Monolithic Linear IC
Audio Output for TV application
5W Monaural Power Amplifier
LA42031 is 5W monaural AF power amplifier intended for televisions.
• 3W Monaural (VCC = 9V, RL = 8Ω, THD = 10%). • 5W Monaural (VCC = 11V, RL = 8Ω, THD = 10%). • Built-in standby function. • Built-in mute function.
• Built-in various protection circuit (short to VCC/short to groumd/load shorting/overheating).
Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C
Parameter Symbol Maximum supply voltage Allowable power dissipation Maximum junction temperature Thermal resistance Operating temperature Storage temperature
VCC max No signal Pd max Tj max
Infinitely large heat sink
Ratings 16151503
-25 to +75-40 to +150
Unit V W °C °C/W °C °C
θjc Topr Tstg
Operating Conditions at Ta = 25°C
Parameter Symbol Recommended supply voltage Recommended load resistance Allowable operating supply voltage range
Ratings 98
5.5 to 15
Unit V Ω V
AnyandallSANYOSemiconductorCo.,Ltd.productsdescribedorcontainedhereinare,withregardto\"standardapplication\intendedfortheuseasgeneralelectronicsequipment(homeappliances,AVequipment,communicationdevice,officeequipment,industrialequipmentetc.).Theproductsmentionedhereinshallnotbeintendedforuseforany\"specialapplication\"(medicalequipmentwhosepurposeistosustainlife,aerospaceinstrument,nuclearcontroldevice,burningappliances,transportationmachine,trafficsignalsystem,safetyequipmentetc.)thatshallrequireextremelyhighlevelofreliabilityandcandirectlythreatenhumanlivesincaseoffailureormalfunctionoftheproductormaycauseharmtohumanbodies,norshalltheygrantanyguaranteethereof.Ifyoushouldintendtouseourproductsforapplicationsoutsidethestandardapplicationsofourcustomerwhoisconsideringsuchuseand/oroutsidethescopeofourintendedstandardapplications,pleaseconsultwithuspriortotheintendeduse.Ifthereisnoconsultationorinquirybeforetheintendeduse,ourcustomershallbesolelyresponsiblefortheuse.SpecificationsofanyandallSANYOSemiconductorCo.,Ltd.productsdescribedorcontainedhereinstipulatetheperformance,characteristics,andfunctionsofthedescribedproductsintheindependentstate,andarenotguaranteesoftheperformance,characteristics,andfunctionsofthedescribedproductsasmountedinthecustomer'sproductsorequipment.Toverifysymptomsandstatesthatcannotbeevaluatedinanindependentdevice,thecustomershouldalwaysevaluateandtestdevicesmountedinthecustomer'sproductsorequipment.40407 MS PC 20060404-S00009 No.A0394-1/7
Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, VCC = 9V, RL = 8Ω, f = 1kHz, Rg = 600Ω
Parameter Symbol Standby current Quiescent current Output power
Amplifier OFF Rg = 0, RL = OPEN THD = 10%
min typ max 0 45 3 5 0.06
35 0.2
50 90 30
μA mA W W % dB mVrmsdB dB V V V V kΩ
PO2 VCC = 11V, THD = 10%
Total harmonic distortion Voltage gain Output noise voltage Ripple rejection ratio Mute attenuation value Mute control voltage (pin 6)
PO = 1W VO = 0dBm
Rg = 0, BPF = 20Hz to 20kHz Rg = 0, fR = 100Hz, VCCR = 0dBm VO = 1Vrms, BPF = 20Hz to 20kHz Mute ON *1 Mute OFF
Standby control voltage (pin 5)
Amplifier ON *1 Amplifier OFF
Input resistance
*1 : Note that the STANDBY pin (pin 5) and MUTE pin (pin 6) incorporate the anti-static diode and that decrease of the VCC 7 pin potential below that of pin 5/6
causes the current to flow through the diode.
Package Dimensions
unit : mm (typ) 3107B C0.73.418Pd max -- TaInfinitely large heat sink1525.6(10.0)( 2.0)2.4Allowable power dissipation, Pd max–W1614121086420--203.0 min100×100×1.5mm311.7θjc=3ºC/W11.2(11.8)15.4max(13.9)50×50×1.5mm35. min113No heat sink0204060801001201401600.41.2Ambient temperature, Ta–˚CSANYO :SIP13HNo.A0394-2/7
Block Diagram
Standby5VCC7MUTE6VCC/ground shorting protection circuitLoad shorting protection circuitThermal protection circuitPREGND3PWR10GND8IN4Ri=30kΩInput amplifierOutput amplifier9+OUT2-OUT21RippleFilterTest Circuit
C4C3C2+ 1000μF10μF47μF/16V/10VRL /16VC1C6C54.7μF*++ R10.1μF0.1μF/10V15kΩ R4R52.2Ω2.2Ω
* LA42031 employs the zero-bias type input circuit, with the input pin potential being nearly zero (about 0.01V).
Accordingly, the polarity must be determined according to the DC potential of a circuit connected to the previous stage of LA42031.
External Components
: The input coupling capacitors, for which 4.7μF or less is recommended. LA42031 employs the zero-bias type input circuit, with the input pin potential being nearly zero (about 0.01V). Accordingly, the polarity must be determined according to the DC potential of a circuit connected to the previous stage of LA42031.
C2 : Capacitor for starting time of the ripple filter and amplifier, for which 47μF is recommended. C3, R1 : Capacitor and resistor for mute. C3 is necessary even when the mute function is not used. C4 : Power capacitor.
C5, C6 : Capacitor and resistor for oscillation prevention. For C5, C6, the polyester film capacitor with superior R2, R3 temperature characteristics (Mylar capacitor) is recommended. Use R2, R3 of 2.2Ω along with the capacitor.
1. Mute function (pin 6)
With the pin 6 voltage of 1.7V (minimum) or more, the mute function is turned ON. Set the VM application voltage so that the pin 6 voltage becomes. 1.7V or more.
The mute time constant is determined by R1 and C3. Determine the constant after careful review because it is related to the pop sound at mute ON/OFF.
C3 is necessary even when the mute function is not used because it is related to the pop sound when the amplifier is turned ON.
Mute Note that the MUTE pin (pin 6) incorporates the anti-static diodo and that decrease of the VCC pin 7 potential below that of
VCCpin 6 causes the current to flow through the diode.
R12kΩ VM6
C3+20kΩ 2kΩ10μF
2. Standby function (pin 5)
The amplifier is turned ON when the voltage of 2.5V (minimum) or more is applied to pin 5.
Standby Pin 5 control voltage
Pin 5 voltage 0 to 0.5 2.5 to 15
Amplifier OFF ON
Standby ON OFF
RSTBTo suppress the inrush current to pin 5 when the VSTB 15kΩV5Sapplication voltage is high, insert the control resistor (RSTB).
30kΩ1.5kΩExample : Tosuppress the pin 5 inrush current to 500μA or less
Applied voltage (VSTB) -2VBE (About 1.4V)
RSTB = -15kΩ
Note that the standby pin (pin 5) incorporates the anti-electrostatic diode, allowing the cu orrent to flow through the diode when the potential of VCC pin 7 decreases below that of pin 5.
Cautions for us
1. Short-circuit (power-output short-circuit), ground fault (GND-output short-circuit), and load short-circuit protective circuits are incorporated. They are activated in case of abnormal connection.
These circuits remain active while such abnormal connection continues and is reset automatically when the abnormality is removed.
In certain conditions, the protective circuits may be locked and continue to be active even when the abnormality is removed. In this case, either enter the standby mode or turn OFF the power supply.
2. The thermal protection circuit is incorporated and is activated when the junction temperature (Tj) rises to about 160°C or more. The output is controlled to return gradually to the attenuated state.
3. When the product is used near the maximum rating, even the slightest change in the condition may cause exceeding of the maximum rating, resulting possibly in breakdown. Take the sufficient margin for the supply voltage, etc. and always use the product within a range never exceeding the maximum rating.
60ICCO – VCCRL = openRg = 0ΩOutput power, PO–W12PO – VCCRg = 600Ωf = 1kHzTHD = 10%Quiescent current, ICCO–A501040830620410200246810121416046810121416Supply voltage, VCC–V1.575320.175320.175320.010.123571235710THD – POSupply voltage, VCC–V1.575320.175320.175320.0110235710023571k235710k2357100kTHD – fTotal harmonic distortion, THD–%10kHz100Hz1kHzOutput power, PO–W2Total harmonic distortion, THD–%VCC = 9VRL = 8ΩRg = 600ΩVCC = 9VRL = 8ΩRg = 600ΩPO = 1WFrequency, f–Hz0.4Response – fVNO – RgVCC = 9VRL = 8ΩDIN AUDIO0Output noise voltage, VNO–mVrms23571k235710k2357100k0.3Response–dB– 2– 40.2– 6– 8– 10VCC = 14VRL = 8ΩRg = 600ΩVO = 0dBm23571000.110010023571k235710k2357100kFrequency, f–Hz0Resistance for signal generation, Rg–ΩVCC = 9VRL = 8ΩDIN AUDIO0Mute Pin – ATTRipple rejection ratio, SVRR–dBSVRR – VCCRL = 8ΩRg = 0fr = 100HzVR = 0dBmCVCC = 0.1μFMute attenuation value, Mute ATT–dB– 10– 20– 20– 30– 40– 50– 60– 70– 40– 60– 80– 1000. contorol voltage, Vmute–VSupply voltage, VCC–VNo.A0394-6/7
0SVRR – frRipple rejection ratio, SVRR–dBRipple rejection ratio, SVRR–dB– 10– 20– 30– 40– 50– 60– 70VCC = 9VRL = 8ΩRg = 0VR = 0dBmCVCC = 0.1μF0– 10SVRR – VCCRVCC = 9VSVRR = 20log (VO/VCCR)RL = 8ΩRg = 0fR = 100HzCVCC = 0.1μF– 20– 30– 40– 50– 60– 700
10235710023571k235710k2357100k0. frequency, fr–Hz5Allowable power dissipation, Pd–WVCC = 9VRg = 600Ωf = 1kHzPd – POVCCR–Vrms432100.12357Output power, PO–W1235710SANYOSemiconductorCo.,Ltd.assumesnoresponsibilityforequipmentfailuresthatresultfromusingproductsatvaluesthatexceed,evenmomentarily,ratedvalues(suchasmaximumratings,operatingconditionranges,orotherparameters)listedinproductsspecificationsofanyandallSANYOSemiconductorCo.,Ltd.productsdescribedorcontainedherein.SANYOSemiconductorCo.,Ltd.strivestosupplyhigh-qualityhigh-reliabilityproducts,however,anyandallsemiconductorproductsfailormalfunctionwithsomeprobability.Itispossiblethattheseprobabilisticfailuresormalfunctioncouldgiverisetoaccidentsoreventsthatcouldendangerhumanlives,troublethatcouldgiverisetosmokeorfire,oraccidentsthatcouldcausedamagetootherproperty.Whendesigningequipment,adoptsafetymeasuressothatthesekindsofaccidentsoreventscannotoccur.Suchmeasuresincludebutarenotlimitedtoprotectivecircuitsanderrorpreventioncircuitsforsafedesign,redundantdesign,andstructuraldesign.IntheeventthatanyorallSANYOSemiconductorCo.,Ltd.productsdescribedorcontainedhereinarecontrolledunderanyofapplicablelocalexportcontrollawsandregulations,suchproductsmayrequiretheexportlicensefromtheauthoritiesconcernedinaccordancewiththeabovelaw.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopyingandrecording,oranyinformationstorageorretrievalsystem,orotherwise,withoutthepriorwrittenconsentofSANYOSemiconductorCo.,Ltd.Anyandallinformationdescribedorcontainedhereinaresubjecttochangewithoutnoticeduetoproduct/technologyimprovement,etc.Whendesigningequipment,refertothe\"DeliverySpecification\"fortheSANYOSemiconductorCo.,Ltd.productthatyouintendtouse.Information(includingcircuitdiagramsandcircuitparameters)hereinisforexampleonly;itisnotguaranteedforvolumeproduction.Uponusingthetechnicalinformationorproductsdescribedherein,neitherwarrantynorlicenseshallbegrantedwithregardtointellectualpropertyrightsoranyotherrightsofSANYOSemiconductorCo.,Ltd.oranythirdparty.SANYOSemiconductorCo.,Ltd.shallnotbeliableforanyclaimorsuitswithregardtoathirdparty'sintellctualpropertyrightswhichhasresultedfromtheuseofthetechnicalinformationandproductsmentionedabove.This catalog provides information as of April, 2007. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
PS No.A0394-7/7