

2021-01-27 来源:客趣旅游网
浙江临床医学20]1年12月第l3卷第l2期 ・1337・ CTA早期诊断并手术治疗 破裂脑动脉瘤3 1例报告 陈铮立李建荣王树超李晨昊叶世泰 【摘要】 目的探讨CT血管造影(cTA)诊断脑动脉瘤作开颅手术治疗的可靠性和可行性。方法用多层螺旋cT作血 管成像,发现脑动脉瘤后,明确其部位、形态、大小、瘤颈宽窄、瘤顶指向,以及与载瘤动脉、周围其它血管和颅骨的关系,予以 直接开颅手术治疗。结果31例脑动脉瘤患者CTA后直接手术治疗。CTA发现脑动脉瘤35个,其中前交通动脉瘤12个, 大脑中动脉瘤12个,后交通动脉瘤5个,颈动脉瘤2个,脉络膜前动脉瘤、颈内动脉分叉处、A2起始段和A1段动脉瘤各1 个。5例患者入院时立即行CTA检查,5例在6h内完成,6h~1d 14例,1~3d 2例,4~7d 4例,7d以上1例。CTA后急诊手 术22例。共夹闭动脉瘤30个,孤立1个,载瘤动脉近端夹闭1个。术后随访3个月,疗效优良24例,差3例,死亡4例。结 论CTA具有快速、简便、安全、可靠的优点,头颅普通CT检查疑为动脉瘤破裂,应立即行CTA检查,大多数病例凭CTA可 确诊并可拟定治疗方案,这样可缩短诊断时间和避免因DSA检查对患者的创伤和风险。 【关键词】 脑动脉瘤cT血管造影诊断手术 【Abstract】 Objective To evlauate the feasibility of surgical treatment of cerebrla aneurysm with computerized tomography angiography(CTA)alone.Methods CTA are performed with the spirla CT under the condition of thickness:1.5mm,pitch:1 and reconstruction gap:0.5ram after injection of 100ml Omnipaqu(300mgI/m1)with the speed of2.5—3.0mlZs via cubitus vein. The scan delayed 16 to 18 seconds after the injection.The imagines displayed with the techniques of maximum intensity projection (MIP)and the shaded surface display(SSD)after the data proceeded by computer station were studied both by radiology physician and neurosurgeon.Patients suffered with cerebral aneurysm were treated with craniotomy surgery after CTA along without conventional catheter angiography if the aneurysm,s position,shape,size,neck,tip direction,anatomy relationship with parent artery and with bone stuctrures showed clearly.Results Thitry~one patients were operated on,in which there were 35 aneurysms including 12 anterior communicating arterial aneurysms(ACoA),12 middle cerebral arterial aneurysms(MCA),5 posterior communicating arterial aneurysms(PCoA),2 intracranial carotid arterial aneurysms,1 anterior choroid aneurysm,one A2 aneurysm,one A1 aneurysm and one aneurysm at the furcation of carotid artery.Five patients had CTA immediately at arriving hospital,5 within 6 hours,14 within 6 hours to one day,2 within 1 to 3 days,4 within 4 to 7 days and one beyond 7 days.Twenty —two cases had emergent surgery.Thirty aneurysms were clipped,1 isolated and one aneurysm parent artery occlusion.After 3 months follow up,24 cases achieved good outcome,3 disabilities,and 4 dead.Conclusions CTA has the characters of being quick,simple,safe and reliable.Patients on suspicion of having ruptured cerebral aneurism after cranial CT scan should have CTA soon and most of the cases could have surgical treatment based on CTA alone for saving diagnosis time and avoiding the risks of catheter angiographY. 【Key words】 Intracranial aneurysm CTA Diagnosis Surgery 随着多排新型螺旋CT的问世和计算机成像 技术的日臻完善,CT血管造影(CTA)以其无创、快 年4月经CTA诊断并作开颅手术治疗的31例脑 动脉瘤患者资料,探讨脑动脉瘤应用CTA诊断作 速、简便和相对低廉的价格优势,在诊断脑动脉瘤 中日益显示出优越性。国内1999年起开始应用 CTA诊断脑动脉瘤¨ ,虽然开展时间不长,但发展 很快 “ 。现总结分析本院1999年6月至2011 开颅手术治疗的可靠性和可行性。 1资料与方法 1.1对象—本组31例,男20例,女11例,年龄36 74岁,平均53.0岁。其中30例有动脉瘤突然 作者单位:310004浙江杭州解放军第1 17医院神经外科 破裂出血的临床表现,1例表现为反复头晕;偏瘫 浙江临床医学2011年12月第13卷第12期 ・1339・ 有无动脉瘤,但MIP为二维图像,难以显示动脉瘤 与载瘤动脉的空间位置关系。SSD以三维的方式 显示动脉瘤的空间解剖关系,形态细腻逼真,可做 术前模拟,缺点是成像速度较慢,要注意选取适当 的阈值,以避免形态失真。VR可提供更为清晰的 血管问空间关系和不同的组织构筑。神经外科手 动脉搭桥手术,或疑为夹层动脉瘤时,仍需行DSA 检查,准备充分后手术治疗。 参考文献 1陈铮立,潘功茂,蔡学见,等.CT血管造影诊断破裂脑动脉瘤.中 华神经外科杂志,2007,23(6):418~420. 术医师与放射科医师一起判读CTA图像,作大块 切割编辑,从俯视位、前后位、侧位依次对动脉逐 条观察,思维跟随图像旋转,可防止迷失空间方 位。CTA显示动脉瘤的部位、形态、大小、瘤颈宽 2舒航,李昭杰,陈光忠,等.3D—CTA容积重建在诊断颅内动脉瘤 中的临床应用.中华神经外科杂志,2007,23(6):411~413. 3史继新.关于DSA、CTA在颅内动脉瘤诊断和治疗中的价值.中 华神经外科杂志,2007,23(6):401~402. 4王义荣,方兵,朱先理,等.CT血管造影指导颅内破裂动脉瘤超早 期手术.中华神经外科杂志,2007,23(6):407—410. 5 Heisennan JE,Dean BL,Hodak JA,et a1.Neurological eompliea— lions of cerebral angiography.AJNR,1994,15:1401~1411. 6 Saitoh H,Hayakawa K,Nishimura K,et a1.Rupture of cerebral an— eurysms during angiography.AJNR,1995,16:539~542. 窄、瘤顶指向,以及与载瘤动脉、周围其它血管和 颅骨的关系明确,这对术前评估和手术策划提供 了依据。 本组3l例患者经CTA检查,发现共35个动 脉瘤,其中4例有2个脑动脉瘤,术中探查结果与 CTA显示一致。不少学者认为,不需DSA检查, CTA就能为动脉瘤的外科治疗提供良好的依 据l8 J,Matsumoto等 。。提出几乎所有破裂的动脉 瘤仅需CTA检查便可直接手术。国内亦已有多家 医院在开展CTA诊断脑动脉瘤的同时,积极探索 根据CTA施行手术的诊治新流程,并取得良好疗 效_lI3I4 J。随着新型多排螺旋cT的问世和图像重 建软件的Et臻完善,CTA将以其更短的扫描时间、 7 Ande ̄on GB,Findlay JM,Steinke DE.Experience with computed tomographie angiography for the detection of intraeranial aneurysms in the setting of acute subarachnoid hemorrhage.Neurosurgery,1997, 41:522~528. 8 Gonzalez—Darder JM,Pesudo—Martinez JV,Feliu—Tatay RA.Mi— crosurgieal management of cerebral aneurysms based in CT angiogra- phy with three—dimensional reconstraction(3D—CTA)and without preoperative angiography.Acta Neurochi,2001,143(7):763~679. 9 Pechlivanis I,Sehmieder K,Schoh M,et a1.3一Dimensional con puted tomographie angiography for use of surgery planning in patients 更清晰的图像质量,逐步替代DSA检查,已成为急 诊对脑动脉瘤破裂的首选检查方法 II J。随着 CTA检查病例数的增加和经验的积累,本院已将 CTA用于颅内动脉瘤术后随访,并且作为急性自 发性颅内出血原因的筛排首选检查方法。作者认 为,当头颅普通CT检查疑为动脉瘤破裂导致的 SAH时,应立即行CTA检查,大部分病例仅凭CTA 就可确诊并拟定治疗方案。这样,与DSA检查比 with intraerniala anrurysms.Acta Neurochi(Wien),2005,147(10): 1045~1053. 10 Matsumoto M,Sato M,Nakano M,et 1.Three—diamensional eom— puterized tomography angiography—guided surgery of acute ruptured cerebral aneurysms.J Neurosurg,2001,93(5):718—727. 1 1 Velthuis BK,Leeuwen MS,Witkamp TD,et a1.Computerized tomography angiography in patients with subaraehnoid hemorrhage: from aneurysm detection to treatment without conventional angiogra- phy.J Neurosurg,1999,91:761~767. 12 Villablanca JP,Hooshi P,Matin N,et a1.Three dimensional heli— cal computerized tomography angiography in the diagnosis,charac- terization,and management of middle cerebra artery aneurysms: comparison with conventional angiography and intraoperative find— 较可缩短诊断时间,及时手术治疗,同时也可减少 DSA检查对患者造成创伤及带来的风险。但CTA 检查提示为微小的芽孢样动脉瘤,或瘤体较大、结 构复杂需要了解颅脑侧支循环状况以便行颅内外 ings.J Neurosurg,2002,94:1322~1332. 欢迎订阅《浙江临床医学》! 
