“自学—互学—展学—评学”教学的基本模式为:教师启动—学生自学—组内互学—组际展学—师生评学. 一、教师启动 教师从学生实际和教学要求出发,在讲授新课前对学生作适当的引导,向学生介绍一下有关背景知识并提出教学要求,扫清学习新知识的障碍,为学习新课提供丰富的感性材料.如在进行八年级上册Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? Section C教学之前,先问如下几个问题: 1.Do you like reading stories ? 2.Which kind of story do you like best ? A.Snow White B.the Little Match Girl C.Black Cat Sir D.Ma Liang and His Magic Brush 3. Let’s enjoy a story. 这样,使全体学生进入良好的准备状态,激发了他们的学习兴趣,从而产生一种探求知识的渴望. 二、学生自学 在新授课伊始,教师要向学生提出本课的学习目标和任务,再由学生独立自学,让其自己去发现问题、研究问题、探寻知识,为组内互学做好准备. 例如,Unit 3 Our Hobbies,Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? Section C一课的学习目标和自学任务为: (一)Read 1a on page75,then answer the following questions. 1.When did the story happen? 2.What did the poor girl sell? 3.Did the girl have a big Christmas meal? (二)Listen and read the story, then underline the phrases below and guess their meanings in a low voice. Pass by;fall down;be afraid to do;warm sb up;a fourth match;hold sb in one’s arms. (三)Read 1a again and complete the following sentences. Time:It was snowy and dark . Place:A poor girl was walking . Weather:The wind strongly and the snow
on her long hair. (四)What the little girl did: 1.The little girl was selling in the streets. 2.She___any matches, and she felt and
. 3.She lighted matches and saw a warm ,a delicious ,a beautiful
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and her kind . 4.She
against the wall the next morning and was
. (五)Read again and write the key words for each picture. Then rewrite the story. 三、组内互学 在学生自学、初步感知的基础上,小组内展开互动互学.小组一般由6人(优等生1人,中等生4人,后进生1人)程度各异的学生组成.各小组的成员汇报自学情况,主要回答本课的学习目标和自学目标;小组长把各组员在自学中遇到的问题总结起来,大家一起思考、讨论;最后,各小组长把组内不能解决的问题归纳起来,以便在组际交流.如有的小组提出:be afraid to do与be afraid of有何区别,它们能替换吗?为什么使用a fourth match,而不用the fourth match等问题. 四、组际展学 在组内互学后,进行组际展学,也就是全班同学一起交流,教师先让讨论得比较成熟的小组代表发言,汇报该组对知识的理解程度,其他各组作出补充、质疑和评价,再由各组提出本组的疑难问题,组际之间进行讨论、解答.如在本课,学生经过一阵激烈的讨论后,明白了be afraid to do与be afraid of、a fourth match与the fourth match的区别与用法;各组通过对上述目标(五)“Read again and write the key words. Then rewrite the story”的结果进行展示,使学生学用英语的效率得到提高,也对课文的内容有了更深刻的理解. 五、师生评学 在组际展学后,师生根据各个小组的表现进行全面、客观、准确的评价,以激励学生学习热情,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和团队协作的精神. “自学—互学—展学—评学”教学模式,体现了“先学后导、互助展评”,学生学用语言的时间和空间更为广阔;师生关系更加民主和谐,学生主体作用发挥得更充分,课堂气氛更活跃,学生学习兴趣更浓厚;重、难点知识得以落实到位,知识与能力目标得以有效达成;不同层次的学生都学有所得.编辑 白文娟