19.5-21.5 GHz Passive Upconverter
Microwave GmbH
General Description
The HX8002 is an passive double balanced mixer from which can be used as an downconverter in the frequency range from 19.5 to 21.5GHz.
It comes in a hermetically sealed package with SMA and K connectors.
Electrical Performance
Typical Data @25 °C
Frequency Range, RF Frequency Range, LO Frequency Range, IF Conversion Loss LO Power RF/LO/IF Isolation Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Connectors Package Size
Rev. 1.0
Min 20.5 0.9 10 20 -10 -30
Typ 19.5 9 13
K-f (LO), SMA-f (IF), K-f (RF)
M204 18 x 18 x 8
Max 21.5 1.6 11 15 +55 +70
Units GHz GHz GHz dB dBm dB °C °C mm
HBH Microwave GmbH, Helmholtzstr 9, 76297 Stutensee, Germany Phone +49-7244-6098490
Internet: http://www.hbhmw.com Email: info@hbhmw.com
Fax +49-7244-6098489 Date: 02/10/2003