

2021-08-19 来源:客趣旅游网

  Long ago there was a chess master named qiu whose chess skills weresuperlative。

  Qiu had two students who studied chess with him, one student studied withconcentrated focus and energy。 The other, however, wasn’t like that, he thoughtstudying chess was very easy, and there was no need to take it seriously。 Whenthe teacher was explaining, although the [the student] sat there, his eyesseemed to be on the chess pieces, he was actually thinking: “if i go to thecountryside right now and shoot a goose, I’ll have a lovely dinner。” Because hewas always indulging in flights of fancy and absent-mindedness, nothing theteacher said ever sunk in。

  As a result, although the two students studied were taught at the same timeby the same master, one improved quickly and became a superior chess player,while the other never learned much at all。



