真题回放:Nowadays, most countries improve the standard of livingthrough economic development, but some social values are lost as a result.Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
第一段:It is undeniable that rapid economic development would lead tosome side effects including the loss of social values. However, theseproblems cannot cover the outstanding achievements.As far as I amconcerned, advantages of economic development and its disadvantages willcoexist for a long time.首段通常都是介绍背景,给出自己观点。
In almost every nation of the world, economic progress is the basis. Forinstance, due to its powerful economy and the high living standard of thepeople , the citizens of United States could have high level of social welfareand they enjoy free medical care and free education. Even the poorest peoplein the States could get the social insurance, which ensures their impossibilityto get starved. Take China as another example. During the years of socialreform, the manufacturing industry has been improved a lot and theinternational trade in China was vigorous. Most multinational companies areinvesting in the country so that the citizens in China would have moreopportunities to get a good job and their living standards would be higher.
On the other hand,with the rapid development of economy,the socialvalues are losing day by day. Especially in some developing countries, somesevere situations would occur. For example, in some Asian countries, theproblem of illegal prostitutes is becoming more serious,which would meetthe needs of some businessmen. Other social values have been lost as well.For instance, in the business world, the colleagues are not cooperative asbefore; instead the competition makes them to be enemies. As a result, therelationship of the people in the society is much worse than that in the past.Money-oriented society is a formidable thing. And the consequence of that ismore than the loss of social values.
Economic development is the tide of our times. It cannot be reversed andmost people welcome this trend. But meanwhile we are still the victims ofthat. As to the advantages and disadvantages of economic development, Iwould say they are almost equal and it is a sociology question and more workshould be done to get the answer
雅思(IELTS)考试 更新:2010-2-25 编辑:lo7ely
Many countries aim to improve living standard by economicdevelopment, but some important social values are lost as a result. Do youthink the advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages? It is definitely true that economic development would lead to some by-products including the loss of social values but these problems cannot coverthe outstanding achievements. I think advantages of economic developmentand disadvantages of that will coexist for a long time.
Economic progress is the basis of all the nations in the world. UnitedStates is the most advanced country and the living standard of the people inthat country is very high. The citizens could have high level of social welfareand they enjoy free medical care and free education. Even the poorest peoplein the States could get the social insurance, which ensures their impossibilityto get starved. Take China as another example. During the years of socialreform, the manufacturing industry has been improved a lot and the
international trade in China was vigorous. Most multinational companies areinvesting in the country so that the citizens in China would have moreopportunities to get a good job and their living standards would be higher. But one thing we could not ignore is that the social values are losing dayby day. Especially in some developing countries, as they are developingeconomy, some severe situations would occur. For example, in some Asiancountries, more and more illegal prostitutes appear, which would cater to theneeds of some businessmen, who would use sex as a means of negotiation. Insome developed countries, the same thing happened again. Tiger Woods is atypical example. He is a wealthy guy, but he is not loyal to his wife and hehad the affairs with the lots of women. The other examples could be found inNBA even in the political world. Bill Clinton, the former president of theUnited State, came across the similar problem. So we could get the idea thateconomic accumulation would cause to people to seek other undesirableexcuse to obtain satisfaction. Step by step, the values could collapse. Othersocial values have been lost as well. For instance, in the business world, thecolleagues are not cooperative as before; instead the competition makes themto be enemies. As a result, the relationship of the people in the society ismuch worse than that in the past. Money-oriented society is a formidablething. And the consequence of that is more than the loss of social values.
The trend of economic development cannot be reversed and most peoplewelcome it much. And disadvantages of economic development, I would saythey are almost equal and it is a sociological question and more work shouldbe done to access the answer.
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