.

The system must at a minimum provide for:–Unambiguously assignable fault IDs

–Fault priorities (conforming to the purchaser's fault priority classifications)

–A range of possible processing statuses (conforming to the purchaser's fault status classifica‐


–Process for coordinating fault prioritization and agreeing on mandatory deadlines for fault recti‐

ficationAll faults including their processing status, their causes, and the action taken in response must bedocumented in a database maintained by the purchaser for this purpose. This database also consti‐tutes the data source for all fault reports.

The contractor will receive access to the corresponding database via the B2B supplier platform incoordination with the purchaser.

Starting no later than the time of availability of testable basic samples (B-samples), the contractormust disclose the fault processing state in the form of a fault report on a weekly basis.

This fault report shall contain a detailed list of all faults and include at least the following information:–Fault ID

–Short description

–Detailed description and if necessary, references to additional documentation.–Creation date (date on which the fault occurred)–Person who detected the fault

–Version in which the fault occurred (development status)–Processing status–Fault priority

–Completion deadline and release in which the fault will be rectified–Cross-reference to the purchaser's fault ID

Fault rectification measures must be shown in the list of open issues.

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2.3 Sub-contractor management

The contractor must notify the purchaser of the names of all of its subcontractors and all of its man‐ufacturing sites1).

If the sub-contractors yet to be determined, a corresponding outsourcing plan must be submitted.With its subcontractors, the contractor must enter into contractual agreements ensuring that they willmeet all requirements agreed between the contractor and the purchaser.

For each individual part required by the contractor for its own manufacturing and supply operations,the contractor must prepare a backup plan explaining what to do in the event a subcontractor is unableto deliver. The contractor must explain this plan to the purchaser if the latter so requests.

The contractor must ensure that its sub-contractors are quality capable, that they meet the requiredquality standards on an ongoing basis, and that they continuously improve upon this quality.Action to achieve assured subcontractor quality capability with regard to system, process, and productmust generally be taken in conjunction with any necessary quality capability improvement measuresand must be completed before the start of the pilot series.

The action to achieve assured quality capability is to be evidenced by:–QM systemDocumentation by certificate–ProcessDocumentation by audit or reference–ProductDocumentation by quality performance

Any audit must be performed by a qualified auditor (qualification according to VDA or comparableStandards).

The purchaser reserves the right to require the contractor to use subcontractors of the purchaser'schoosing.

The contractor is obliged to review the FMEAs submitted by its sub-contractors and to provide a finalreport on each FMEA to the purchaser. The purchaser is entitled to examine the FMEAs of anycontractor if necessary.

The contractor at all times remains responsible for the delivered final product and is the point ofcontact for the receiving entity in the Volkswagen Group.


Also see section “Sub-Supplier Management” in Formel Q Capability

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2.4 Production process and product release

Each and every component, prior to the start of series delivery, must get through planning release(P-release), procurement release (B-release), design release (K-release) as well as Build SampleApproval (BMG) where required.

Completion: first-sample release by the purchaser's Quality Assurance Department.2.4.1

Planning release

A planning release is issued with respect to each component in accordance with the priority list agreedand stipulated in the BT-LAH.

The technical requirements for planning release are set forth in Part 1 of this series of Standards (seeVW 99000-1).2.4.2

Procurement release

A procurement release is issued with respect to each component in accordance with the priority listagreed and stipulated in the BT-LAH.

The technical requirements for procurement release are set forth in Part 2 of this series of Standards(see VW 99000-2).2.4.3

Design release

The design release is issued with respect to each component in accordance with the priority listagreed and stipulated in the BT-LAH.

The technical requirements for design release are set forth in Part 3 of this series of Standards (seeVW 99000-3).2.4.4

Build sample approval (BMG)

The purchaser determines whether a component is subject to build sample approval.

If build sample approval is required, this is noted on the drawing, in the master data list, or in thetechnical supply specifications.

The technical requirements for build sample approval are set forth in Part 4 of this series of Standards(see VW 99000-4).

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2.4.5 First-sample release

A prerequisite for the release by the purchaser's Quality Assurance is the successful completion offirst sample testing in as per VDA volume 2 \"Quality Assurance of Supplies\" and compliance with thespecifications of the Formula Q – Concrete \"Group Procurement Quality Assurance Guidelines\".The first-sample test report covers the tests pertaining to both dimensions and materials.

The materials testing report must meet the following criteria:

–Complete in scope - measurements demonstrating compliance with all material-related require‐

ments indicated in the drawing or in the referenced documents.

–Correct in testing methodology - the test equipment and test parameters used must be specified

in each case. The suitability of the testing process must be proven upon request.

–Analyzable in technical respects - photographic documentation is generally required as to the

position, orientation, and numbering of the points where samples were taken or measurementsmade. Visual evaluations (structure, porosity, welding qualities, deformations, etc.) must be doc‐umented with photographs (specifying scale). The documentation may have to be expanded incertain cases.Where build sample approval is required, it is a condition precedent to first sample release (Grade≤3).

Completion: first-sample release by the purchaser's Quality Assurance Department.2.5

Legal stipulations

The parties shall treat as confidential all information received, knowledge acquired, and materialsdeveloped by or transferred to them in the course or on the occasion of their cooperation.

Information, knowledge, and materials are confidential not only if expressly designated by the partiesas such, but also where disclosure – especially publication – may potentially have negative conse‐quences.

This confidentiality obligation does not apply to information, knowledge, or materials that, at the timeof transfer, were already common knowledge or that were already known at least to the recipientparty. Furthermore, this confidentiality obligation does not apply to information, knowledge, or mate‐rials that, after transfer and without fault on the part of the receiving party, subsequently becomecommon knowledge or are disclosed by a third party in a legal fashion and without restrictions withrespect to confidentiality.

Materials that have been developed or transferred must be stored in a secure manner.They must not be provided to third parties for examination.

Should the party subject to confidentiality obligations permissibly delegate any of its contractual obli‐gations to sub-contractors, it shall in writing impose written confidentiality obligations on such sub‐contractors corresponding to the obligations set forth above.

The contractor is required to verify that all requirements in the BT-LAH and the referenced documentsare complete, free from contradiction, feasible, and reflect state-of-the-art technology.

The required assessment of the BT-LAH is not limited in scope to technical specifications. Rather thecontractor must include market conditions and requirements known to the contractor as well as otherrelevant knowledge.

In both the development and the production phase of project, during the warranty period the contractoris generally required to perform correction work and rectify faults free of charge in the event of anydefects.

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Deviations from the BT-LAH or the referenced documents must be separately justified by the con‐tractor and are subject to approval by the purchaser's Procurement department and the relevantDesign Engineering departments.

Unless otherwise agreed, the contractor is obliged to meet all requirements of the BT-LAH and thereferenced documents.

In such cases, the contractor bears the costs that arise due to its failure to comply with requirements.2.5.1

Employee commitments

With all employees and performance assistants (§ 278 of the German Civil Code) on which it reliesin performing the contractual work, the contractor shall enter into agreements by which they agree tobe bound by the provisions here set forth. Upon request, the contractor shall furnish documentaryproof of these agreements.2.5.2

Development work for the Volkswagen Group

All rights available to the purchaser based on section 2.5ff. are available to the same extent to allcompanies affiliated with Volkswagen as per §§ 15ff. of the German Stock Corporation Act and to thecompanies holding a participatory interest, FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Company Ltd., Changchun,the People's Republic of China; Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Company Ltd., Shanghai, China,MAN AG, Munich, Germany.2.5.3

Intellectual property rights: investigation and third party rights

With the diligence due and customary in the trade, the contractor shall conduct appropriate investi‐gations to ensure that the work it is to perform and the results thereof do not infringe any third partyrights.

If the intended form of the work product would infringe third party rights, the contracting parties willjointly seek an alternative form for the work product.

If the use of third party intellectual property is unavoidable, the purchaser shall decide whether tolicense the relevant right. The contracting parties shall agree on the allocation of the expense therebyincurred.

To the extent the contractor fails to notify the purchaser of conflicting third party rights of which it isaware or should have been aware using the diligence due and customary in the trade, the contractorshall release the purchaser from and hold it harmless against all third-party claims based on conflictingrights to the product being developed.2.5.4

Compensation for employee inventions

The cost of compensation for employee inventions shall be borne by the respective employer.

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Allocation of industrial property rights, copyrights, and know-howDuty to inform

The contractor shall inform the purchaser of any and all innovations arising within the contractor'sorganization in connection with the performance of the contractual work, including without limitationinventions, proposals for technical improvements, know-how, and any other individually identifiableintellectual property. The contractor shall furnish all documentation necessary to evaluate such in‐novations and provide the purchaser with any requested information related thereto.

Pre-existing intellectual property rights

To the extent that the contractor already demonstrably owned inventions and industrial property rightsor copyrights prior to beginning the work which is the subject matter of the contract(\"pre-existingintellectual property rights\"), the contractor remains the owner thereof. Regarding any pre-existingintellectual property rights used in the development work, the contractor agrees, however, to grantthe purchaser on standard marketplace terms a non-exclusive, transferable, perpetual right of useand exploitation without restrictions as to geographical or material scope.

The contractor shall notify the purchaser of any pre-existing intellectual property rights used in thefinal development result upon acceptance/approval of the final development result or upon projectconclusion, whichever occurs first. Where a production part is being developed, the contractor shallgive such notice upon delivery of the first sample parts.


With regard to all copyrights enjoyed by the contractor pertaining to its contractual performance orparts thereof, the contractor grants the purchaser free of charge the non-exclusive, transferable, andperpetual right of use and exploitation without restrictions as to geographical or material scope.The purchaser's right of use and exploitation includes the right to rework the work product, the doc‐uments, or the drawings, to modify the same, and/or to permit their use by third parties gratuitouslyor for consideration.

Where, by virtue of separate contractual agreement with the purchaser, the contractor need not fullycomply with the stipulations of Section of VW Standard 99000, the contractor is required tosupply neutralized RFQ documents (e.g. 2-D CAD drawing information, 3-D CAD models) in additionto the documents agreed in the contract. The contractor grants the purchaser free of charge a per‐petual right, without restrictions as to geographical or material scope, to use and exploit these neu‐tralized documents by distributing, reproducing, and editing them, especially for purposes of solicitingtenders from third parties.

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VW 99000: 2012-03 Fully compensated development work

Development work is generally carried out in return for compensation. Such compensation is eitherdirect or included in the unit price.

The purchaser shall in general have sole and exclusive entitlement to the results and products of allwork performed for this project, including without limitation documents and other output. To the extentthe contractor relies on subcontractors, it shall enter into appropriate contractual agreements ensur‐ing that they as well agree to be bound by this principle. The purchaser reserves the right to provideany and all documents to third parties, e.g. for supplier selection purposes.

The purchaser shall have the sole and exclusive right of use and exploitation with regard to the resultsand products of all work, including without limitation any innovations, arising in the context of thiscontract.

The purchaser is alone entitled to file applications for intellectual property rights. Should the purchaserwaive any such right of application, it will give the contractor written notice thereof. The contractor isthen entitled to apply for registration of the intellectual property right in question at its own expense.Regarding such intellectual property rights, the purchaser is entitled free of charge to a non-exclusiveand transferable perpetual right of use and exploitation without restrictions as to geographical ormaterial scope.

Partially compensated development work

Development work is considered \"partially compensated\of the negotiated development costs and acknowledges this to the contractor in writing in advance.If the development is only partially compensated, the allocation of rights pertaining to the work resultsand products shall be as follows: Exclusive innovations

Applications for intellectual property rights with respect to innovations made exclusively by the con‐tractor or purchaser shall be filed solely by the contracting party in question. Should this contractingparty not wish to file an application, it will immediately notify the other party accordingly and invite itto register the innovations in question without payment to the waiving party. With respect to intellectualproperty rights so registered, the non-registering party shall receive free of charge an non-exclusiveand perpetual right of use and exploitation without restrictions as to geographical or material scope. Joint innovations

Innovations made jointly by both contractual parties shall be registered jointly. The resulting costsshall be shared, and both contractual parties shall receive the same rights to the resulting intellectualproperty rights. Collaboration with third parties

No part of the project work product and results may be offered by the contractor to any third partyuntil at least 12 months have elapsed since the SOP of the first Volkswagen Group vehicle to beequipped with the technical system in question.

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2.6 Project Development Specifications

Based on this Standard and the BT-LAH, the contractor shall create product development specifica‐tions with the following minimum content:

–Implementation of all requirements by the contractor–Binding feasibility commitment2)

–Manufacturing concept and Q concept2)–Risk assessment2)

–Content according to BT-LAH, \"Documentation\"–Description of package and installation space–Engineering drawing

–Alignment concept of the component and/or the assembly

–Information on the quality to be expected (tolerance information on important features)–System description

–Safety concept principle

–Data on mechanical components–Documentation of reliability

–Materials concept for all individual parts

–Commitment on target costs, deadlines, unit quantities2)

The contractor must continuously update the product development specifications so that they reflectcurrent project status at all times.2.7

Variant management

The number of variants must be at or, if possible, below the target limit set by the purchaser.If additional variants are required, the contractor must identify and evaluate options for offsettingelimination of existing variants.

Deviations must be approved by the purchaser.

Modifications with regard to the variants of the component must be documented by the contractor inVAMOS (Variant Management and Optimization System). The VAMOS system is available free ofcharge on the B2B supplier platform.2)

As per VDA volume “Materity Level Assurance for New Parts”; see also section 5.4

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2.8 2.8.1

Testing managementTesting plan

The contractor must document its testing procedures in a detailed testing plan. The testing plan mustbe agreed with the purchaser and contain the following:–General testing strategy–Tests to be performed

–Integration and testing sequence

–Time schedules for integration and testing (consistent with the overall project schedule)–Testing tools and aids2.8.2

Testing specifications

Every test defined in the testing plan will be carried out according to a test specification and docu‐mented by the contractor in detail.

The documentation will be handed in to the purchaser for review and will include:–Test scope and objective–Test configuration

–Separate description of every step in the test

–Expected results, tolerances; success and failure criteria2.8.3

Test documentation

The contractor must document each test separately.

Upon conclusion of each test (including repeats thereof), the contractor must submit the followingtest documentation information to the purchaser:–Test configuration–Test results

–Assessment of the results

–Recommendations for corrective measures or tests (if required)

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2.9 General scope of development and supply

The contractor shall perform, or coordinate the performance of, all work and services necessary toprovide the scope of supply.

The contractor agrees to meet all described requirements pertaining to the scope of developmentand supply.

The scope of development shall generally be understood to include design analysis work in accor‐dance with the evolving situation and the latest update to the BT-LAH.

The scope of development and supply includes all 3-D data models, type approval drawings, pro‐duction drawings, additional documentation, documents required for the component releases as wellas samples required for this purpose and further samples defined in detail in the BT-LAH.The contractor is responsible for system application.

Any vehicles and components required for development work in excess of those agreed with andprovided to the contractor must be purchased by the contractor.2.10

Change management

Changes or corrections required to achieve the defined objectives and the sample parts necessaryto document the achievement of these objectives are included in the scope of development.In the event the purchaser desires modifications in the styling, design, component construction, orfunction that alter the specifications, the following procedure applies:

–Within 10 working days after the contractor is notified in writing of a reviewable modification by

the purchaser's Design Engineering Department, the contractor shall explain in writing to thepurchaser's Design Engineering and Procurement contact persons what effect the modificationwould have on the project. If, by way of exception, the purchaser is unable to meet the 10 daydeadline, it must inform the purchaser accordingly within 5 working days and specify a bindingdeadline.

–If this does not occur, the contractor does not have a right to negotiate greater compensation or

a deadline extension.

–The work in question is authorized only if commissioned in writing by the purchaser's Procure‐

ment department.If the contractor modifies the component or the production process without the purchaser's explicitapproval, all product releases become null and void. A new release process is required. The require‐ments of VW 01155 apply as well.

Effective as of build sample approval or first sample release, no modification of the component mustbe undertaken.

From the start of the project, the contractor must document all modifications by means of a partshistory or a sample documentation folder.

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3 Project time schedule

The contractor must prepare a detailed project schedule in conformity with the milestones which thepurchaser has defined and which the contractor is obliged to meet. The project schedule must besubmitted to the purchaser.

The structure of the project schedule must reflect that of the work breakdown structure. The projectschedule includes all work packages listed in the work breakdown structure including deadlines.The critical path must be represented graphically.

The project schedule must also state the purchaser's tasks, milestones and contingencies.The contractor must update the project schedule continuously to reflect the current project status atall times. The current project schedule must be submitted to the purchaser as part of the monthlyprogress report.

Any risk of deviation from schedule must be reported to the purchaser's responsible party immedi‐ately, in writing, and without request. stating the reasons therefore and explaining the action to betaken to stay on the original schedule. The contractor must state the reasons and explain the actionto be taken to stay on the original schedule.

Every version of the project schedule must be provided in electronic form (according to the formagreed with the purchaser).

In addition, a priority parts plan must also be created in consultation with the purchaser and keptcurrent at all times.

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4 4.1

Reporting and documentationInformation exchange

Throughout the development phase, the contractor must, after prior consultation, do the following:–Permit the purchaser to inspect the current production status of tools, dies, templates, jigs, molds,

testing equipment, or development work, especially for purposes of joint analysis in time-criticalsituations with a view to identifying and agreeing on action to keep the project on schedule.–Provide the current development status documentation (including 3-D-CAD data, design data,

and computation and simulation data) to the purchaser at regular intervals. The time frame isdefined in the BT-LAH.

–Provide the purchaser with the planning documents and project progress reports described in

the following Sections:

–Section 2.2 \"Organization\"

–Section 2.2.2 \"Risk management\"–Section 2.2.3 \"Fault management\"–Section 2.8 \"Testing management\"–Section 3 \"Project time schedule\"–Section 4.1.1 \"List of open issues\"

–Section 4.1.2 \"Meeting documentation\"4.1.1

List of open issues

From the start of the project, the contractor shall maintain a list of open issues showing all open items,work packages, uncompleted actions, etc. in a chronological order. Notice of each item etc. must begiven to the appropriate department of the purchaser within a specified deadline.

The list must be continuously updated. It must include the following and can be expanded as nec‐essary:

–Item number

–Work package, description, measure–Status

–Responsible person(s) and department(s)–Pending since–Target deadline

–Origin of the work package (e.g. FMEA, fault ID)4.1.2

Meeting documentation

All meetings between contractor and purchaser must be documented.The meeting documentation must contain the following at a minimum:–Meeting agenda, participants, date, and distribution list–Results of the meeting

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4.2 Documentation and archiving requirements

The delivery of all documents provided to the purchaser in the course of the project must be docu‐mented in the form of a list. The list is to be handed in.

The purchaser and contractor can agree to expand the documentation requirements beyond thoseprovided for by this Standard and the BT-LAH.

The contractor is required to retain all documents that it is not required to provide to the purchaserfor a period of 15 years to run from the 1st of January of the year following that in which the documentwas created. This retention period also applies to data on electronic data storage devices.

The contractor must organize all information elements obtained from and provided to the purchaserin accordance with the configuration management requirements of DIN ISO 10007.

The term \"elements of information\" includes without limitation the component itself, drawings, docu‐ments, performance specifications, product development specifications, software, hardware docu‐mentation, the sample documentation, and all other files

All information elements must be archived with the corresponding date of revision, and the configu‐ration to which each information element pertains must be clearly identified.It must be possible to reproduce all agreed configurations.

This ensures that an overview of all exchanged information elements and the changes made to themis available at all times.

All configuration-management-related methodical decisions made with regard to the project must bedocumented by the contractor in a configuration management plan.The configuration management plan must be disclosed upon request.

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4.3 Priority and currentness of documents

Upon contract award, the following stipulations become binding parts of the contract, whereby theorder of listing shall determine the order of precedence in the event of any conflict, unless the lawotherwise requires:

1.Contractual agreements

2.Drawings and 3-D data models and project-specific functional dimensions catalog3.Component Performance Specifications (BT-LAH)

4.Technical scopes of the contractor's Project Development Specification5.The standards in the VW 99000 series

6.Other performance specifications cited in the list of referenced documents

7.In-house Standards (TL, PV, VW, KR, QP) cited in the list of referenced documents, other Gen‐

eral Terms and Conditions and the Formula Q document series

8.National and international Standards (DIN, EN, ISO etc.) cited in the list of referenced documents4.4

Vehicle documentation

A TLD notation in accordance with VW 01058 must be made on the drawings for systems or com‐ponents that are subject to the purchaser's safety regulations or to statutory provisions.

The purchaser must prepare a TLD sheet listing the features to be documented and the reason forsuch documentation.

These specifications will be provided to the contractor in the course of the component development,at the latest for the pilot series (PVS).

The contractor is required to archive the quality compliance documentation for TLD components fora period of 15 years.4.5


All components supplied to the purchaser must be marked in a way that makes them clearly traceableif they have been identified as being traceability-relevant.The contractor must prepare an appropriate traceability plan.

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4.6 4.6.1

Marking of parts

Production parts and Genuine Parts

All parts, including spare parts, designated by the purchaser from the performance scope (assem‐blies, components, modules) must be marked according to VW 10500.–Markings of the parts according to drawing specification–Notation on the drawing according to VW 01058–Trademark according to VW 10514

–Country of origin according to VW 10550

–Manufacturer's code according to VW 10540-1–Part number, lettering according to DIN 1451-4–Date marking according to VW 10560

–Marking of materials according to VDA 260

–Marking of valve springs according to VW 10540-7

–Marking of vehicle parts subject to archiving requirements according to VW 01064

–Internal and external marking of control units according to VW 80160, VW 80115 and VW 80125The marking of parts must be agreed with the purchaser where necessary.4.6.2

Test and prototype parts

For marking of test and prototype parts, the \"Supplier Manual for Prototype Parts\" of the purchaserapplies.

The marking of parts must be agreed with the purchaser where necessary.

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5 5.1

Quality requirementsQuality contribution

Upon submission of the quotation, the quality assurance actions described in Formula Q – Con‐crete \"Group Procurement Quality Assurance Guidelines\" are deemed to be an integral part of theagreement between contractor and purchaser.

The compliance with the requirements of this Standard, the BT-LAH, and the referenced documentsin regards to the quality characteristics of ISO/IEC 25010 must be described in a QM plan preparedby the contractor.

To maintain the level of quality capability and quality performance required by the purchaser (seeFormula Q – Concrete \"Group Procurement Quality Assurance Guidelines\"), the contractor under‐takes to develop an appropriate failure response strategy for each of the contractor's plants andfacilities and/or those of its sub-contractors in order to prevent supply interruptions.

To ensure that production commences as planned, the purchaser and the contractor will agree onadditional backup measures one year in advance of SOP.

For the prototype phase, a measuring and testing system designed in agreement with the purchaser'sDesign Engineering department will be provided by the contractor to the quality assurance team inthe purchaser's Prototype Shop.

Technical cleanliness:

–For all media-bearing and media-covered components and component assemblies, the pur‐

chaser will furnish particulars as to technical cleanliness as per VDA Volume 19 \"Inspection oftechnical cleanliness – particulate contamination of functionally relevant automotive compo‐nents\" or ISO 16232 \"Part 1 through 10: Road vehicles – cleanliness of components of fluidcircuits\".3)

–These requirements, including a specification of residual particle characteristics and the testing

method, shall be defined in a quality agreement to be entered into with the purchaser (see TestingSpecification PV 3347). The process steps involved in production delivery must also be takeninto account in this context.Compliance with the agreed target values must first be demonstrated in the course of first-sampletesting. The purchaser may require the contractor to furnish and document additional proof of com‐pliance.5.2

Quality management system

Compliance with the quality management system as per VDA volume 6.1 \"QM system audit\" or ISO/TS 16949 (corresponding to VDA 6.1, harmonized) is mandatory.


ISO 16232-1, ISO 16232-2, ISO 16232-3, ISO 16232-4, ISO 16232-5, ISO 16232-6, ISO 16232-7, ISO 16232-8, ISO 16232-9 and ISO16232-10

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5.3 5.3.1

Preventive quality management methods and risk anticipationFMEA

With respect to its scope of development and supply and the interfaces with other systems, the con‐tractor must prepare a product FMEA (system FMEA, design FMEA) and a process FMEA in accor‐dance with the VDA Guidelines currently in effect (VDA volume 4 \"Quality Assurance prior to SerialApplication\") and the purchaser's specifications (Formula Q \"Group Procurement Quality AssuranceGuidelines: Formula Q – Concrete, – New Parts Integral, – Capability\Integral: Qualification Program for New Parts; Procedures with Integrated Acceptance of 2-Day Pro‐duction\

The contractor will agree this process with the appropriate department or the designated individualin the purchaser's organization.

The FMEA subjects and their scope must be systematically derived, and if necessary, prioritized bythe contractor in agreement with the purchaser, taking into consideration overarching requirements(e.g. quality data, after-sales service requirements, etc.) and functions that are provided by the pur‐chaser.

The list of topics must be submitted to and agreed with the purchaser by the time the LH1/DE mile‐stone is reached or immediately after nomination, whichever occurs first.

After preparing the FMEA, the contractor must submit the contents and results to the purchaser foranalysis and acceptance/approval.

Following FMEA implementation, the progress status of the measures specified in the FMEA formmust be reported to the purchaser at regular intervals. In addition, all these measures must be trackedin the list of open issues.

The system and design FMEA must be finished and all production-relevant product features must bedefined at planning release. Implementation of the defined product design measures (measures thatneither impair product characteristics nor result in changes to production facilities or processes) anddocumentation of their effectiveness must be completed at product procurement release at the latest.The implementation of all other measures and the documentation of their effectiveness must becompleted by the start of the pilot series.

Prior to procurement release (procurement of tools and facilities), the process FMEA must be finishedand the resulting measures must be incorporated in the process and plant system planning. Imple‐mentation of the production and/or process measures derived from the FMEA and documentation oftheir effectiveness must be complete by the start of the pilot series.

The contractor is obligated to create and to transmit to the purchaser for procurement release or thePilot Series, no later than the end of the design project, a separate, final report to the FMEA docu‐mentation of the contractor's scope of development and supply. The purchaser thereby confirms thatit has implemented and documented all FMEA measures, that there is no need for further action tomeet either VDA requirements or the purchaser's specifications, and that the purchaser is in agree‐ment on these matters

If the contractor is a production supplier, the contractor is required to retain this documentation for15 years following the date of creation and to make it available upon request solely to the purchaseror third parties authorized by the purchaser for review and discussion.

Upon request, the contractor shall also make the FMEA analyses of its subcontractors available forreview and discussion. Final protocols on the subcontractors' FMEA documentation must be providedto the purchaser.

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If the contractor is acting solely as a development service provider, it must deliver the entire FMEAdocumentation to the purchaser upon project completion. A data transfer to the FMEA Tool SCIO ofPlato AG and with this to the FMEA database of the purchaser, must be ensured subsequent to prioragreement with the purchaser.

The respective FMEA must be updated to reflect product or process changes implemented afterFMEA acceptance/approval. Such changes must be clearly marked, indicating the date thereof, andagreed with the purchaser.5.3.2


A DfMAS analysis (Design for Manufacture, Assembly and Serviceability) supports a product designthat facilitates product manufacturing and assembly. The basic principles of the method are value-analytic thinking, the application of design checklists and other checklists, as well as the inclusion ofknow-how referring to manufacture and maintainability.

Design should be optimized for serviceability whenever the assembly process in manufacturing islikely to have a significant adverse impact on the serviceability requirements of after-sales service.The contractor may focus on the aspects it considers most important.

The purchaser reserves the right to require DfMAS analysis of designated scopes. The topics shouldpreferably be selected by a team using an appropriate selection procedure.

The DfMAS analysis must be completed by the styling decision (DE) or immediately after nomination.The results of the analysis must be provided to the purchaser upon its completion.5.3.3

Change Management for electronic assemblies

An overview concerning tests to be carried out for changes to a component for electronic assembliesmay be specified via a \"Delta Qualification Matrix\". This applies only to changes to the individualcomponents or to the manufacturing process of an already qualified electronic assembly. The matrixis not valid for changes of the electrical function.

A descriptive manual and the complete Qualification Matrix is available as the Manual \"QualificationMatrix for Electronic Assemblies\" in the B2B Supplier Platform and in the engineering data manage‐ment system (KVS).The contractor must determine, by means of the components and processes, the potentially occurringfailures (failure mode) for the electronic assembly and the resulting tests and qualifications for theindividual components (component, printed circuit board, additional materials) or for the assemblylevel by means of the current Delta Qualification Matrix. The required tests are to be confirmed indetail by the purchaser. All resulting documents must be handed in to the purchaser.

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5.3.4 Statistical tolerance analysis

Tolerance analysis (as per VW 01057) allows for securing function and appeal criteria early on whiletaking account of the tolerance influences. The project quality requirements influence the tolerancespecifications of the individual parts. The quality characteristics of the part and/or assembly must bedefined with regard to the overriding requirement of quality, the required function, and the intendedinstallation alignment, and must be validated by means of a statistical tolerance analysis. The result‐ing specifications for the part and/or assembly must be documented as project-specific functionaldimensions and adhered to in production. The results of the tolerance analysis will then in turn beincorporated into the purchaser's internal analyses and must therefore be consistently documentedin compliance with the tolerance analysis regulations (see B2B supplier platform under the captionF&E Services/Tolerance Analysis.

The purchaser reserves the right to require statistical tolerance analysis of additional scopes.The statistical tolerance analysis must be completed prior to planning release. Upon completion, theanalysis results as well as the catalog of project-specific functional dimensions must be provided tothe purchaser.5.4

Maturity level assurance in the supply chain

Corresponding to a risk classification as per VDA volume \"Maturity Level Assurance for New Parts\a maturity level assurance must be carried out in agreement with the purchaser pursuant to the above-referenced VDA volume.5.5

Special characteristics

Special characteristics are product characteristics or production process parameters that may havean effect on safety or compliance with regulatory provisions or the fit, the function, the performance,or the further processing of the product. The contractor will process special characteristics as per therequirements of VDA Volume Special Characteristics \"Process Description for Special Characteris‐tics\".

In this connection, VW 01110-1 applies for the classification of threaded joints. The Technical Guide‐line for Documentation (TLD) markings as per VW 01058 in drawings must be observed (see alsosection 4.4).

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6 Product safety, product liability

In its capacity as manufacturer, the purchaser has a legal obligation not to introduce products intothe stream of commerce unless they are safe. The law requires manufacturers to observe or trackthe products they have put in the stream of commerce and to recall these products if they are dis‐covered to be unsafe. If harm or damage is caused by a faulty product, there is liability on the part ofthe manufacturer of the overall product, and generally on the part of the manufacturer of the faultycomponent as well.

The contractor is liable for design defects even if they are not discovered until after acceptance/ap‐proval (release, build sample approval). Documentation submitted during the development processdoes not release the contractor from liability for the component and any consequential damages. Thecontractor is strictly liable (liability without fault) to the purchaser for damage the purchaser suffersby reason of legally required recall campaigns, by reason of action taken pursuant to good automotivepractice in coordination with the contractor, and by reason of third party damage claims, unless legalresponsibility for such damage is proven to rest with the purchaser.

Whether developer, supplier, or both, the contractor is required to notify the purchaser if there is anyindication that the vehicle components or accessories developed and/or supplied may have anysafety-relevant fault. Problems with regard the same or similar parts supplied by the contractor toother customers may also indicate the presence of reportable faults, especially where such problemshave led to internal safety reviews or inquiries from governmental agencies.

Manufacturing responsibility for the final product rests with the purchaser. As the manufacturer of thefinal product, it is up to the purchaser to decide how to proceed where it is directly or indirectly subjectto statutory reporting obligations vis-à-vis governmental agencies, where requests for information orother inquiries from such agencies directly or indirectly pertain to it, and where third parties directrequests for information or other inquiries to it or raise claims against it.

For the necessary, expeditious clarification of the factual circumstances, the contractor as developerand as contractor for product parts built into the final product is obligated to:

1.Immediately notify the purchaser of claims, requests for information, and inquiries addressed

directly to the contractor and2.At its own expense:

–provide complete documentation on the types and number of all parts that may be affected


–designate product-safety representatives to act as central point of contact and be at the

purchaser's disposal to assist in handling the above matters and any issues that may ariseregarding the safety of the products delivered and/or developed, and

3.agree with the purchaser on the additional action each is to take to address such matters.

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7 7.1

Product data managementCAD requirements

The requirements of the series of standards apply: VW 01059-1, VW 01059-2, VW 01059-3,

VW 01059-3 supplement 1 \"Requirements for CAD/CAM; Process Sequence Specific Layer Assign‐ment\CAD/CAM Data; CAD System CATIA V5 - Terms\CAD/CAM Data; CATIA V5: Electrical Wire Routing\CAD/CAM Data; CAD System CATIA V5; Process Chain Adapter PCA and DMU CATPart\

VW 01059-6 supplement 4 \"Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; CAD System CATIA V5 - CommercialVehicles\" as well as the regulations for CAD-CAM \"CAD data exchange with the VolkswagenGroup\".

Additional Audi-specific Design Engineering guidelines apply to work performed for Audi. These mustbe obtained exclusively from the Design Engineering Information Center at the Audi EngineeringPortal Audi Engineering Portal and implemented without limitation. Particular care shall be taken toensure compliance with the Performance Specifications supplement provided for CATIA V5.The purchaser and the contractor will agree on basic CAD-data-specific conditions prior to the startof the project.

All CAD data (including drawing data) must be verified before transfer and provided in the form usedby the purchaser's CAD system so as not to require any re-working by the purchaser.

If there is a modification in the purchaser's internal CAD system for the product described in theperformance specification during the duration of design or production, the contractor is obligated toperform modifications of available data in the new CAD system and to transfer tested CAD data tothe purchaser without post-processing effort for the purchaser. Migration processes and their extentare to be coordinated with the purchaser as necessary.

A simplified geometry description shall be provided if necessary for unrestricted use in the context ofthe purchaser's interlinked worldwide development processes.Data storage in the KVS

The design data and the 3-D data model must be stored in the KVS in their latest version.

Within the scope of sampling, the latest version of drawings from the KVS will be used. The suppliermust confirm that the components delivered for sampling correspond to the drawings and data versionlast stored in the KVS system.

Suppliers who manufacture as a build-to-print supplier must confirm with the sampling that the com‐ponent was completed as per the available design and data version.

Depending on the KVS access authorization, the supplier must store the above-mentioned data ver‐sion either directly in the KVS or make it available to the responsible design engineer in the KVStemporary file area.7.2

DMU requirements

To ensure the consistent use of DMU, the DMU requirements of the CAD-CAM \"CAD data exchangewith the Volkswagen group\" must be observed.

Additional Audi-specific Design Engineering guidelines apply to work performed for Audi. These areto be obtained exclusively from the Design Engineering Information Center at the Audi EngineeringPage 27

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Portal and implemented without limitation. Particular care shall be taken to ensure compliance withthe Performance Specifications supplement provided for DMUs.7.3

Reference point system and functional dimensions

Every component must be dimensioned according to the reference point system (RPS) specified inVW 01055.

The RPS system must be agreed with the purchaser and checked for compliance with the plannedassembly and/or the planned alignment of the part.

Functional dimensions shall be determined by the contractor with due regard to the overriding re‐quirement of quality, the required function, and the intended installation alignment of the part and/orassembly. The purchaser will adopt these dimensions, use them in performing central functions, anddocument them in a part-specific and/or assembly-specific functional dimensions catalog.7.4

Required contents of drawings

The drawings to be created by the contractor must comply with VW 01014, VW 01050, VW 01052,VW 01054, VW 01055, VW 01058, and the series of Standards numbered VW 01059 ff. as well aswith all other Standards with which compliance is required by the functionality of the product.8 8.1

Environmental compatibilityGeneral requirements

The central environmental challenges of the future, which revolve around climate change, health, andresources, require:

–Reducing CO2 emissions and/or fuel consumption––––

Minimizing of the use of hazardous substances

Minimizing of emissions in the vehicle interior, including odorMinimizing noise emissionsUsing renewable raw materials

Compliance with the requirements of the following documents is required:

–Standard series VW 91100, VW 91101, VW 91101 Supplement 1 \"Environmental Standard for

Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, Operating Fluids; Avoidance of Hazardous Substances; Spe‐cial Requirements of the Volkswagen Group\mental Standard for Vehicles; Requirements for a Processing Concept\mental Standard for Vehicles\"

–General Environmental Specifications Document for New Vehicles and Engine Projects

–Current Environmental Performance Specifications \"General Environmental Performance Spe‐


–In addition, for Audi also LAH 893.060 \"Environmental and Human Compatibility\" of Audi AG


–The relevant project-specific specifications of the purchaser

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8.2 Recycling requirements

The recycling requirements are intended to ensure the purchaser's compliance with the EC directives2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles and 2005/64/EC on type approval of motor vehicles with regardto their reusability, recyclability, and recoverability, as well as with national laws concerning end-of-life vehicles.

Specifically, this means that:

–Materials and weights must be indicated for all components (see also section 9.2 \"Materials


–It is necessary to plan for easy removability of fluids and easy disassembly of components subject

to disassembly.

–Reuse planning concepts according to VW 91102 Supplement 3 must be submitted upon re‐


–The contractor must consider using recycled materials and do so where possible.Details are found in the environmental standards VW 91102 and VW 91102 Supplement 3.8.3

Environmental properties of materials

Compliance with the emission requirements of VW 50179 and VW 50180 is required.

The scope of supply must not, during storage, assembly and use, transmit any gaseous, liquid, orsolid substances that are hazardous or harmful to health.

The scope of supply must not, with proper storage, assembly and under the intended conditions ofuse, transmit any substances in a gaseous, liquid, or solid state that are hazardous or harmful tohealth.

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9 9.1

Materials specification and surfacesMaterial requirements and prohibitions

All materials used must conform to Standard VW 91101

Compliance is mandated with the ban on the use of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and cad‐mium stipulated by EU directive 2000/53/EC, including the current exceptions. Compliance shall alsobe ensured for carry-over parts (COP).

The following applies with regard to lead used in control units and other electrical/electronic applica‐tions:

–Lead-free soldering is required when developing new components or variations of existing com‐

ponents or modules. This also applies to all samples required for testing. This also applies to allsamples required for testing.

–If technical risks are noted during the development process, these must be reported immediately

to the appropriate department.The soldering temperature of BGA components with lead-free balls must be ≥230 °C. Care must betaken regarding a corresponding temperature compatibility of the other components.

The requirements in section 2.10 \"Change management\" apply to all modifications of components,assemblies, or the manufacturing process implemented pursuant to a conversion to \"lead-free.\"Evidence must be provided that lead-free soldering technology has been technologically ensured.9.2

Materials requirements

Regarding environment-related materials requirements see section 8 \"Environmental compatibility\".The materials used shall fulfill the requirements defined by the purchaser, e.g. concerning:–Function–Appearance

–Haptic characteristics–Fatigue limit

–Aging resistance

–Availability until the end of the spare parts supply period–Reproducibility of the processing and machining processCompliance must be documented.

The decision to use a certain material must be made in agreement with the purchaser's appropriatedepartments as follows:

Prior to the specification of substances, materials, joining processes, and manufacturing technolo‐gies, the contractor must evaluate the material and the manufacturing technology in cooperation withthe purchaser's materials testing laboratory.

Materials specification comprises:–the designation of the material,–the composition of the material,

–the determination of materials properties and quantifiable characteristics that are specific to the

point of installation and verifiably present in the finished part,

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––surface treatment, quality and properties,and compliance with applicable Standards.

The materials specification must have already taken place at the presentation of test and sampleparts (compare VDA Volume 6.2 \"QM system audit – services\").

For the type approval of recycling, at least the preliminary material data (that is, weights, materialsand materials classes as per VDA 231-106) for all components and assemblies must be entered intothe data processing systems (KSE and IMDS) before procurement release. The responsibility fordoing this is as follows:–

For parts which are developed by a development supplier and for parts for which the seriessupplier has already been determined, the supplier is obligated to perform the correspondingdata entry into IMDS.

For in-house parts or parts for which a supplier has not yet been determined, the design engineeris obligated to perform the corresponding data entry into KVS.

In all cases the design engineer is obligated to ensure that the material data is present in appropriatequality at the time of procurement release.

For sampling, complete materials information must be entered in the International Material Data Sys‐tem (IMDS) for all components and assemblies as per VW 01155 and updated thereafter in case ofmodifications.

Compliance with the determinations made in the materials specification process shall be verifiedagain upon each and every delivery of test parts and sample parts and recorded in the sample doc‐umentation. This documentation must take the form of a test report and include statements and find‐ings on all aspects of materials specification.9.3

Requirements for weather resistance

The requirements for resistance to open-air weathering in VW 50185 must be met. The purchaserhas sole responsibility for testing and documenting resistance to open-air weathering.9.4

Requirements for electrical components

The choice of materials and surfaces must be consistent with the EMC/ESD requirements (irradiation,radiation) of the assembly. Deviations require the agreement of the purchaser's appropriate depart‐ments and must be documented.

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9.5 Additional general requirements

Parts in the vehicle interior must be highly flame-resistant according to TL 1010 and TL 1011.For all other parts, the flame resistance requirements must be defined in agreement with the pur‐chaser's appropriate departments and in accordance with TL 1010 and TL 1011.

Materials must be selected and tested with respect to their mutual compatibility, taking account of theconditions under which they are installed and used in the vehicle.

Forces from properly used fasteners must not cause damage to the material.

The finished parts must be free of flaws and processing faults, such as flow lines, voids, cracks, orsimilar faults. The requirements of VW 01133 apply to metal finished parts. Sink marks in the vicinityof the rib shoulders and reinforcements are permissible only if they do not impair function and ap‐pearance.

All parts visible when installed must be free of faults, dust, dirt, scratches, etc.

The components must not cause any irritating noises which are untypical for operation when in op‐eration or under driving operation in the functional temperature range. The appropriate departmentof the purchaser will assess performance in the vehicle.9.6

Surface protection, surfaces, edges

Surface protection shall be determined in consultation with the purchaser's appropriate engineeringdepartment.

The surface protection of metallic materials shall preferably be carried out according to VW 13750.Component-specific technical supply specifications (TLs) for surfaces apply to the extent thereof.Surface roughness is governed by VW 13705.

The edges of the component must be designed as specified in VW 01088.

To be taken into consideration in the process is that edges must always be designed so that the riskof injury and shearing or damaging of cables or add-on parts during installation and in operation isavoided.

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9.7 Corrosion protection

There must be no corrosion or paint damage to the vehicle body during the first three years of cus‐tomer use.

There must be no corrosion perforation and no functional impairment due to corrosion in the periodcovered by the corrosion perforation warranty.

Heavy-duty surface protection according to VW 13750 is required for add-on parts in the enginecompartment (engine components, brackets, etc.). There must be no surface corrosion on visiblecomponents during the first 3 years. The next lowest surface protection class according toVW 13750 is permissible for non-visible parts.

The corrosion protection for the suspension system must be such that there are no customer com‐plaints of surface corrosion or rust blooms for a period of 3 years.Further requirements are specified in the BT-LAH.

Fulfillment of these specifications requires process-reliable design and manufacturing. The followingshall be taken into account:

–Design-based corrosion protection that prevents the accumulation of dirt, moisture, etc. and/or

ensures that these substances are passed to the outside of the vehicle body.–Sealing of the interior against humidity intrusion.

–The cutting direction of the metal blanks must be chosen such that the resulting cutting burrs are

not in visible areas or can be covered by a seal in a reliable process.

–Avoidance of contact corrosion between different materials (steel, stainless steel, aluminum,

magnesium, elastomer, etc.) by means of suitable material combinations and coatings.–Avoidance of surface corrosion by means of suitable coatings.–Avoidance of critical crevices (crevice corrosion).

–Avoidance of areas subject to abrasion (stone impact).

–Design of cavities and hollow components so as to be suitable for immersion and flooding treat‐


–Suitability of vehicles and components for the intended painting processes.

–If new materials are used, the basic characteristics, such as stress crack corrosion and filiform

corrosion, must be examined and documented.

–As a rule, all components/assemblies shall be coated with Cr(VI)-free corrosion protection layers.A release from the purchaser's appropriate engineering departments is required with respect to theintended corrosion protection package.

The basis for such release is a dynamic corrosion test of the entire vehicle (EK-4, INKA, or PK-4).Vehicle testing shall be conducted under a variety of environmental conditions (salt fog, damp heat,cold, and dynamic load during vehicle operation).

For evaluation purposes, the vehicle will be dismantled and its condition after the corrosion test willbe documented in detail.

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10 Logistical requirements

The General Logistical Performance Specifications \"Logistical requirements for purposes of theFS/GS process\" apply.11 11.1

Requirements for after-sales and customer serviceAfter-sales service

Maintainability design including proof and documentation is required in accordance with KR 00007,KR 00010, and KR 00020.

Disassembly and assembly of components must be possible without using special tools or gages.The use of special tools requires the approval of the purchaser’s After-Sales Service department.Non-destructive and easy disassembly must be guaranteed throughout the service life of the vehiclefor components with high rates of replacement as well as for high-value components.Chemical screw retention must be avoided.

Identical components made by different sub-contractors must be 100% compatible. An exceptionapplies for designated parts if they are installed solely (100% installation of designated parts). If thecontractor uses both designated parts and its own parts in a component (mixed installation), thecontractor must ensure their mutual compatibility.

For every component and assembly, the contractor must create a disposal plan for workshop wastedisposal in agreement with the purchaser.

Further requirements must be taken from the BT-LAH, and for Audi also from the Audi after-salesservice basic principles requirements LAH.893.020 \"After-sales service basic requirements of AudiAG \".

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11.2 Genuine parts

The contractor is required to ensure the supply of Genuine Parts in accordance with the specificationsdefined by the purchaser, which may be separately agreed upon in individual cases.

The requirements of the Performance Specifications LAH.DUM.000.K \"Performance Specificationsfor genuine parts of Volkswagen AG,\" apply or they apply to the extent individually agreed by theparties in any individual case.

To help ensure long-term customer satisfaction and optimal market exhaustion, account must betaken of the following requirements:

–A diversity of variations must be avoided to the extent possible.

–The contractor must ensure a qualified change service for Genuine Parts documentation. This

documentation must contain technical information, (for example, engineering drawings), infor‐mation on compatibility, and precise information on application.

–The Genuine Parts scope (disassembly level) is defined by the purchaser (cooperatively by the

departments of Genuine Parts, Design Engineering, Quality Assurance and After-Sales Service)in consultation with the contractor.

–If repair is not readily possible using the available individual parts of a module, other repair so‐

lutions must be developed at the same time.

–The contractor must ensure the supply of Genuine Parts for 15 years after the end of production.

The various concepts must be agreed upon between purchaser and contractor.

–For parts quantities for which an exchange program currently exists, reprocessing is to be en‐

sured or coordinated with the purchaser in the individual case.12

Standard parts and multi-use parts

Standard and multi-use parts are to be used for all new projects in accordance with VW 60000 \"VariantReduction for Fasteners; VRV Catalog\".

If the parts spectrum is not yet specified in this catalog, all parts used must be exclusively from theVolkswagen Group Standard Parts Management System (NVS).

For parts with limited release, consultation with the departmental representatives of the purchaser isrequired.

If the purchaser does not provide a 3-D part model of a standard part, the contractor must create acorresponding 3-D part model after consultation with the purchaser's Standards department, whichit must then place in the KVS temporary file area and use.

The requirements specified in VW 60457 apply to mechanical fasteners.

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13 13.1 13.1.1

Requirements for tools and partsTools

Test tools and prototype tools

Test tools and prototype tools must be prepared in agreement with the purchaser prior to manufactureof the production tools and parallel to the design steps described. These tools must be updated inagreement with the purchaser to match the latest configuration if the purchaser so requests.A written order from the purchaser is required for all prototype tools before they are manufactured.This applies as well for any prototype tools for which compensation is not included in the agreed priceif additional payment for such tools is desired.

Using the prototype tools, the contractor must fabricate the test parts and prototype parts requiredby the purchaser. The costs of parts and tools must be specified in the contractor’s price quotationand are subject to negotiation. If required by the purchaser, test tools must be designed in a way thatpermits conclusions to be drawn regarding the design of the production tools.

The incorporation of reasonable single part checks or ASSY checks (such as grid lines) must beagreed with the purchaser's Design Engineering department.

Prototype and pre-production tools shall not be scrapped without the purchaser's written consent andonly after an appropriate period of time has elapsed following the start of production or after the lastparts delivery, at the purchaser's discretion.13.1.2

Ownership of test tools, prototype tools, and production tools

The purchaser holds title to all test and standard-production tools unless the contract otherwise pro‐vides.

Tools owned by the purchaser under the term of the contract must be marked as provided inVW 34022.

Copies of delivery notes that have been signed and completely filled out or copies of other equivalentdocuments (such as joint acceptance protocols) are required in order to invoice test tools and pro‐totype tools.13.1.3

Verification of suitability

Suitability is basically to be verified for production tools which are the property of the purchaser ac‐cording to contract.

Suitability is shown by:

–Disclosure of the tool performance specifications;

–Simulation of the manufacturing process via conventional simulation processes such as for ex‐

ample, Moldflow, Magma, Autoform, Pam-Stamp, etc.The documentation of the simulation must be done in the German or English language.

The obligation to carry out the simulation of the manufacturing process may be canceled in consul‐tation with the purchaser's design engineering or the parts purchasing management where there isa founded objection.

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13.2 Test and prototype parts

Manufacturing, quality check and delivery as specified in the Prototype parts \"Supplier Manual forPrototype Parts\"

If the same contractor supplies prototype parts to different brands, the requirements in the appropriatebrand-specific Appendix to the Supplier Manual for Prototype Parts must be complied with for eachbrand.

The contractor's contractual obligations as a rule include manufacturing and managing the test partsand prototype parts. Unit quantities and delivery deadlines are fixed by the purchaser in the RFQdocuments or at contract award.

Test parts and prototype parts must be manufactured in batches. Batch sizes must be agreed uponwith the purchaser.

A written order from the purchaser is required for all test parts and prototype parts before they aremanufactured.

This applies as well for any test parts or prototype parts for which compensation is not included inthe agreed price if additional payment for such parts is desired.

Components that cannot sustain the stresses required by the specifications and are intended only todemonstrate the design principle, are to be designated with a sticker marked \"Design Principle Sam‐ple\".

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14 Definitions, terms, abbreviations

The following definitions of terms and abbreviations are valid for the application of this Standard:14.1


Volkswagen AG or Volkswagen Group subsidiaryCompany contracted by the purchaserSee VW 99000-4See VW 99000-2

First samples are products manufactured under produc‐tion conditionsSee VW 99000-3See VW 99000-1


Build sample approval (BMG)Procurement releaseFirst sampleDesign releasePlanning release14.2 2-D3-D





Procurement release (German abbreviation)Build sample approval (BMG)Ball grid array

Component Performance Specifications (German abbreviation)Carry-over parts

Project milestone \"Styling Decision (German abbreviation)\"

Project milestone \"Styling Decision/Performance Specifications 1 (Germanabbreviation)\"

Design for Manufacture, Assembly and ServiceabilityDigital mock-up, virtual model

Corrosion test for passenger vehicles, Ehra proving groundsElectromagnetic compatibilityElectrostatic discharge

Failure Mode and Effects AnalysisFailure Modes and Effects AnalysisInternational Material Data System

Corrosion test for passenger vehicles, Neustadt proving groundsDesign release

Design status in KVS

Design Guideline of the Volkswagen Group (German abbreviation)Design master data recording (German abbreviation)

Engineering data management system (German abbreviation)Material Information Sheet System

Standard part administration system (German abbreviation)Zero series (0S)

Product data type (German abbreviation)

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Corrosion test for passenger and commercial vehicles in PhoenixPilot series (German abbreviation)Quality managementReference point systemSimultaneous engineering

Simultaneous engineering teamStart of production

Technical supply specification (German abbreviation)

Technical Guideline for Documentation (German abbreviation)Variant reduction for fasteners

Volkswagen Group in-house StandardAssembly

Applicable documents

The following documents cited in this Standard are necessary to its application.

Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Germanterms in such documents may differ from those used in this Standard, resulting in terminologicalinconsistency.

Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in otherlanguages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.CAD-CAMEnvironmentalPerformanceSpecificationsFormula Q

Formula Q – ConcreteGeneral LogisticalPerformanceSpecificationsKR 00007KR 00010KR 00020LAH.893.020LAH.DUM.000.KLAH 893.060ManualPrototype parts

CAD data exchange with the Volkswagen GroupGeneral Environmental Performance Specifications

Group Procurement Quality Assurance Guidelines: Formula Q – Concrete,– New Parts Integral, – Capability

Group Procurement Quality Assurance GuidelinesLogistical requirements for purposes of the FS/GS process

Design Guideline; Mounting Points for Measuring and Straightening Ve‐hicles

Elevating Mechanism Bracket, Socket-Jack

Design Guideline; Maintainability Design of Vehicles, Modules, Sub-As‐semblies and Components

After-sales service basic requirements of Audi AG

Performance Specifications for genuine parts of Volkswagen AG,Environmental and Human CompatibilityQualification Matrix for Electronic AssembliesSupplier Manual for Prototype Parts

PV 3347QPNTL 1010TL 1011VW 01014VW 01050VW 01052VW 01054VW 01055VW 01057VW 01058VW 01059-1VW 01059-2VW 01059-3VW 01059-3supplement 1VW 01059-4VW 01059-5VW 01059-6VW 01059-6supplement 1VW 01059-6Supplement 2VW 01059-6supplement 3VW 01059-6supplement 4VW 01064VW 01088VW 01110-1VW 01133VW 01155VW 10500

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Cleanliness of Engine Components; Determining Residual Particle Quan‐tities

Formula Q – New Parts Integral: Qualification Program for New Parts;Procedures with Integrated Acceptance of 2-Day Production

Materials for Vehicle Interiors; Burning Behavior; Material RequirementsTesting the flammability of plastics

Engineering Drawings; Drawing Frames and Text MacrosTechnical Drawings; Scales, Lines, Hatching, Break LinesEngineering Drawings; RepresentationsEngineering Drawings; DimensioningReference Point System RPS; Drawings

Statistic Tolerance Calculation of Dimension ChainsEngineering Drawings; Lettering

Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; Representation of Technical Charac‐teristics

Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; Geometrical and Mathematical DataQuality

Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; CAD System CATIA V4 for VehicleParts

Requirements for CAD/CAM; Process Sequence Specific Layer Assign‐ment

Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; Guidelines for the CAD System CATIAV4 in Production

Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; CAD System Pro/ENGINEERRequirements for CAD/CAM Data; CAD System CATIA Version 5Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; CAD System CATIA V5 - TermsRequirements for CAD/CAM Data; CATIA V5: Electrical Wire RoutingRequirements for CAD/CAM Data; CAD System CATIA V5; Process ChainAdapter PCA and DMU CATPart

Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; CAD System CATIA V5 - CommercialVehicles

Assembly Marking; Coding on Vehicle Parts

Workpiece Edges; Definitions, Drawing SpecificationsThreaded Joints; Design and Assembly SpecificationsFlawless Condition of Metallic Surfaces

Vehicle Supply Parts; Approval of First Supply and ChangesCompany Designation, Marking of Parts; Guidelines for Use

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VW 10514VW 10540-1VW 10540-7VW 10550VW 10560VW 13705VW 13750VW 34022VW 50179VW 50180VW 50185VW 60000VW 60457VW 80115VW 80125VW 80160VW 91100VW 91101

VW 91101 Supplement1

VW 91102

VW 91102 Supplement3

VW 91104VW 99000-1VW 99000-2VW 99000-3

VW 99000-4

Logos; Marking of Vehicle PartsManufacturer's Code for Vehicle PartsIdentification of Valve Springs

Country-of-Origin Marking; Vehicle PartsDate Marking; Vehicle Parts

Specification of Surface Texture; Geometrical Product Specifications; En‐gineering Drawings

Surface Protection of Metal Parts; Surface Protection Types, CodesMarking of Tools for Supply Parts; RequirementsEmission Behavior of Components in the Vehicle InteriorComponents in the Passenger Compartment; Emission BehaviorVehicle Parts; Resistance to Open-Air WeatheringVariant Reduction for Fasteners; VRV Catalog

Mechanical Joining Elements; Requirements Profile for Threaded PartsControl Unit Identification by KWP 2000 Services; Version 4.0Diagnosis; Identification of Electronic Vehicle SystemsMarking of Control Units; Version 1.2

Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, OperatingFluids; Policy, Specifications

Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, OperatingFluids; Avoidance of Hazardous Substances

Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, OperatingFluids; Avoidance of Hazardous Substances; Special Requirements of theVolkswagen Group

Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Recycling Requirements, Use ofRecycled Material, Type Approval with Regard to Recyclability

Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Requirements for a Processing Con‐cept

Vehicle Environmental Standard Basics; Technical Inventory Analysis, LifeCycle Inventory Analysis

Overall Requirements for Service Provision within the Framework of Com‐ponent Development; Part 1: Planning Release

Overall Requirements for Service Provision within the Framework of Com‐ponent Development; Part 2: Procurement Release

Overall Requirements for Service Provision within the Framework of Com‐ponent Development; Part 3: Design Release (Audi) and Engineering Re‐lease (VW)

Overall Requirements for Service Provision within the Framework of Com‐ponent Development; Part 4: Technical engineering approval

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DIN 1451-4DIN ISO 10007ISO/IEC 25010

Typefaces; lineal linear-antiqua; stenciled lettering for engraving and otherprocesses

Quality management systems - Guidelines for configuration managementSystems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Re‐quirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - System and software quality mod‐els

Quality management systems - Particular requirements for the applicationof ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant service part or‐ganizations

Material classification in motor vehicle construction - Structure and nomen‐clature

Components of motor vehicles; marking of materialMaturity Level Assurance for New Parts

Inspection of technical cleanliness – particulate contamination of function‐ally relevant automotive componentsQuality Assurance of Supplies

Quality Assurance prior to Serial ApplicationQM system audit

QM system audit – services

Process Description for Special Characteristics

ISO/TS 16949

VDA 231-106VDA 260VDA volumeVDA Volume 19VDA volume 2VDA volume 4VDA volume 6.1VDA Volume 6.2VDA Volume SpecialCharacteristics

The referenced documents valid at the issue date of the performance specifications apply. Deviationshereof shall be agreed upon with the appropriate engineering departments of the purchaser anddocumented in the performance specifications.

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Sources for suppliers:

The documents and free tools of the Volkswagen Group may be retrieved over the B2B supplierplatform (http://www.vwgroupsupply.com) of the Volkswagen Group with an access authorization.Contact via B2B Support or per e-mail: b2bteam@vwgroupsupply.comVDA documents and volumes may be obtained at VDA (http://www.vda.de). The VDA Volume Com‐ponent Performance Specifications at: VDA-QMCDIN-, EN- and ISO documents may be obtained through Beuth-Verlag (http://www.beuth.de).
